T.L. Davis: Another Day Will Come

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An effort, as we have seen in the 2020 election, to manufacture illegal votes, destroy legal votes and intimidate or discourage voters from voting (such as prematurely calling an important state while voting is ongoing in that state) is the same as reducing thousands, perhaps millions of individuals to oblivion, changing the course of the nation and foisting upon it an illegitimate trajectory.

In the case of the 2020 election, this amounts to a change from a constitutional republic to a form of democratic communism as the communist agenda was openly proffered by the Democrat candidate. Proof of this was immediate calls for holding Republicans accountable for their support of the Republican Party’s candidate. Joe Biden had barely taken the lead in the race when this began. They wanted lists of so-called “enablers” of Donald Trump and his administration for the purposes of sanctioning them in one way or another. Further statements included identifying these supporters as people who should be denied any of the fruits of the nation, including employment. This was done by those responsible for reporting “news.” 

The panic exhibited by the left when it appeared that Trump was going to win the presidential election by a fair margin forced them to pull out all of the stops and become careless and desperate. They used every means of forgery and falsification as a means to usher in the communist agenda with Joe Biden as the titular head, soon to be replaced by someone more dedicated to the communist agenda. 

The point of this rather long and bland statement of our system of government is to support the final conclusions. 

The election of Joe Biden is more than a simple election, it is the determination of a system of government. Wily infiltration of communists at all levels of government and communistic principles of government have replaced those of the republic over several decades. The final overthrow of the republic could now be accomplished without much change in traditional governance. The Covid Pandemic illustrated the ease with which this could be perpetrated on the American people who had been conditioned to accept communism if it came from their governor or their mayor who it was assumed were legally and properly elected. The American people are conditioned to believe that if someone is voted into public office they have the legal authority of the people to act. Which means, to counter an elected official is tantamount to violating the principles of the republic. 

The larger and more pertinent point is that even if the vote was legal and no vote fraud had taken place, the institution of a communist government that sought to violate all of the rights and legal standing of its citizens would still be an act of treason. That it would be instituted through fraud only makes resistance to the act more socially acceptable. To put it plainly, patriots to the republic have every right to rise up against a legally installed communist regime, but to rise up against a fraudulently installed communist regime is more palatable to the average citizen who will be little more than an onlooker to the battle that must be waged. It is simply the difference between being misunderstood and denied comfort by those who refuse to fight and being understood and offered comfort from those who refuse to fight. It’s a big difference in the conditions of the battlefield that will necessarily require at least the sympathy of a good many citizens on the periphery. 

The duty of the patriot to stand up against a regime that would use the awesome power of the United States for no other purpose than to subjugate its citizens, confiscate their property and bring them all under the weight of the several governments over them is absolute. If the fraudulent election is exposed and Joe Biden never sees victory, it does not erase the seventy million Americans who sought the subjugation of the other seventy million who voted against it, namely, the reader.  The clear understanding that Joe Biden is corrupt and owing largely to communist China for his seeming election, this should be all the more reason to inspire the duty of the patriot. 

No election will secure the rights of the people. That option has been lost at the state, county and city level. The rights of the people might be lost by election, but only insofar as patriots stand by unmoved by the fact. Should the republic continue in roughly the same state as it is today, another day with the weight of the government behind it will present itself as this day has. There is no avoiding the ultimate conflict, except surrender.  

This is the choice before the people of the United States, the patriots who believe in individual rights, freedom and the right to pursue prosperity for themselves and their posterity. Another day will come. The best advice, if war is averted, is to dig deep into local government and root out the communist policies burrowed deep within the system. It would be a hard fought victory to reverse it now, so many are blind to the communism within these offices. It would literally be better for Joe Biden to win and set in motion a rebellion to match that of the 18th Century. It would be easier to build in new processes from a ruin than to try and change what people think of as traditional governance. 

If war cannot be averted, go at it with gusto. It is our time. It is our duty.  We are the last vestiges of freedom on the planet. We are hated and feared by every totalitarian regime in power. The power of the American fighting man has not been wholly unleashed in nearly a century. It’s time. 

Read the Whole Article Here…

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4 years ago

I agree, it is time to return to a Representative Republic form of governance.

4 years ago

“The duty of the patriot to stand up against a regime that would use the awesome power of the United States for no other purpose than to subjugate its citizens, confiscate their property and bring them all under the weight of the several governments over them is absolute.”

The so-called patriots failed to do this for the unborn, the economy, education, food (GMOs, Roundup, glyphosate), as regards Big Pharma; the inherent dangers of many allopathic/synthetic drugs, lack of information to the public, witholding natural cures, and so forth.

This is the problem with a republic form of government. If you lose it (and it has been lost) returning to it is implausuble, because it’s a matter of “if you can keep it”, which implies an active, aware and knowledgeable public, through education and a matter of practice. This is in part, where the class issue factors in, as it is seen that only when people of certain groups, rather linked by gun ownership, economic status (financial and material holdings) domestic concerns/priorities, sports, such as football, basketball, baseball; the markings on the field are also reportedly freemasonic) and so forth, get affected, is when it seems they want to use their so-called constitututional rights, and call on others to do the same, all the while after many other individuals, demographics and people groups have been diminished. This is too contradictory for many and why they will not act, and hence, largely a non-starter.

“No election will secure the rights of the people. That option has been lost at the state, county and city level. The rights of the people might be lost by election”

Many individuals choose not to vote (and have found it redundant on a number of levels), and are often called lazy, apathetic, or other. This demographic may be among the most responsible in many respects. There is also not liking or wanting either candidate for office.

4 years ago

We’re taking this shit back. Lace up your boots, prep your stuff. Here we go boys, nut up or shut up.