T.L. Davis – Dangerous Things

Dangerous Things
The idea of a Civil War II has been around for a long
time, the first I had thought of it as something other than a casual
rumination was from Billy Beck quoted at Western Rifle Shooters
Association who said: “All politics in this country now is just
dress rehearsal for civil war.” That was in 2009. Dress rehearsal is
nearly over, some will say it is over, I’m one. This is no longer a
question of will this nation hang together, it is actually time to
start figuring out how to take it apart, peacefully, but the left will
never stand for that. They are the ones who have been driving the
civil war bus for decades, maybe a century or more when they
became enamored with the idea of total control. Now that total
control is possible with tracking devices on phones, the ability to
remotely turn microphones and cameras on, on any smart device
at any time, facial recognition, cameras on highways to track
vehicles across country it is possible to watch every move a
person makes. Okay, there’s an argument for the massive
undertaking that would be, an enormous capacity for data storage,
but the point is, if it can be done, it will be done. Why? Don’t
know, don’t care. The government can use it like a technological
whack-a-mole, if someone sticks their head up, challenges
anything the government does, it can and, I believe, will do it.
Why, because they are communists and that’s what they
do. Why did Beto O’Rourke say: “Hell yes, we’re (meaning any
Democrat that gets elected as the next president) gonna take your
AR-15’s (meaning guns, all guns)?” Because he is a communist
and that’s what commies do. There should be a series of T-shirts
if the Republicans were serious about challenging the communist
ideology (which they are not). They would have a picture of
whoever and it would read like this: “Hell yes, we’re gonna take
your guns; it’s what commies do.” “Hell yes, we’re gonna kill
your babies; it’s what commies do.” “Hell yes, we’re gonna rape
your children; it’s what commies do.” “Hell yes, we’re gonna
drive you into poverty: it’s what commies do.” On and on. This
is who the Democrats have become and yes, if that’s their intent,
there is going to be a civil war.
So, the next Democrat to get elected will proceed along
the communist agenda and don’t think you’re safe voting for a
Republican, they have already shown they are too cowardly and
too limp on principles to be entrusted with power either. That is
the real issue at hand here, anyway. The entire government from
town council to the U.S. Senate is too irresponsible to be
entrusted with power. They have all bought into the “people are
subjects to be ruled, because they are too stupid to govern their
own lives” policy taught in the Woodrow Wilson school of
If you believe in that, fine, I’m not trying to run your
life. Take all your money and give it to the nearest tax agency,
don’t forget your guns and your children.
So, yes, I am saying that it is time (way past it for my
taste) to start doing the dangerous things, the things that might get
you put in jail or prison, because freedom has been outlawed. I’m
not saying to do something criminal, you won’t have to, not being
a subservient milquetoast is a crime in a Soviet-style, gulag
driven, communist state. If you have not been arrested, or
bankrupted for being an American, yet, you’re not doing it right.
They have criminalized being white. They penalize public speech
by sending IRS agents around like typical leg-breaking thugs, to
anyone who attempts to speak out against the communist tactics
they use when they send the leg-breakers around.
There was a news story about how the celebration of the
fall of the Berlin Wall was not going to be as enthusiastically
celebrated this year, for some odd reason. I submit it is because
West Germany is being converted into East Germany and what
have they then accomplished?
Democrats are no longer just people with a different
vision, they are communists and by definition the enemy. If one is
against everything that America is, or was, they become antiAmerican and the only reason they don’t shout it (I submit that
they do) from the rooftops, is they are trying to win election in
America to further the revolution by law, by trying to convince
Americans that they are really anti-American, too.
As much as you might love the United States and there
are plenty of reason to be proud of our heritage as a nation (and a
few to be ashamed of), it might be time to figure out how to
dismantle it. If it is only going to become the most powerful
Soviet state, what is the point? If all of the principles that created
the freest, most productive and innovative nation on earth are
flushed down the toilet in pursuit of some utopian ideal of
egalitarianism (which always means equal in misery), it is on the
road to becoming a powerfully demonic force in the world.
Contributing to that is traitorous and a sin. The time to ask what
to do about it has come and in the form of doing the dangerous

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5 years ago

well said.

5 years ago

He ain’t wrong ….

Rabbi Will
Rabbi Will
5 years ago

As usual T.L. is quite correct about what we are facing.

a follower
a follower
5 years ago

T.L.-“This is no longer a question of will this nation hang together, it is actually time to
start figuring out how to take it apart, peacefully, but the left will never stand for that.”
“Take it apart peacefully?”
1. The way i understand it, this is already being done. Coordinated and there is a leader. The Trumpster, “the Donald.” Are none of you familiar with Q? Just recently again “The Donald,”signaled to his followers “I am Q.”
2. i believe both sides will use the modern Tech that is mentioned for their own gain, and “total control” is a danger and may be in the agenda and plans of both sides.
3. Burning it down so to speak is a common theme, no i have not forgotten Steve Bannon. And No Jeffery Epstein did not kill himself! Chuckle.
T.L.- “So, yes, I am saying that it is time (way past it for my
taste) to start doing the dangerous things, the things that might get
you put in jail or prison, because freedom has been outlawed. I’m
not saying to do something criminal, you won’t have to,I’m
not saying to do something criminal, you won’t have to, not being
a subservient milquetoast is a crime in a Soviet-style, gulag
driven, communist state. If you have not been arrested, or
bankrupted for being an American, yet, you’re not doing it right.”

1. First of all, they are not yet enforcing most of their crazy bureaucratic laws. So many of us break them daily i would think and suppose.Have you been arrested or Bankrupted for being an american?
2. i am not prepared to be the next Jane Fonda nor to follow her lead or example.
3. i do not see that freedom ‘has been’ outlawed, the very existence of this blog and others is proof enough! i believe there is much Truth in the expression of Freedom is a state of mind. Well we better get our hearts and minds right. Not hardened, but inline with our True King , His family and His Governance.
4. i have not been arrested,nor have i ever been bankrupted. Perhaps i am doing it right?
5. This ‘victim’ hood theme is wearing thin on all sides.
T.L.-“As much as you might love the United States and there
are plenty of reason to be proud of our heritage as a nation (and a
few to be ashamed of), it might be time to figure out how to
dismantle it.”
1. T.L.,
With all due respect. Like it or not we have no choice it would seem. It is already being dismantled. And very likely for good reason. Knowing and accepting these reasons may be half the battle? i have a feeling (a thought) that when it is dismantled, it will not soon rise again. The world needs not our help to implode!
While many live in in fear of what is coming, NWO, One World leader etc. i think we already have been led into this trap, many just do not or refuse to see it. They have been told to expect this or that first.(traps)
How we act and behave does matter. How we inform others and help them to see what is going on does matter. The ‘world’ wants and need us riled up,confused,and at each others throats at all times.
First is last last is first.