T.L. Davis: Election Edition

It’s important to keep elections in perspective. The Youngkin win in Virginia was a backlash against wokeness and willful societal destruction in the name of not being a horrible person. The old saying “nice guys finish last” reflects the rough and tumble world of politics. For those who would rather maintain civility, decency and self respect, it’s sometimes better to lose than to get into the gutter with one’s opponent just to win, depending on what one stands to win. When it comes to a bonus, or a raise, one might opt to remain decent and faithful to the virtues one promotes to his children. When it comes to the survival of the nation or the culture, there are no depths that should not be plumbed in order to win that fight, because no virtue is taught by starvation or execution. 

The Youngkin win was a BFYTW win. It doesn’t solve anything. It doesn’t make voting any more valid or trustworthy or the way out of anything. It might stop CRT from being taught in Virginia schools for a while, but that fight isn’t over until the school boards are ripped up and replaced. It might prevent a few 14-year-old girls from getting raped in the bathroom by skirt-wearing sexual deviants, but it won’t stop rape. There are bigger issues to be addressed on that score. There is a whole segment of society attempting to normalize sodomy and rape of little boys and girls that no vote will alter or eliminate. That’s up to serious men aware of the issues and prepared to solve it once and for all.

I was a huge proponent of getting out the vote in Virginia, because it had a force-multiplier effect. Democrats losing the governor, lieutenant governor and attorney general offices sends a message to AOC and the squad. The close governor’s race in New Jersey is a virtual slap in the face to vaxx mandates. It emboldens the moderate Democrats. All of that, pushes back against the $5 Trillion-dollar infrastructure and budget momentum, giving Democrats in largely red districts the backbone to push back against AOC and her Green New Deal. Preventing a huge budget expenditure slows inflation, which pushes down on the price of food and other goods ahead of a dark winter. But it goes no further than that. It’s one battle in a long war, but seeing a few willing to fight boosts morale. Still, the only reason the election in Virginia went off with success is because they had 100% roles filled in election officials and monitor positions instead of the customary 28%. They had RNC officials on the phone ready to answer concerns when raised at polling places and officials there ready to respond. That comes back on the people to get involved locally, fill all of those spots and make sure there is someone on the other end of the phone when it rings. 

The turnout and success of the governor’s race in Virginia was nothing other than a stalling tactic and anyone who thinks it’s anything else isn’t paying attention, but that was a needed respite from the drumbeat march of communism, forced injections, woke schools and border madness. It’s much more important for its symbolism to a demoralized “right” than it achieves practically. There are still uses for politics, but for those seeking one-off solutions, politics won’t achieve it. Nothing will, because there are no one-off solutions. 

This is a war. That was a battle. It’s good to win once in a while; to have the front moved back a few yards now and then, but the war rages on. The border is still under siege and in dire need of states willing to commit militias on the border. There are firefights going on, as Michael Yon reports, every night now. From the cover of darkness, Mexican cartel members fire across the border to distract, I’m sure, from drug smuggling taking place further along; to intimidate and humiliate our forces. There are plenty of trained recently-discharged veterans willing to man the border if called upon, but the governor of Texas has to find a way to incorporate those individuals into the ranks. This is not to suggest that militias go to the border themselves and start firing back across the border, but rather to reinforce the lines, supplement the troops. This is the original idea of a state militia, this exact circumstance and moment in time, if needed to defend the border from invasion. 

Read the Whole Article Here…

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Lee Vail
Lee Vail
3 years ago

One small battle won in a much larger war to preserve our Republic.

3 years ago
Reply to  Lee Vail

You are spot on LV.

Truth in Tension
Truth in Tension
3 years ago

Very good article. The author made an excellent observation that “It’s easy to get frustrated by the lack of will of anyone on the right to do their job, push the envelope and solve the problem. People like Governor Abbott will never do it. They aren’t creative, they aren’t brave enough to face the federal government down in the interest of the citizens of Texas. He’s a peacetime governor, not a wartime governor. He simply doesn’t understand the serious nature of the threat.”
All things considered Governor Abbott is doing a good job, and I believe he understands the threats against Texas, but, with that said, I agree, he is a peacetime governor, not a wartime governor, therefore, he most likely will not face down the federal leviathan, but he may surprise everyone when he is put to the test. He appears to have a calm inner strength.
For Texas, I believe the best course to follow is TEXIT for 2 reasons. First the Republic was lost when the first shot was fired at Ruby Ridge and the federal shooters were not held accountable for the murders. You may not agree with this, but it was orchestrated murder against a family of American’s with small children by the federal government. Of course, the war of Northern Aggression could also be consider when the Republic was lost. The key point is it no longer exist. Just ask Julian Assange, Edward Snowden or the people that were arrested after the January 6th demonstration at the District of Criminals. These people are in solitary confinement and still no charges and no bail.
Secondly, the federal leviathan is so large and centralized that it cannot be reformed or it’s power contained. Your federal representatives do not represent you they represent big money interests.
Daniel Miller who is leading the Texas Nationalist Movement and candidate for Lt. Governor asked what I believe to be the key question regarding the federal leviathan, “If your state (country) was not a member of the federal union (compact), knowing what you know about the federal government, would you vote today to join the union?”
That single question is the reason for TEXIT. By the way, the XIT movement is accelerating in other areas within the US.
Who is John Galt?

Steve Montgomery
Steve Montgomery
3 years ago

Wow great article.

3 years ago

Was the Loudon County School Board meeting the Boston Massacre?

3 years ago

Yes it was nice the Republican won.
Never forget that 48% of voters wanted MORE Socialism.
Look at the immediate lies from the MSM, called a Black female Marine a White Supremacist. The Rutgers professor who advocates for killing Whites.
The evidence is overwhelming that we are in a war with Socialists, and nearly half the population is infected with Socialism.