Despite the fact that the Constitution of the United States of America has largely been ignored, defamed and dismissed, it continues as a legal document and as a formal message from the founding fathers to future generations. They could not be here to fight every war for us or even every battle, but the purpose of the Constitution was to give us the weapons with which to fight for ourselves, for our nation, our land that we live on. The weapons are there for us to use, if we want freedom. But, no one is going to give it to us, or live up to their obligations to follow it. It is the moment Mike Vanderboegh identified in the book Catch 22 which really is: “We can do anything you can’t stop us from doing.” Someone has to stop the madness and that someone is you.
Breaking down the Second Amendment is important right now, this minute, for people to understand their roles in the upcoming fight for this nation. “A well-regulated militia…” Let’s start with that. A well-regulated militia is a formation of the people, the farmers, the store clerks, the truck drivers, the factory workers, etc., who are trained to some degree, if only how to hold, aim and fire their weapons at the instruction of commanders or if unstructured when they are endangered in their position. It is NOT what the media and politicians have said in that it is the National Guard. No force, paid by the government, can be the “militia” that is reserved solely for the people themselves, i.e. land owners and equity holders in the republic, reliant upon a free society to support their lives. The Second Amendment does not apply to government forces who can be manipulated by the very enemies of the people who command them.
“…being necessary to the security of a free state…” The founders who had just fought a vicious and largely unsupported war to be free of a distant and unresponsive government who viewed them as nothing more than wealth miners of the new world, subject to the military authority of the crown for obedience, fully understood that the only way to secure a “free state” was to arm the average person whose life and liberty would be at threat from a similar government, perhaps the very one they were devising in Philadelphia. They did not know the future and probably would have been surprised that their document guided America through more than two centuries before it also became so corrupt and meaningless as to threaten the lives and liberty of its citizens.
I’m sure that most people have read the Second Amendment so often that they might have become blind to what it really means, or have accepted other’s definitions without much thought. Read that phrase one more time. “being necessary to the security of a free state…” I hold that “…a free state…” can have a couple of different meanings. It can mean that we are all armed so that we can secure our state the political subdivision of the whole, from the union, should the union of states become corrupt and damaging to the one state, or it could mean the union as a whole, or it could mean an individual’s state of being free. At this point in time, any definition one wants to accept for “…a free state…” works as any and all are under prescient threat.
It’s time to stop looking to the corrupt for honesty. It’s time to stop looking at officials for guidance. It’s time to stop expecting anyone to do the job of the citizen. There is only one militia, it is the people. The militia has a right to keep and bear arms, not for hunting or self defense, but the defense of the nation, their lives and their liberty. If you want freedom, you are going to have to fight for it like almost every American generation in history. Some of those who have fought on foreign soil for some political objective that kept changing understand what is expected, but this time it is for their homeland, to secure it from globalists that do not recognize individual rights. It is a fight for the ground their children and grandchildren play on. It is for the right of self determination. You can’t imagine the nation we will live in if we do not fight to preserve this one and I suggest that we should go further than that. If they force us to arms, by their inability to restore our rights, we must not put them down until the corrupt who have conspired with the communist governments abroad have been ruthlessly ripped from their seats of power. There is no going back to some previous version of America, there are no roads to the past. We have to build a new road, first with arms and then with reason. But, this stolen election cannot be our last breath of freedom. It is a cause to fight. Let them go through the motions, but in the end only the eighty million people who were robbed of their consent have standing in the court of the republic.
Indeed… Simply stated, you’re correct, The fact that you have seen that a NEW road must be taken is worth noting.
After all anything less would be nothing more nor less than Albert Einstein, description of Insanity,
“Doing the same thing over and over yet expecting different results.”
Vive La Liberte’
Great stuff!
Defund our Government. Boycott Federal taxation. They can’t throw us all in jail.
DJ -- That wil have absolutely No Effect. the feral government runs on ‘Printed’ Fiat Paper form the (((moneychangers))) and has been for Decades. “Tax Revenue” goes to pay the “Interest” (((usery)))) on the Debt.
“Government” isn’t the “Enemy”, it is the (((banks))).
If you don’t “Pay your Taxes” (((they))) don’t have to ‘Arrest’ You; with a few Keystrokes, (((they))) can Seize all ‘your’ “Money” and Prohibit You from Participating in (((their))) ‘financial system’. That’s why (((they))) are so desperately working to Ban Cash.
We became Slaves, when we allowed the Bankers to take control of the issuing of our money. Everyone wants to blame anyone except the people who is to blame.The real ENEMY,who’s looks betray them, Why do you think that the first plastic surgery was a nose reduction? To hide that big Hook Nose.