T.L. Davis: Illegal, Immoral and Evil

and several butcher's aprons.: Never Been a Sinner, Never ...

Whatever could have been done to save the United States has been done. Republicans have won a lot of elections over the past twenty years and still there are people like Mitch McConnell who sell out not just the Republicans, but the whole nation, giving into a completely weak and feckless Joe Biden. Why? Because, in his view, Republicans are getting too powerful. There are too many patriots (what they call Trumpers to minimize people who believe that the U.S. congress ought to focus on the American people FIRST) in the Republican Party and they need to be stopped. When have you ever heard a Democrat take that position? Maybe a few who fear AOC and the squad, but not many, certainly no one in leadership positions and none that would betray their whole caucus to do it.

I say this to help people who still cling to the idea of politics as some answer to our problems. I’ve never believed that, but it’s a front on which to fight and prepare. It’s an active battleground against the communists. Politics will not solve things, but there’s no reason to throw in the towel, either. Voting, even with its inability to change anything, still serves a purpose, if just to deny certain communists power. The trouble is not who to vote against, but who to vote for. There are still election roles and the like to take part in locally, because those politics do matter. When it comes apart, counties and states will have to do some tough work to preserve the idea of freedom and individual rights. Some part of what happens when the lead flies might be based on just such local politics. Will you be in a position to guide that transition? To help it along? To hold hearings on local traitors?

Again, if lead isn’t flying, there’s still more to do. Consider the idea of trying to save as much as possible of the national resources before the congress sells it all to gain favor with China. They’ve put their money on China and are determined to make sure it comes out the winner, even against us. If they can leave America a massive, smoking hole for us to inherit, they will. They’re already doing it. Mitch McConnell just agreed to a 2.5 trillion dollar increase in the debt ceiling, neutering all of the efforts of the people, against all of the sentiments of the average American who heartily opposed spending such large sums of money at this time, under these circumstances, even some Democrats. 


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tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

TINVOWOOT, that ship sailed along time ago. The Lord prepares my hands and fingers for war. I will not avert my attention to anything less, why mince words it will have no effect.

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago

Everyone in DC is dogshit.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
3 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob

So why don’t you and tom “I will not avert my attention to anything less.”
lay out what you envision, and the likely hood of???
Right here is as good as spot as any. Wes has stated he has no plan, so what do you 3 envision?
i believe 3% of the population keeps coming up as a formidable force. Or is this 3% of adults/
My position: we will need our minds, hands, hearts, and weapons after the collapse. Yah willing!

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

I am waiting for the shot heard around the world, you don’t know what you speak of, you will soon bury your head in the sand. A fool working on us is more like it. What cristal ball are you getting your info from? Keep on working on us, you have nothing to offer but defeat at any cost. Why do you think they your stazi arrested him? He was at the Jan 6th rally and was giving aid to the injured, his name is Jeremy Brown a 20 yr + vet and Green Beret. He recorded the conversation and released it, your same fbi came and arrested him, he is still in your gulag. You think his brothers and sisters not talking and keeping their heads down will not rescue him. You know nothing of what you speak, keep on working on us you will not prevail.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

what are you even going on about?

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

I am talking about tyranny, close minded there are no other options. There is only one road left, ask any person who has fled what is happening in this country today, you will not like there answer either.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

I am waiting for the shot heard around the world,
This is the only thing i can make sense of. looks like we are both waiting, so get off my back and lets work together.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

By the way get back to face book, twitter etc, you proable have a lot of support there.

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago

“a follower” of NC Rob? I’m thinking you have a little crush on me. I know you might be looking for a real man to protect you. While I am flattered I really need you to know I am happily married. But I’m sure you will find someone in the future.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
3 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob

Rob, Now that is humorous. chuckle. i also am happily married and have 3 children and two grand children. There we shared, see how that works? we all have skin in the game!
And tom,
because you two are a team, you feel safety in numbers, you are the beginning of what, a gang ? vigilantes?
You two are so out spoken, so not willing to see anything other than your gun.
When asked questions you fail, you accuse, you ridicule. You ridicule the articles, you ridicule any opposing views. tom is not puffed up (he assures us.) tom is willing to learn, while also posting and stating repeatedly:
 I will not avert my attention to anything less, why mince words it will have no effect.” —Yeah that is the picture of open mindedness! While we are waiting for the “shot heard around the world” (Your words) perhaps we should be more productive?
Do you not see the hypocrisy? Do you not see the double minded man?
Accusing with no evidence. Accusing for the sake of accusing! Just as our enemy, just as our adversary.
These are not ( o boo hoo you are judging me!!!!) These are ‘brotherly’ admonishments!
If you have questions ask them! Stop your false accusations! i have not carried a cell phone for approx. 8-10 years! Never twitted, Never on face book, ‘NEVER’ do you understand? Rarely watch any of the ‘programmed’ news. Have swords, will use them, when and as i deem appropriate in Gods ‘Yahuah’s’ guidance and care.
Do YOU understand? Does any of this get through?

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

Because we are a gang? Where do you get this information from, the comments made. Why mince words, at some point we need to act. I will not comprimise with the communist about which way to die. I have a choice and mine is war, be it a one man war does not matter at this point.