I am in mourning, to some degree for Robert “La Voy” Finicum, a man I did not know, but felt a great kinship toward, but more for the fact that the inevitable Civil War that has been simmering for decades now is impossible to prevent.
The patriot/liberty community and the militias that have grown up out of the injustices of the federal government in the past have now been given a new martyr for the cause and proved all of our past indictments to be true. It is now an academic reality that the first shot fired in the new resistance was taken on January 26th at another government ambush.
Another generation of Americans will come to hold federal agents in contempt and the illusion of peaceful resistance has been once again shattered with the crack of a rifle. Victoria Sharp echoed the disillusionment of that new generation when she exclaimed “…they just shot him dead.”
That’s it, that’s what they do. They make statements with lead. They do to the American people what they are trained to do to our enemies and criminals wielding weapons, not unarmed men just trying to point out the illegal occupation of state lands.