We are well past the point of deciding if we should resist the corporate/collectivist cabal invading our lives one small regulation at a time. Last week the discussion of taking back control of your county government was discussed and I even sent a copy of the newsletter to my county commissioner concerning the push back against Red Flag laws. He responded that they would be bringing it up this Tuesday.
I am reading a book, actually there are three books within this one book, all of them by Maxim Gorky, a Russian writer describing Tsarist Russia and the Soviet revolution. Folks, we are smack dab in Tsarist Russia and coming to grips with Soviet America. The propaganda of his novel MOTHER sounds like us. The characters speak of freedom and the stranglehold the government forces have on the people; how there are one set of laws for the upper classes and another for the workers; how the government of the Tsar sucked their blood and tossed their carcasses aside. When they speak of the revolution, they speak of freedom, of equality and then they go off the deep end and start speaking like Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and distribution of the wealth and being paid no matter what job one has, but it is easy to see how the people of Russia fell for the Soviet line, it is the same one being fed to our children today; full of wealth envy and the poverty of the workers, etc.
It is a confusing comparison to be made, however, because the serfs of Tsarist Russia expected to vanquish fear of political speech and in America, it is the collectivist who propose banning freedom of speech. The revolution was being sold as if it were the American dream, so why are these collectivists in our nation so hell-bent on the destruction of the American dream? Gorky writes of the strength and will of the common man, but we find none of that in America, where it rightfully belongs; where the government itself encourages the people to stand up and be heard (we know they don’t mean it, but they have to pay lip service as it is such an American presumption).
I find myself cheering on these revolutionists in Tsarist Russia, but I am reminded of the end game, when the Soviets had been successful in getting the lower classes to do the dirty work of the intellectuals and how easily it was for the intellectuals to conclude that the radical Russians, the ones who helped them to power, must be dealt with as any other anti-government slob and turned on them. I remind myself of the millions put to death when these kind-hearted “comrades” finally gained the reins of power. Reading this novel in 1916 or even 1986 might have changed my life, but the utter failure of the dreams of these revolutionists, by then, was clear and convincing evidence of the bankruptcy of collectivism as ideal.
Then, this is where the book makes its impact. The communists in Russia were sold the American dream and subjected to the brutality of collectivism. The Communists in America are selling the Russian dream and intend to subject the American people to the brutality of the Tsar.
It is also instructive in the way resistance to the Tsar came about; the individual heroes and the methods of all of these individuals to work together. They referred to each other as Comrades, but that could just as easily be Patriot. It means the same thing when it comes to understanding how resistance must develop, the individual sacrifices to be made and the absolute cowardice of those seeking to fill their mouths with one more helping of potatoes and cup of vodka. For which they would sell their souls.