T.L. Davis On The Coming Virginia Festivities

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Rabbi Will
Rabbi Will
4 years ago

As usual T.L. is spot on!

4 years ago
Reply to  Rabbi Will

Start the Civil Disobedience now.
Boycott the census. My state claims they will lose $3000/yr for every uncounted person.
Civil Disobedience at all levels.
They refuse to acknowledge your RIGHTS …. do not cooperate … cause failure of their systems. Everyone can find ways to bog down the Bolsheviks.
Boycott Charities … make Them carry the burden of caring for those THEY impoverished. …

kevin coleman
kevin coleman
4 years ago
Reply to  Rabbi Will

looks like a fbi set up to me?

Ray Jones
Ray Jones
4 years ago
Reply to  kevin coleman

i think trump is a clset gun grabber and he and the feds are watching this very closly in the hopes that the folks of virginia wont fight back and if that happens trump will do this on a federal level…..and make no mistake i think he will if he thinks he can get away with it…..this man has spent his whole life paling around with the other side as in the clintons epstein and that whole unholy crew….you watch and see what he does…..

4 years ago
Reply to  Ray Jones

Yeah, I’m sure we would have economic prosperity, fewer troops in other parts of the world, more respect and more rights if only HRH Hillary had been elected.

The above is sarcasm. This note is for the humor challenged. If Trump was a gun grabber, he could get any anti-gun bill thru the House and persuade Mitch to pass it in the Senate. All there is is the “bump stock ban” that is so badly written that it will be thrown out.


[…] King George Northam & Evil Acts […]

4 years ago

We are the only country in the world that has a Second Amendment.
Find one government in all of history that banned it’s own ARMED FORCES from “Keeping and Bearing” ARMS.
Find one government in the history of humanity that felt a need to document a “RIGHT” for it’s ARMED FORCES to possess ARMS.
Oppressive Governments ALWAYS ban the People’S RIGHT to arms.
The claim that the Founding Fathers wrote the 2nd Amendment to give Our ARMED FORCES a “right” to keep and carry ARMS is S-T-U-P-I-D.
The only reason for the Second Amendment is to clearly spell-out the GOD GIVEN RIGHT of INDIVIDUALS to keep & bear ARMS.
The only reason for the BILL(list) of RIGHTS was to codify INDIVIDUALS’ GOD GIVEN RIGHTS.
Has there ever been a government that was not chock full of it’s “rights” up to and including declaring itself to be the Lord God Almighty?! (Rome, Egypt, Israel,etc)
Does the 1st Amendment mean the GOVERNMENT is allowed to give speeches? Try shutting up any Politician. But THEY would LOVE to shut YOU up, hence the FIRST Amendment.
Anyone who tells you the 2nd Amendment applies to the Army or State Militia, is telling you they think you are STUPID.
There has NEVER been a government that felt it had to codify it’s army’s/soldier’s “RIGHT” to “Keep and BEAR ARMS” because there has NEVER been a government that refused to allow It’s own soldiers to KEEP and BEAR ARMS!
The Second Amendment was written for the People, like the other 9 Amendments in the Bill of Rights. This was confirmed by the SCOTUS in the DC vs Heller decision, where they stated that the “People” in the Second Amendment were the same “People” that are mentioned in the First and Fourth Amendment.
The 2nd Amendment clearly codifies the “right of the PEOPLE to keep and bear arms”, and certainly not “the Militia”.
Why would “the Militia”, a type of army manned by citizen-soldiers as opposed to full-time “regulars”, need a constitutional amendment to guarantee they have the right “to keep and bear arms”?
Is there any specific statement anywhere in the Constitution that the army Congress is empowered to raise has the “right to keep and bear arms”? Of course not. …………. That is assumed.

the 2nd amendment,, specifies that the RIGHT to bear arms is the right of the people,, NOT the militia,,,, it is the people who will make up the militia,, but the right is not the right of a “well regulated militia” it is the right of the people, We the people were BORN WITH UNALIENABLE RIGHTS, meaning they come from GOD.

… the Bolshevik-Left insists there is NO GOD so they can deny your GOD given RIGHTS.

4 years ago
Reply to  Abraham

Spoken by a True Patriot and a God fearing man. Thank you.

4 years ago
Reply to  Abraham

Then don’t call them “God Given”. The Founders referred to them as “Natural Rights”. Rights that belong to each and every individual. Rights that are Unalienable (that which may not be taken away or transferred; absolute, undeniable, not able to be forfeited). The Founding Fathers did not believe our rights were established nor affirmed by words on paper. And because they are “Natural Rights” they are NOT at the pleasure of government, able to be granted or taken away at a moments notice. Therefore, “Rights” are something that every individual is entitled to at birth. These precious tenets are the very foundation of our Republic. John Adams put it this way “You have rights antecedent to all earthly governments; rights that cannot be repealed or restrained by human laws; rights derived from the Great Legislator of the Universe”.

4 years ago
Reply to  NorthwoodsNH

The term used by the Founding Fathers is “Creator endowed” rights. That implies “God given” to me.

4 years ago
Reply to  Abraham

Without doubt you have rendered the most succinct well reasoned statement of fact on the Second Amendment to date!
I was going to say ‘arguement in favor of….’ but the issue is no longer open to debate. As your statement, Abraham, reveals clearly.

Charles C. Miller
Charles C. Miller
4 years ago
Reply to  Abraham

1-6-29 found at FOURWINDS10.com
Every American is formally requested to take 10 minutes to support the Rule of Law.
Simply send this email to the White House. Set up to cut and paste!
Accessing and using the official White House email creates a permanent federal public record. This is because We the People paid for the not only the White House building, we pay our President and for all the services owed by our public servants.
This email to President Trump, from any American is like an order to a public servant.
President Trump accepted the Peoples votes, accepted the office, promised to protect our 2nd Amendment.
We, the People, need to let him know We expect him to keep his promises.
How hard is it for President Trump to use his TWEET mastery and send an Official Letter to the Rebellion leaders posing as Loyal public servants in Virginia?
Could President Trumps direct action avoid dangerous confrontation by simply keeping his word?

As sent to the White House, 12:45 pm, pacific, 1/6/2020, with receipt received.


Dear Mr. Trump, our President,
Greetings, from the American People:
Recently you addressed foreign enemies in a direct manner.
NOW, please keep your promise concerning the 2nd Amendment by dealing directly with domestic enemies.
The People’s domestic enemies are your neighbors, particularly in Virginia.
The Rule of Law starts with the Bill of Rights, Second Amendment in particular, along with due process in your personal issues with Congress.
Every government servant, state and federal, promised to support this Constitution, particularly the controlling Bill of Rights.
Attacking the 2nd Amendment by public servants is open Rebellion, a breach of promise, servants contract and federal Felony. See 18 USC §§ 241, 242 and many other code sections.
The Executive and Legislative branches in Virginia act in a Conspiracy against the law of the land while threatening the People, with force of arms for standing on the law of the 2nd Amendment. See 18 § USC 371, Conspiracy, § 2331, (5), Domestic Terrorism; dangerous to human life, violation of criminal laws, intended to coerce and intimidate a civilian population, affect conduct of our government.

YOU WILL; Either keep your promises concerning the 2ed Amendment, official communication, Virginia public servants Rebellion, Cease and Desist, or face felony charges;
OR; You will be in breach of contract, oath, and servants duties, supporting the Virginia Rebellion by silence when there is a duty to act.
MAGA is impossible when our President fails to enforce the law of the 2ed Amendment while ignoring open Rebellion.

4 years ago

I can’t remember who said it but……. “if not now, WHEN?”

Jack Clancy
Jack Clancy
4 years ago
Reply to  riverrider

Say when

4 years ago
Reply to  Jack Clancy


james robenson (@JamesRobenson)

looks like a setup to me by deep state fbi nazi’s?

4 years ago

Any type of open defiance attracts deep state elements to subvert? That’s the world we live in. Our people need to turn out the noise. The initial stages of this will be very difficult to endure, but once the enemy reveals it’s true face, they will be eradicated.

Charles in VA
Charles in VA
4 years ago

If you look at how the police in Charlottesville actually steered the opposing protesters into proximity with each other, it becomes obvious they were orchestrating the conflict…and NO ONE called them on it. NO ONE.

It was the very definition of a buffalo jump!

They got away with it once already. What’s to stop them from doing it again?

Ol’ Uncle Remus over at The Woodpile Report has the best advice…

“Stay away from crowds”

4 years ago
Reply to  Charles in VA

This isn’t Tehran or Hong Kong. Richmond is NOT about protesting. It is not a protest.

It is Lobby Day; this Monday for the NRA-ILA, and next Monday for VCDL. Show up for both if you want, even if you’re not a member.

Neither organization is fringe, and there will be many, many cops and military in the NRA & VCDL there to lobby their legislators.

Charles in VA
Charles in VA
4 years ago
Reply to  subpatre

The vast majority of those showing up on the 20th will not be lobbyists. We both know it.

VCDL is chartering buses all over the State. Lobbyists ride in limos or personal vehicles…not buses.

And what Richmond is…is a sh!thole at the moment, which has no bearing on what it might become in the space of hours.

You ever been to Charlottesville or Richmond? There’s no comparison. If it could happen in Charlottesville, it could definitely happen in Richmond.

Not a protest, huh? You’re either naive or dishonest about framing this event. Let’s see if Antifa shows up in force. Then you can tell me whether it’s a protest or not.

Who’s side do you think the cops will take? Yours?


4 years ago

If the Virginia citizenry is stripped of their guns by Notham and company, then doesn’t that mean, with the coming Presidential election, Washington DC would be surrounded by a hostile Democratic state regime? So depending on the results of the election, couldn’t the VA government interfere with a disputed presidential election?

4 years ago
Reply to  Rick

Excellent, insightful.

Charles in VA
Charles in VA
4 years ago
Reply to  Rick

How exactly would that work, Rick? You saying all the Democrats would march on DC and overthrow the Government? Color me curious. Because it didn’t work out too well for the Confederates…and they didn’t have to contend with the USMC in Quantico at the time. The same USMC that answers directly to the POTUS and is only 30 miles away. Their artillery reaches farther than that!

Never gonna happen.

4 years ago

When exactly did the people give these crooks permission to replace the Constitution with civil code?

4 years ago
Reply to  Jay

Act of 1871 which turned the Republic into a Corporation.

We haven’t been a nation for 149 years.

4 years ago
Reply to  N8

Exactly what (or where) in the “district of columbia organic act of 1871” does it change the United States into a corporation? I read the whole text, and see nothing to that effect. https://www.loc.gov/law/help/statutes-at-large/41st-congress/session-3/c41s3ch62.pdf

Perhaps you can point out exactly where in the act (sections 1 through 41) it changes the United States into a corporation.

4 years ago
Reply to  NorthwoodsNH

Well, the corporation part was written on the BACK of the law and you have to see the original to find it. It also pledged us to English Admiratly law and if your flag has a fringe on it, then you are in a corporation court and since you don’t “own” any shares, the Queen owns 51%, you are guilty. That, at least, is what I was told by a “patriot” that truly “believed”.

Charles in VA
Charles in VA
4 years ago
Reply to  FiftycalTX

Ooooh! A conspiracy! I just love those! Especially the unprovable ones like this!

You might as well go for it Tex! The FBI already has your number. Trust me. I know.

4 years ago
Reply to  FiftycalTX

Really sorry I forgot to put a “sarcasm” tag on that post. I thought you might be bright enough to figure out it was a joke. Too bad I was wrong. BTW, if you have a credit/debit card and have bought a gun/ammo or given money to NRA/ GOA/ any other gun group, the NSA/FBI/CIA knows it. How they will act against 100million + gun owners is yet to be determined. But hiding behind your keyboard won’t help.

4 years ago
Reply to  NorthwoodsNH

CHAP. LXII. -An Act to provide a Government for the District of Columbia. Feb. 21, 1871.Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Vol. xvii. p 16.States of America in Congress assembled, That all that part of the territory of the United States included within the limits of the District of Columbia be, and the same is hereby, created into a government by the name of the District of Columbia, by which name it is hereby constituted a body corporate for municipal purposes, and may contract and be contracted with, sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, have a seal, and exercise all other powers of a municipal corporation not inconsistent with the Constitution and laws of the United States and the provisions of this act.

Shinmen Takezo
Shinmen Takezo
4 years ago
Reply to  Jay

You gave these ‘crooks’ permission to replace the US Constitution with a civil code, when you spent most of your time on your knees praying and sniveling and studying the bible (hogwash BTW) and spending most of your time chasing ponzi-dollar-chits and going into debt for those chits… rather than waking-TF up and actually doing something other than send in love-donations to CBN and the RNC.

That’s how it came about buba.

Ya’ all let it happen while the leftist-communists spent all their time figuring out that you will do nothing while they ram steel pipes up your backsides--knowing full well that you will only squeel like little piggys as you obey ‘their laws.’

I hope I answered you question.

4 years ago
Reply to  Shinmen Takezo

So you think I should stop praying? Well I’ll just say this.
Without prayer, you haven’t got a prayer in what’s coming.
The reason it is coming is because people didn’t take God seriously and they refused to pray.

Duncan Phelps
Duncan Phelps
4 years ago
Reply to  Jay

As soon as you register to vote, you are signing over your Power-of-Attorney for them to use your name, and vote how THEY think. As per they are your REPRESENTATIVE. see my e-book: YOUR REPRESENTATIVE: sometimes the Middle Man
You can always revoke your signature and officially record it, if you don’t like the face of communism. When a democracy reaches 51% of those who want to live off others, you my friend are dinner! It is happening in CA & Virginia: guns confiscated… guess what is next?

4 years ago

The system is 100% corrupt now. All the Sociopaths/psychopaths have gravitated to positions of power. They laugh at us and our rights. They tell us we only have rights they give us which is civil rights not BILL OF RIGHTS. They have incrementally got people to believe civil and constitutional rights are the same. They are not. They can change your civil rights in a heartbeat and they do.
They are taking away our rights because they can. They are above the law. They can see America is now full of cowards. Look at how far they have come already and what has anybody done about it? Oh they voted for the sociopath instead of the psychopath. WOW! If your votes counted, they wouldn’t allow them. Its all rigged. Nothing short of a second American revolution will change anything. The left wants war until it happens. Then they will be very sorry. Most of the right just wants to be left alone, to work, raise families and live in peace. The left will have none of that. God help us all when we are pushed too far.

Roger B
Roger B
4 years ago
Reply to  Frank

“They” (gov) have fractured the country into 1,000 pieces due to the “diversity” and immigration. Therefore a general consensus is impossible with all the different sects now residing in the unUnited States of America. Yet the Dems can muster up 1 million pussy hats to rally but any conservative rally goes limp as a wet dick.

January 20 in Richmond Virginia could be a spark, however.

Rabbi Will
Rabbi Will
4 years ago

Interestingly enough 1871 is also the year all of the pagan catholic holidays became national holidays. man what a terrible year! That would be Christmas and Easter btw!

4 years ago
Reply to  Rabbi Will

Actually, “Christmas” and “Easter” were pagan holidays that were co-opted by “the church” and merchants used it to start a cult of “giving” which cleared the merchants shelves at the end of the year for tax purposes.

John doe
4 years ago

@jay all the minoritiesand,illegals and immigrants voted these people in

4 years ago

Thank you for this TL, tried to post a response to Matt’s piece last night, the majority of which I agree. But, instead of staying home, Virginia should be filled to the brim, let’s get everyone in on this, busloads from every state in the union flying their state flags, civil war reenactment folks, vets, bikers, gun clubs, “the Oath Keepers” drum corps, marching bands, let them start shooting then, we’ll know the score (as if I needed convincing), that it is time.

Much conversation should be occurring to try to address the traps that are no doubt being readied. The most important being that all potential attendees are made well aware of the fact that this could be a “cliff”, and all the info presented in these threads\blogs specially the roof top gunners and the agent provocateur parts. If the buffalo had known that they could have turned and scattered their tormentors, the story would have a different ending. Not much time for this….

When I see folks around the world willing to go out by the multiple thousands to protest, some in far worse circumstances, and were told to stay home by those within the freedom movement because the optics will be bad, it’s disheartening to say the least. The commies minds are made up and they have made their intentions clear. And it appears it’s our move….

Cognizantly Dissonately yours, WT

4 years ago

I will be at the Capitol in Richmond on January 20. I and many others will exercise our rights to assemble, speak, and petition the government. Some will be carrying arms, open and concealed, on the capitol grounds, which is our right. (The new majorities’ Rules Committee has just banned firearms inside the buildings, even by legislators. Banning firearms from the grounds will take a new law -- -- which has already been introduced.) There will be several speakers, including my own state delegate. This is not a scheduled “protest”; the VCDL 2A lobby day is an annual event, and this one was scheduled many months ago. These events have always been peaceful and orderly. Over 70 anti-2A anti-constitution anti-gun-owner bills have been introduced so far. We, Virginia gun owners and lovers of liberty, will be there to peaceably and constitutionally express displeasure with such legislation so as to defend our rights and the rights of our children. If just a few Dem legislators see the light, onerous bills will not pass. If fear-mongering scares some people way, so be it. If forces of evil turn this into shit-storm, so be it. I won’t be hiding in a bunker, avoiding it, or ignoring it, or hoping the courts will magically rescue us from new onerous unconstitutional laws (which they have NOT done elsewhere), nor will I pretend it’s not my problem until they break down my door. Or YOUR door. I call upon our neighbors to the north and west and south to join us on Jan 20, 8am-1pm on the grounds of the Capitol Building in Richmond. Yes, traffic may be a bitch, and parking will be a bitch. If you can’t get thereby 8am, come anyway. Figure it out. Fellow patriots and lovers of liberty, this is not just a Virginia problem. If you can come, you must.

4 years ago
Reply to  Citizen

Citizen- Thank you for your comment. One thing I see is that people all over the world are willing to march and protest by the thousands or hundreds of thousands no matter the conditions against their officials for things they believe in. Yet here in America, people always have excuses not to go to rallies or marches. “oh this isn’t the time”, “oh this doesn’t effect me”, blah blah blah. People in the liberty movements can’t come together on anything and that will be their demise.

Charles in VA
Charles in VA
4 years ago
Reply to  Citizen

That’s all fine and well, but what do you hope to accomplish? What does victory look like coming out of this rally?

Have you even thought about doing a risk/reward analysis, or is this just meaningless chest thumping with no real purpose?

Straight answers only please.

4 years ago
Reply to  Charles in VA

So it’s come to this, were told it to dangerous to protest in America.

How about to let them know that were not “afraid” to start with and that we won’t be cowed, that regardless of the outcome we will show up!. And the more they persist the more we will resist. Stay home Charlie, for “now” your safer there.
Have you seen whats going on in Iran, Hong Kong, Venezuela, it straight up illegal to protest, and yet there they are…..

“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace.
We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you.
May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen.”
Samuel Adams

As for the rest, remember your not a dumb herd animal, be ready to change direction when the cliff presents itself. Point out the rooftop snipers to everyone, make sure everyone knows who and why they are there. In fact maps should be drawn up that show the likely locations of the “over watch”.


How many have seen this TINVOWOOT, and now, Oh No don’t protest they might whip out the nukes. This isn’t for the faint of heart, or fair weather patriots, this is where the rubber hits the road, either were freemen or were not.

If the founders had known how illiterate the future would be, I’m sure that “arms” would have been written as “Weapons of War” so there could be no argument as to the meaning….

Sic semper tyrannis

Charles in VA
Charles in VA
4 years ago
Reply to  WT

You didn’t answer the question. What can be gained by this demonstration?

Nobody ever answers that question. You know why? Because there IS NO ANSWER.

I’m saying it’s a fool’s errand with no up side at all.

4 years ago
Reply to  Charles in VA

Charles, the question has been answered. And you’re being an ass.

Charles in VA
Charles in VA
4 years ago
Reply to  Charles in VA

No, Citizen, the question has NOT been answered, and one man’s ass is another man’s prophet.

But I’d rather be an ass than a mindless idiot too stubborn to accept the truth staring him in the face…so I’ll wear that as a badge of honor.

Enjoy your buffalo jump.

4 years ago
Reply to  Charles in VA

>That’s all fine and well, but what do you hope to accomplish? What does victory look like coming out of this rally?

For me? To mention a few… (1) The Dem-Rep margins in House & Senate are not huge. Some of the Dems represent jurisdictions that are now 2nd Amendment Sanctuaries. If they are politically suicidal (and they may be), they’ll vote as their party masters direct. But if a few Dems in either chamber don’t vote per their leaders’ direction, one or more of the more onerous bills may be defeated. A large turnout tells them, and their colleagues, who’ll be going to the polls next election in droves, donating to their opponents, and working on their opponents’ campaigns. (2) I’ll demonstrate to my children, friends, neighbors, and especially to my fellow 2A proponents that we should never ever ever give up, that we should exercise our rights to speak, assemble, and petition without fear, without finding excuses not to, as these are lawful and peaceful ways to pursue goals and represent our interests. (3) And if things go squirrelly down the road, whether soon or later, I will have helped show to our posterity, to history, that the lovers of liberty tried the peaceful approaches before we were forced into other approaches.

>Have you even thought about doing a risk/reward analysis, or is this just meaningless chest thumping with no real purpose?

I don’t see how my going to Richmond and exercising my right to speak, assemble, and petition the government, and encouraging others to do so, constitutes “meaningless chest-thumping”. Yes, I’ve thought about risks versus rewards. I’ve read the dire warnings, and I simply don’t agree. I think the fear-mongering is not warranted, and that it serves the anti-2A interests, not the pro-2A interests. If the other side turns it into a shit-storm, then it’s a shit-storm that was inevitable anyway. On January 20 I will turn out for freedom -- -- at my capitol, at my General Assembly, exercising my rights to protect my and your liberty. You can do what you think is best. (I am sufficiently comfortable about the event I’m encouraging my wife and grown children to come, and I value their well-being more than my own.)

Charles in VA
Charles in VA
4 years ago
Reply to  Citizen

Still not seeing any tangible results here. Everything you’ve said here amounts to emotional gratification.

4 years ago

If Virginians are going to stand thier ground like our founding Fathers did, then when the shooting starts I will be there to assist. This has gone on long enough. As far as I am concerned the VA government is willing to break the law twice, thier own Constitution and the US Constitution. And I say hang the criminals because that’s what they have become. The people of VA are well within thier rights to do so. The founding Fathers would agree. But you wont see Northam or any other scum bag democrat out there leading the way. They will get already corrupt law enforcement or National Guard to do thier dirty work. So to the law enforcement and Guard, you willing to become a criminal.

4 years ago

If Virginians are going to stand thier ground like our founding Fathers did, then when the shooting starts I will be there to assist. This has gone on long enough. As far as I am concerned the VA government is willing to break the law twice, thier own Constitution and the US Constitution. And I say hang the criminals because that’s what they have become. The people of VA are well within thier rights to do so. The founding Fathers would agree. But you wont see Northam or any other scum bag democrat out there leading the way. They will get already corrupt law enforcement or National Guard to do thier dirty work. So to the law enforcement and Guard, you willing to become a criminal.

Michael Kozlowski
Michael Kozlowski
4 years ago

I agree! I totally disagree with Matt Bracken! Which is it better to confront the tyrants at your front door alone at 3am or at the state capital with thousands of people to send a message loud and clear to them?! The day that we have to worry about protesting openly in this country is the day that freedom dies! We already have been accused of being Nazis by the communist democrats for anything we do anyways! They have crossed the line and it is time to let them know in no uncertain terms that this is not acceptable! Molon Labe!

Charles in VA
Charles in VA
4 years ago

So, you’re saying that you intend to initiate violence on a grand scale on the capitol steps? Because that’s what I’m reading here by your 3AM reference. Or did you mean you’d fold like a wet rag on your own front porch at 3AM?

As John Wayne told the kidnapper in the movie, Big Jake, “Whatever happens next…your fault, my fault, nobody’s fault…YOU are getting shot.” If you think for ONE SECOND that just because you are in a group that you are “empowered” or “invulnerable” to either attack OR prosecution, you are SADLY mistaken.

What do you envision being the outcome of playing chicken with the Virginia State Police? Do you REALLY think those Nazis are going to “back down”? On THEIR “front porch”? When you’ve already given them a month to prepare? I don’t.

This can play out in the courts, or in the streets. The decision is yours. The entire STATE has made its position crystal clear. What can your little “rally” possibly do to further emphasize that point? NOTHING. It is a lose-lose scenario ripe for disaster with NO up side.

“Life is hard. It’s even harder when you’re stupid.”

4 years ago
Reply to  Charles in VA

How did you come to the conclusion that Michael was “saying that you intend to initiate violence on a grand scale”. Is protesting the powers that be “violence on a grand scale”? Is it stupid to assemble to protest proposed legislation? Are all the democrats from non-sanctuary counties and they don’t have to worry one whit about what people think? Why was Virginia solid RED for so many years but now the Constitution doesn’t matter? If your plan is to hope the powers that be kill you last, enjoy living with your chains.

Charles in VA
Charles in VA
4 years ago
Reply to  FiftycalTX

What would YOU do if anyone came to break down your front door and take your guns out of your home @ 3AM? He set the argument up as an either/or proposition.

The implication is QUITE CLEAR.

If you want to show your a$$ in public…that’s your Right. Rights come with Responsibilities and consequences.

And you still haven’t addressed the larger issue here: Where is the up side of this action? If it is just to make a few yahoos “FEEL” better, you might as well go jack it in San Diego!

The entire STATE already stood up and told Coon Man “Hell NO!”. What do you hope to add to that? There’s nothing you CAN add to that, but there IS a hell of a lot that could happen there to UNDERMINE that message…and you seem to want to make it happen.

To sum up…YUGE down side. No up side.

We have a Constitutional Court System for a REASON. For PRECISELY THIS REASON.

You either believe in the Constitution or you don’t. That decision is your Right. Just be ready to take responsibility for the CONSEQUENCES of your actions.

4 years ago
Reply to  Charles in VA

I guess these rights are subject to media approval.
US Constitution: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Virginia Constitution:
Section 12. Freedom of speech and of the press; right peaceably to assemble, and to petition.
That the freedoms of speech and of the press are among the great bulwarks of liberty, and can never be restrained except by despotic governments; that any citizen may freely speak, write, and publish his sentiments on all subjects, being responsible for the abuse of that right; that the General Assembly shall not pass any law abridging the freedom of speech or of the press, nor the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for the redress of grievances.

Section 13. Militia; standing armies; military subordinate to civil power.
That a well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the proper, natural, and safe defense of a free state, therefore, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed;

Hide behind your keyboard. You will be “safe” there. That is until your number comes up. Enjoy the free ride on the cattle car. I don’t think you’ll “need” much re-education. You already espouse much of the socialists thinking.

Charles in VA
Charles in VA
4 years ago
Reply to  Charles in VA

…says the guy hiding behind his keyboard 1500+ miles away in Texas.

Go get a law degree, come to Washington D.C. and make those arguments before the Supreme Court.

Then you might have a shot at making a real contribution.

Standing around waving a sign at a bunch of politicians who could care less about you isn’t accomplishing one damned thing.

Roger B
Roger B
4 years ago
Reply to  Charles in VA

Your are quite the dimwit, Charles.

The “upside” is obvious--we send a message to the fencesitter Dems in the VA legislature that their overt gun grab won’t be tolerated, and they back off their proposed 2A restrictions (as they have already begun to do after the Jan 13 NRA rally).

Keep living in your prison and hide under the sheets, while those of us with guts take to the streets to protect your rights.

4 years ago
Reply to  Roger B

Charles wants to deter attendance. I think he’s a liberal Dem plant.

4 years ago
Reply to  Charles in VA

And you believe that the courts will uphold the constitution?

Charles in VA
Charles in VA
4 years ago
Reply to  Jay

They’ve done it twice already in the recent past, with a less conservative Court than we have now.

The question is, will YOU uphold The Constitution? Will YOU give it the opportunity to fulfill its purpose? Or will YOU decide you are wiser than the Founders and 250 years of faith in our system of Government?

The wheels of Justice often turn slowly, but they grind exceedingly fine.

Are YOU the guy to stick his head in the wood chipper to see what the hold up is?

4 years ago
Reply to  Charles in VA

“This can play out in the courts or in the streets…”

^ There’s your “patriot” who (again) thinks we’ll be voting (or courting) our way out of tyranny.

I guess we should wait until the confiscation teams are on OUR front porch, huh?

Charles in VA
Charles in VA
4 years ago
Reply to  Gunny

Those of us with actual balls and a patriotic love of the Constitution are not afraid to wait on our porches for the Nazis to come.

2 questions for you, gunny…

1 Did you not swear the same Oath I did to uphold the Constitution?

2 Did you think you were going to live forever?

Honestly, you people sound like a bunch of hysterical teenage girls having their first period. No Sally, you’re NOT going to bleed to death! Now butch up and start using what little brains you were born with before you get yourself and others hurt to no purpose.

Charles in VA
Charles in VA
4 years ago
Reply to  Gunny

And here’s your gunny (who supposedly took an Oath to protect and defend the Constitution) telling you it isn’t worth spit and admitting he’s afraid of the Nazis coming to his porch.

Way to Semper Fi, Elmer Fudd!

4 years ago

If it comes down to a choice between our right to bear arms vs a corrupt and evil gov’t, I’ll choose our right to bear arms. The corrupt gov’t can go away. Our rights can never go away.
Northam is scum. I wouldn’t follow anything he says.
And remember that Bloomberg is behind all this, with very likely cohorts Soros and his minions too.

Charles in VA
Charles in VA
4 years ago
Reply to  Patricat

Yeah, but it HASN’T come down to that choice yet, has it? There is no confiscation law passed yet. Were it to be passed, there is still massive citizen non compliance and a Supreme Court fight to fall back on BEFORE taking up arms is even a serious debate.

When did patriotism demand the surrender of reason in this society?

4 years ago

I read Bracken’s article. I agree with him on the possibilities that could occur in Richmond. Just take a moment to consider what type people we will be having to deal with in opposition to us. To them the end justifies the means.

Second Amendment sanctuary localities now encompass 94% of Virginia’s land mass. Would you not think that fact alone would cause a true representative of the people to pause and reconsider the onerous and unconstitutional laws to be implemented? It hasn’t. They are busy adding even more anti-gun laws! Whats that tell you?

In the past, the real benefit of Lobby Day was to remind the Republicans in majority not to tamper with our rights. It never changed a Democrat’s mind even when they were not part of a radical socialist cabal as they are today… and now it is they who are in the majority. They are not interested in our opinions or listening to us. In fact, they are making it as difficult as they can prior to our arrival by passing new regulations creating gun free zones and will likely extend it to the entire capital grounds before Lobby Day. They are preparing the ground to make confrontation more likely. Why? If it were otherwise why not wait until after Lobby Day to make those changes and decrease the likelihood of confrontation?

I both hope and pray that Lobby Day will once again be a peaceful demonstration of representative government at work. But I don’t think we are dealing with honorable people in Richmond. Just the opposite.

Charles in VA
Charles in VA
4 years ago
Reply to  Les

” Just take a moment to consider what type people we will be having to deal with in opposition to us.”

Indeed, Les. Let’s do!

1. State Police -- SWAT teams, patrol officers, air support helicopters and probably drones as well

2. City Police -- boots on the ground

3. Special Capitol Police? Not sure that’s “a thing” or not in VA.

4. National Guard? It’s a possibility that is legitimate in this context. Riot control is their mandate. Imagine how much gas THAT would pour on the fire!

5. VDOT. Dept. of Transportation is able to shut down freeways, highways and secondary roads on very short notice…and answer to the State Police and the Governor. Now you’re trapped!

6. MEDIA -- Yeah. Let’s not forget THOSE douchebags! Because they treated the Charlottesville incident with such honesty and objectivity, right?

It seems to me that all the odds are in THEIR favor if just one idiot makes this go sideways…and we ALL know there’s one in every crowd.

I’m with you, Les. This has all the hallmarks of being a cluster foxtrot of truly EPIC proportions, and I want no part of it. Pray for peace in Richmond on the 20th.

4 years ago
Reply to  Charles in VA

” Just take a moment to consider what type people we will be having to deal with in opposition to us.”

Indeed, Les. Let’s do!

1. State Police — SWAT teams, patrol officers, air support helicopters and probably drones as well

Shooting down on rebels from rooftops. Missiles from Drones.

2. City Police — boots on the ground

Tear gas, shotguns, thousands dead.

3. Special Capitol Police? Not sure that’s “a thing” or not in VA.

Submachine guns used to “protect” the Gov.

4. National Guard? It’s a possibility that is legitimate in this context. Riot control is their mandate. Imagine how much gas THAT would pour on the fire!

Apaches firing Hellfires and 30mm cannons from thousands of feet. No chance to defend. Afterwards they go door to door and confiscate gunz.

5. VDOT. Dept. of Transportation is able to shut down freeways, highways and secondary roads on very short notice…and answer to the State Police and the Governor. Now you’re trapped!

Yah, ANTIFA led government shuts down busy freeways to hinder defense of rebels.

6. MEDIA — Yeah. Let’s not forget THOSE douchebags! Because they treated the Charlottesville incident with such honesty and objectivity, right?

Yah, as long as we can’t depend on medida support we should do nothing that might “look bad”.

And Douche Nuke em” Smallballs might order the Air Force to use nukes on pro-gun sites.

I guess it’s time to just surrender and get on the cattle cars to the Maryland concentration camps.

It’s hard to know if the person that originally posted this is pro or anti gun.

Charles in VA
Charles in VA
4 years ago
Reply to  FiftycalTX

Getting angry because you advocated a foolish course of action without being able to explain the benefits of that action just make you look stupider than you already do.

There’s no getting around that and you know it. You’re nothing but an intellectual butterfly that I’ve pinned to the cardboard, pal.

That’s the central issue and YOU can’t speak to it!

Now hurl some more insults. Post some more straw man arguments. Squirm all you want.

The sooner you just admit you’re an emotional little liberal girl like Gretta Thunberg who hasn’t got the ability to think her way out of a wet paper bag, the sooner we can all move on.

4 years ago
Reply to  Charles in VA

“Getting angry because you advocated a foolish course of action without being able to explain the benefits of that action just make you look stupider than you already do.”

Yah. It’s always stupid to peacefully assemble people to protest the actions of the government in power. I mean, with all the media and police state power, who would show up? Your dystopian account of all the government that will be there is enough to scare away any keyboard warrior. BTW, here is a picture of the massive opposition to gun rights. Look upon it if you dare.

I can see how you would be skeeered of that half a bus load of opponents. Why they might be ARMED! Well, since you are there and I am here, you stay safe behind that keyboard. I’m sure they will come for you last. That is if you even own a gun.

4 years ago
Reply to  Charles in VA

Perhaps if you would refrain from calling people stupid and or trying to belittle them, you might give them reason to listen and though they may when all is said and done still disagree with you at least both might still be on the same side, but only disagree on the way to make change. Had our forefathers waited to long, would we have had a Republic?

Charles in VA
Charles in VA
4 years ago
Reply to  Charles in VA

One word idiots…

You really believe VCDL is the only group who knows how to charter buses? And your opposition…if they come…will be PAID to be there. What does that tell you about what would happen?

Stupidity is its own reward.


[…] TL Davis […]

4 years ago

Winning hearts and minds???????????? We have raced far past that junction point. Remember what they did to the Alfred E. Murrah Building when the patriot movement started to accelerate? The spiders will continue to spin their wicked webs. What they don’t like is open defiance to their draconian laws. So while Richmond may contain elements of a buffalo jump, we must attend regardless.

Charles in VA
Charles in VA
4 years ago
Reply to  Bobo

It contains EVERY element of a buffalo jump…including the cooperative buffaloes! Just like Charlottesville. If the buffaloes were smart, they’d 180 away from the cliff, charge through the fire and the hunters, and live to graze another day.

Please describe to me what your vision for “success” in this scenario actually looks like.

Do you see CoonFace et al backing down, apologizing and resigning from Office?

Or is just getting out alive your best case scenario? Because you could acheive that by simply staying home and letting this work its way through the Courts.

4 years ago
Reply to  Charles in VA

Courts? What is the state of the 2nd amendment thanks to the courts? Did they intervene in our favor in 1934,1968 or 1994? You are operating from a false premise. Didn’t Jefferson say something about “a long train of abuses?” Well here we are yet again and the victims have stockholm syndrome to such a degree that they are afraid to show their faces to their abusers in public. We’re paralyzed that they will do something nefarious, when it’s in their nature to do something regardless.

Charles in VA
Charles in VA
4 years ago
Reply to  Bobo

So, it’s treason for you then. Good to know.

You’ll learn your lesson just like John Brown did.

So be it.

Just Me
4 years ago
Reply to  Charles in VA

Buffalo jump, that has to be one of the stupidest terms to come along in a long time.

Charles in VA
Charles in VA
4 years ago
Reply to  Just Me

It’s actually apropos if you know the meaning of it. It involves maneuvering a herd of stupid animals into position and then stampeding them over a cliff. Just a new name for a very old and efficient practice.

Just Me
4 years ago
Reply to  Charles in VA

I know exactly what it means, I also know where it came from and it is a stupid term. Also the fear mongering about the rally is a great fed operation, oh is me something might happen, to keep the everyone with a complaint home.
So agent Charles what 3 letter fed scam do you belong to ?

Charles in VA
Charles in VA
4 years ago
Reply to  Charles in VA

It’s cute that you think showing up and showing your ass is going to get you the results you want! Did your parents teach you that lesson?

And it isn’t me or the FBI you have to worry about…well, not me anyway. You need to worry about George Soros, Michael Bloomberg and the bus loads of Antifa they can hire to come crash your little party.


4 years ago
Reply to  Charles in VA

The courts have already shown that they are corrupt and will not uphold the constitution. They are controlled by the New World Order banksters.

Charles in VA
Charles in VA
4 years ago
Reply to  Jay

I guess you missed the Heller vs Washington D.C. SCOTUS ruling on the 2nd Amendment. You can thank the NRA/ILA for that, incidentally.

The facts are not on your side.

Charles in VA
Charles in VA
4 years ago

I have yet to see ONE PERSON on this board state honestly what tangible good they expect to come from this rally. NOT O N E.

I see a ton of angry “FEELINGS” being expressed, a few veiled threats, and even one or two possible subversives putting forth failed fringe ideas from the far right…the exact same mix of irrationals you can expect to show up at this rally.

Nothing this rally might conceivably hope to accomplish could even come close to what the citizens of Virginia HAVE ALREADY DONE in defense of the Second Amendment.

Does anyone here think this fight is already lost and over?!? In truth, it has barely even begun!

In my not so humble opinion, anyone who does not wish this to be resolved according to the Constitution (though the Courts), but rather take to the streets in pre-emption of of the Constitutional process to foment violence, is a traitor to the Constitution and to America. That includes BOTH the citizenry AND the “authorities”.

If these rallies have been going on for years and this is the result, what makes anyone think “one more ought to do the trick!” ? The definition of insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different result.

Best case scenario is this makes the guy organizing this buffalo jump a ton of money, the State a ton of money, and everyone who attends a lot poorer.

Worst case? Think Custer at Little Big Horn.

So stick your head in that wood chipper if you must. I’ll watch it on the news.

4 years ago
Reply to  Charles in VA

Is it possible that you missed the oft and previously stated “assemble & be heard” as a simple goal, perhaps that and nothing more?
Just asking from the out-of-state bleachers.

Charles in VA
Charles in VA
4 years ago
Reply to  Badger

The entire State population has already “been heard”. What do you think all this 2A Sanctuary business is all about?

What? You think our politicians DIDN’T hear every County in the State stand up and say “Hell No!”? If they aren’t listening to County Government and law enforcement, what makes you think the Average Joe is going to make a dent?

Do you REALLY believe that this is going to sway political decisions? I’ve been to enough County Board meetings to know that it isn’t.

So if it doesn’t make any difference, why take the risk?

And since you’re from out of State, I can tell you that downtown Richmond is comparable to Philadelphia or Baltimore in almost every measurable way.

Until this makes its way through the courts, there just isn’t anything to be done. But that isn’t good enough for a lot of emotional idiots who have no idea how the system works.

Whatever happens in Richmond, I’ll let my NRA/ILA representatives sort it out in Court. There is no need for me to be there.


4 years ago
Reply to  Charles in VA

2nd attempt….

So it’s come to this, were told it to dangerous to protest in America.

How about to let them know that were not “afraid” to start with and that we won’t be cowed, that regardless of the outcome we will show up!. And the more they persist the more we will resist. Stay home Charlie, for “now” your safer there.
Have you seen whats going on in Iran, Hong Kong, Venezuela, it straight up illegal to protest, and yet there they are…..

“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace.
We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you.
May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen.”
Samuel Adams

As for the rest, remember your not a dumb herd animal, be ready to change direction when the cliff presents itself. Point out the rooftop snipers to everyone, make sure everyone knows who and why they are there. In fact maps should be drawn up that show the likely locations of the “over watch”.


How many have seen this, TINVOWOOT, and now, Oh No don’t protest they might whip out the nukes. This isn’t for the faint of heart, or fair weather patriots, this is where the rubber hits the road, either were freemen or were not.

If the founders had known how illiterate the future would be, I’m sure that “arms” would have been written as “Weapons of War” so there could be no argument as to the meaning….

Sic semper tyrannis

Just Me
4 years ago
Reply to  WT


Charles in VA
Charles in VA
4 years ago
Reply to  WT


” This isn’t for the faint of heart, or fair weather patriots, this is where the rubber hits the road, either were freemen or were not.”

Translation…”I’m doing this to prove my manhood to myself and anyone else I might convince of it.”

There IS NO EXPECTATION of making a positive contribution to the political process! There never was. This is all about YOU and your FEELINGS!

Thanks for the inadvertent truth. I knew we’d get to it eventually. Betcha got a BIG lift kit on yer black diesel Dodge Ram too. Well, roll coal to the show Hoss! I hope you enjoy yourself. I really do.

Just Me
4 years ago
Reply to  Charles in VA

You really should get yourself, back on the meds, you have this huge conspiracy theory in your head.
Maybe moving away from Info Wars and Alex Jones for awhile might help your paranoid tendencies. Really dude, step away

Charles in VA
Charles in VA
4 years ago
Reply to  Just Me

Wow. Those lame gratuitous insults really solidified your argument! I feel SO devastated!

It really is an honor to be in a conversation with someone so intelligent and wise.


4 years ago

Let’s face it. We have been backed up to the wall, due to our hopeful optimism and general civility.
The NDAA has basically eradicated the premise of Habeus Corpus in this country.
Militias have been banned in many states, thanks to creative legal jargon.
Specific 10th amendment powers have been usurped by the federal government.
Our gun rights have been systematically eroded due to judicial tyranny at both the state, district and federal levels.
The political system has been perverted to such a degree that our very tax dollars have been weaponized to accelerate our destruction.
There is no legal means to escape from the box they have constructed. It’s been shut from a while.
So you all need to ruminate on the dire state of the affairs at the moment.

Charles in VA
Charles in VA
4 years ago
Reply to  Bobo

So what’s your action plan, General BoBo? Spell it out for all of us “less educated and patriotic” folks.

All I see from YOU so far is a complete rejection of hope and civility. Sounds like ANTIFA talk to me. Maybe you’re on the wrong side in this issue.

Just sayin’.

4 years ago
Reply to  Charles in VA

Stay local and respond accordingly. This is not suddenly going to go kinetic on a mass scale, especially not in Richmond. It will start off tit for tat in the hinterlands and progress inward. Maybe even a video of one of these ill timed 3 am raids will make it to social media. Then the games will really begin.

Charles in VA
Charles in VA
4 years ago
Reply to  Bobo

“This is not suddenly going to go kinetic on a mass scale,”

Famous last words. Tell it to Archduke Franz Ferdinand! One guy gets shot and the whole world goes to war.

Face it. You have no idea what you’re talking about.

Also, your advice is the exact opposite of what you’ve been advocating up to this point!

Hypocrite much, or are you just REALLY confused?

4 years ago
Reply to  Charles in VA

HAHAHA HAHaHa Sorry Charlie what agency do you work for anyway, I’m thinking Charles knows he’s gonna be on the wrong side and is trying to convince as many to stay home as possible, long shot, but hey, maybe it will work, Maybe he doesn’t want to have shoot anybody unless because of his job you know. Do us all a favor and stay home Charles……

Just Me
4 years ago
Reply to  WT

Its looking that way isn’t it.

Charles in VA
Charles in VA
4 years ago
Reply to  WT

I could not possibly care less who goes and who doesn’t go to this pointless cluster foxtrot. And I hope it fulfills all your hopes and aspirations.

That having been said, if it all goes tits up and half of you end up in prison or slaughtered? I won’t shed a tear. And I think it’s cute that you believe it could never happen.

Stupidity is its own reward.


Just Me
4 years ago
Reply to  Charles in VA

” Stupidity is it’s own reward “,; Yes it is and you’re the perfect example of that statement…… It must suck to live such a cowardly life.

4 years ago

Hopefully everyone is aware that the deepstate enemies of America will stop at nothing. When the pro second amendment forces publicly defeat them in the court of public opinion and the corrupt courts reluctantly recognize that they must relent to the constitution, that is when the deepstate will initiate sleeper cell action in order to blame Iran and others. If that fails to bring America down, then they will start a nuclear war. One way or the other, their agenda mandates that America and it’s constitution must be subdued. Whether they are successful or not remains to be seen. They plan to go under ground when the nukes start to fly.

4 years ago
Reply to  Jay

They will go back to their trusted playbook. False Flags. Destruction of federal buildings or minority events. I suspect that these false flags will ratchet up the retribution intensity to an unimaginable scope. This isn’t the early 1990s any longer. Many people are aware of these operations.

4 years ago

This is not the first time in history that one man, or even a whole group of corrupt politicians abused their power in order to threaten the lives of millions of others in their jurisdiction. The removal of one corrupt politician can sometimes save the lives and property of millions of other people.

Charles in VA
Charles in VA
4 years ago
Reply to  Jay

I’m not saying you’re wrong, but have you given any thought to who will replace him? DemonRats control the process at the moment. You sure you wouldn’t get a worse outcome as a result of removing him?

That a$$ wart has aspirations of a Presidential run in the near future. Once this gets fast tracked to SCOTUS I’m betting he cools his jets real quick…and that might be the best outcome for us in the short term.

Charles in VA
Charles in VA
4 years ago


FiftycalTX @ 12:48 today

Thank you for refuting your own argument! Every one of your points is a no lose argument before the Supreme Court. Therefore, if you swore an Oath to the Constitution as I have, you MUST make the argument in Court. You have no other LEGAL recourse at this point!

Of course, if you made no such Oath, feel free to show your a$$ in the streets to no purpose, risking your property and your life in the process. I’ll be watching from the couch with a big bag of popcorn.

Entertain me for free, you impetuous, imprudent scamp! Like you’ll even be there. Bwahaha

4 years ago

Certainly lots of differing opinions. We all have them. Let me share mine.

The 124+ localities that have declared themselves to be Second Amendment sanctuaries are in the ‘cat bird seat’….. for now. Each have openly and in public stated that they WILL NOT enforce unconstitutional gun laws. What exactly can Coonman and his out of state cabal do about that? Not a damn thing! Now is the time the sanctuaries should be networking together and re-enforcing their positions. Establishing mutual aid agreements. Organizing resources within their individual localities. No need to even call them “militias”. Call them something else. We can play the word game, too. No state has moved as fast and gone as far as has Virginia in opposing the communist insanity now coming out of Richmond. Why chance f’ng it up? Whatever occurs in Richmond on the 20th will be portrayed in a negative fashion. Lord help us if violence breaks out and/or blood is spilled! Its delusional to think provocateurs will not be an ingredient or that nutters on every side won’t be in attendance.

I’ve attended Lobby Days before. But we were not in a war with such radicals in government as we certainly are now. Probably lots of veterans on here. A few certainly have combat experience. Let me ask, if you had your enemy concentrated in a small area with few escape routes, what did you do?

God I hope my concern turns out to be unfounded. I pray I can post on here on Jan. 21 and say I was totally wrong about everything and conducting Lobby Day was a good idea.

T S Adams
T S Adams
4 years ago

This conversation to-date is the most reasoned
I have heard on this site. I imagine something
similar took place back in 1776 in Philly.You guys
might be a bunch of rednecks but your reasoning
is sound. You will make the right decision.

Here’s my simple take on this. 1) Game time
will not be the result of contemplation and logical
reasoning and strategy. It will be spontaneous
passion and fire and after the initial blood letting it
will settle down to think and maneuver. And that
works for me just so everybody destined for glory
shows up.

2) When it starts every man must be willing to burn
the ships. Because from then on it will
be do or die or surrender in shame. As for closed
highways…any of you guys know how to drive an
18 wheeler or loaded dump truck. And any .gov
thug manning a road block better have eyes in the
back of his head.

There will be many problems but they can all be
solved. Yankees are known for their ingenuity.

Men going to war fight best when they have
nothing to lose. Men who see themselves as
dead men walking. Men who will write history
with their blood.

Cry Havoc and Let Slip the Dogs of War.

Charles in VA
Charles in VA
4 years ago
Reply to  T S Adams

A couple of thoughts here…

You sound pretty excited to get to the Boogaloo.

Who the hell are you calling a “Yankee”, jack wad?

4 years ago

Take up ARMS against the ENEMIES of the People and their Constitution. 2nd Amendment “Arms” and “Militia” are for WAR, according to the 1828 Websters Dictionary.

4 years ago

There are better ways to win this fight than becoming cannon fodder. THINK.

Charles in VA
Charles in VA
4 years ago
Reply to  Ned2

As you’ve no doubt noticed, trying to enlighten the low brow knee jerkers is an uphill battle.

I bet not one in ten here could tell you the history of the NRA back to its founding.

Thank you for your thoughts on the subject.

Dave Smith
Dave Smith
4 years ago

“Law is a law” only when it supports communist’s goal. If it does not, than it is a “burgeois” concept which is considered wholly invalid and is rejected in entirety. Lately, this has been a case in elections too. If communist wins, democracy won, otherwise democracy lost.
There is no two way communication here. There is nothing to negotiate. Other side has made its mind. It is in their books, in their minds and it is settled opinion. Raw force is the only thing they know and will implement it to achieve their goals. 100M+ dead did not kill themselves. Because their goal is a paradise on earth. So, morally, they “know” they are right and everyone who opposes it needs to be eliminated. They truly believe in that in the battle of good and evil they are good, and you are evil. Nobody is coming to help. Those who should are in their camp.

4 years ago

If you are not sure of what to do, let the circumstances guide your way.

Allow me to share with you a little bit of history that fits perfectly at this time. I want to make you familiar with a little bit of post World War II history that you probably never heard about. The Battle of Athens was an armed rebellion led by WW II veterans and citizens in Athens and Etowah, Tennessee, in August of 1946 against the tyrannical local government that had taken over while they were away. A clip from the motion picture made telling this story can be seen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5ut6yPrObw&t=15s .This true story of The Battle of Athens makes perfectly clear the true intent and the real purpose of the Second Amendment.

More so than any foreign threat, a tyrannical government is what the Founding Fathers feared the most… and this is specifically why there is a Second Amendment, and why for the government to require that guns have some sort of a “sporting purpose” is a direct insult to the memory of the Founding Fathers.

Max Patriot
Max Patriot
4 years ago

As a patriot in Georgia, I will be unable to attend the “festivities”. I pray for the righteousness of this movement and hold all who attend in the highest regard. I view this more of a “second revolution” and less of a “civil war”. The soul of our nation is at stake here, not merely states rights. This country, founded on individual liberty, is depends on how this first skirmish plays out. I you are fortunate enough to live within attendance range or can be there, I pray that you will.

4 years ago


“Cowardice asks the question, ‘Is it safe?’ Expediency asks the question, ‘Is it politic?’ Vanity asks the question, ‘Is it popular?’ But, conscience asks the question, ‘Is it right?’ And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but one must take it because one’s conscience tells one that it is right.” -- MLK JR


“There comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but he must take it because conscience tells him it is right.”

4 years ago
