T.L. Davis: The Dirty Work of Tyrants

John Parker (captain) - Wikipedia

We are here. After decades of warning by everyone I know, especially in the film Lies of Omission, by all contributors, that we would wind up slaves of a hostile federal government, the communists have been voted in. Yes, I know it was stolen, but that doesn’t change anything when the corruption is so deep and widespread that no one will look at the evidence of a rigged election. All federal institutions now are controlled by the Chinese communists, or communists equally as ruthless, including the homegrown communists. 

Now what? Who has been deterred by the events in Washington DC? Who among us has been castigated by the very people who gave cause to the crowds? Are any of those who read this really going to suggest that storming the congress was unwarranted? I don’t care if Antifa instigated it. Was it unwarranted? I don’t think it was, it should have been that and much, much more. All the congress had to do to put a lid on all of it was to simply recognize that vote fraud had taken place and get to the bottom of it. Since that was never going to happen, it spells out the fact that they achieved the result they all wanted. It has never been about Trump, it has been about his voters, fans or followers, however one wants to look at it. I, personally, have never been a fan of Donald Trump, but he is head and shoulders above any other Republican and a whole skyscraper above any Democrat. I want freedom and liberty, he at least seemed to want that himself. The communists in the government detest any mention of freedom or liberty. 

They hate us. 


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Angry Patriot
4 years ago

I agree it was and is justified but the problem is that there was no organization and no identifiable objective.

a follower
a follower
4 years ago

“Get used to being called a criminal, a coward, a pathetic loser, a joke, a rube, etc. If you are actually going to join the battle, that is all you can expect from those on the opposite side and especially by those ostensibly on your side.”
Can i gain comfort from this also?
i disagree with what we saw at the capital.
i disagree with the Aesop groupies.
i disagree with the name callers who lash out at me and call me a pacifist. You most definitely do not know me.
Do you not understand that the entire DC. trip was a trap? a set-up by all (both)sides directing the show? Make no mistake they will not let this crisis nor any crisis go to waste.
Yo Jimbo ?
Trump is and has been captain warp speed. Vaccine is here, All aboard!
Trump did not pay down the debt, nor barely speak of it!
Did anyone watch the Jan. 5, Rally with Alex jones and a multitude of guest, including “pastors” and many speaking in terms and words of revolution?
These “pastors” and others spoke of humility before God, and yet what i saw on stage did not reflect humility before God.
Are there different meanings of Revolution and ways to pursue and thoughts of those that hear it?
Many were led into a trap and many jumped right in it.
So be it, let the show continue and play out, Gods will, will be done, seek His Truth, His peace, His divine protection and everlasting life. There is a set-apart place we should all be very aware of and tuned into.

4 years ago

What’s frustrating to me is attempting to discuss current events with ignorant people who insist on boiling a discussion to “red vs. blue”, or “Demonrats vs. Republicans”.
When attempts are made to restore the conversation to “your children’s future in a Chinese-run sweatshop” or “the sacrifices and pain of our Servicemen from the Revolutionary War through the Middle East wars on terror”, or similar decisions from our Constitutional Framers being tossed aside, they go blank. You can see it in their eyes. They have not memorized any talking points or sound bytes for those subjects, and the “conversation” is done.
That is the result of 12 or 16 years of the current American educational system. Complete crippling by Marxist teachers of student’s critical thinking capabilities, reinforced regularly by the lyin’ media and their “narrative”.
Doesn’t bode well for our future.

4 years ago