T.L. Davis: The Error of Civility

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The call for civility is a call for surrender, because it is only the right that understands it. The collectivists work against every sense of civility. It is their tactic to assault civility, to thrust their hedonism in the faces of Christians, to attack the traditional marriage by expanding the definition into meaninglessness.

I see no reason to be civil to those who profit on the deaths of hundreds of thousands of unborn; who clamor for the assassination of the President; who actively promote the annihilation of white people and couch their racism in some sense of reparations for the acts of white ancestors. As sick and evil as I viewed the Obama Administration for its actions in targeting conservative groups with the power of the IRS or the deaths of thousands of Mexicans during Fast and Furious, a planned, designed policy to let them die at the hands of drug dealers directly armed by the feds, I never even considered the answer to these acts would be assassination. Those are the thoughts of thugs and criminals, especially because they have used it.


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