We are beginning to see in the Democratic debates what a Democratic president would have in store for the United States. This is not a D vs R issue. It doesn’t matter which political party offers up some socialist or communist program to find push back here on 12 Round, that is part of what we do, we fight for what we think is important. Capitalism is important, so it doesn’t matter who proposes socialistic or communistic programs and Republicans have done it as much as Democrats. We are apolitical here in that we see no political party upholding and fighting for the things that we know work. Capitalism works. Hard work, works. Freedom works. Those are ideals that should be furthered, discussed, promoted, but America has slumped into a sort of quasi-socialist existence.
There is nothing to be said about Social Security, it might have worked had it been done correctly, structured properly, but it wasn’t. It was just a boon to the general fund, dumping money for decades into the general spending accounts to be paid back later. This led to a glut of spending, financed some of the foreign wars that were fought with no accounting for how that money was supposed to sustain the people through an economic meltdown, except to borrow more. So, Social Security was America’s foray into socialism and it has done a great deal of good for people who are unable to work, but that was never its purpose. Social Security was a bribe to elder citizens so they would quit work and give those jobs to the younger generation, why? Because the United States, at the time, during the depression, was afraid that too many unemployed twenty and thirty-year-olds might do what they are afraid of in Middle Eastern countries now, foment rebellion and revolution.
So, now, here we are with massive debt made worse by unfunded liabilities like Social Security, medicare and medicaid. Now, people like Bernie Sanders, a straight-up communist, who will tell you so in private or two minutes after winning the presidential election, an apologist for the atrocities committed by Fidel Castro, want to bring all of America’s healthcare under the control of an already financially bankrupt medicare. He calls it “healthcare for all” but it is really something short of an aspirin for all, surgery for none. Like most things socialistic and communistic, the plan just doesn’t work. That isn’t a Democrat or Republican truth, it is the observable, verifiable truth. What few socialist countries that have made universal healthcare work have done so by failing to fund their national defense, relying on the sole capitalist nation for its greater national defense, or by coming up with organizations like the EU to group together to provide a common defense, but without the funds or commitment to do a thorough job of it and as the United States focuses more on social issues, its national defense suffers.
Capitalism works, because it is not managed, directed or focused. It does not require a government directorate to decide for everyone what they will want or need. It is unwieldy, chaotic and funds flow to that which is needed, or captures the imagination. People want to be entertained, want to do things that interest them and the money flows to those things. But, what has happened to literature is that the big five publishers have decided to do exactly that, direct and decide for all of us what we want to read, thereby deciding what we will think, pushing their socialist ideas into our brains, or cause us to stop reading all together to escape it.
I’m not sure how many people, human beings, must be sacrificed on the alter of communism to prove that it doesn’t work, so far more than 100 million have not been enough. The nation of Venezuela’s utter fall from the wealthiest Lain American nation to the poorest hasn’t even caused a speed bump on the way to the Democratic nomination. It is no coincidence that it started in a democratic nation, communism focuses on nations they can vote themselves into, then slam the door on elections by making voting for anyone besides the ruler a crime of treason. They start with wealthy nations and point out every flaw, every injustice, even though those flaws and injustices have led to the almost banishment of poverty by any global sense of the word. Poverty, even in a flawed America is massively more comfortable than poverty in Zimbabwe. It’s not that we shouldn’t work on eradicating those flaws and injustices, but communism is not the answer, so Bernie Sanders cannot be the answer. But, even in America, it is a long march back to capitalism from the detours we have taken.
[…] Via NCR. […]
This is the way of the tribe, as they yearn for the “good old days” of their Messiahs -- Lenin and Stalin.
How noble of healthcare workers to go to school for years and take on massive debt just to become government workers…oh wait.
Dr. Shanaynay will see you know just press on the pictogram that matches your condition.
Bernie Sanders a communist ? Surely you jest !
Democrat/Republican = Left Wing/Right Wing, same bird !
The single most important factor that will derail a communist USA is not the second amendment but the quantity of armed American patriots that will resist communism whether civilian firearms are banned or not. The nullification of the second amendment does not negate the right to bear arms.