T.L. Davis: The Lost Art of Americansim

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This USED to be America, where Americans didn’t take lies and false accusations from punks just because they wore a badge. I know there’s cops out there thinking that they’d thump and cuff anyone who tried that sort of thing, but that’s only because they haven’t had to deal with real Americans for a long, long time, if ever. While the cops used to be tougher, so were the Americans with whom they dealt.

The downside of mass immigration since the 1960s, is we’ve imported a lot of compliance-oriented people and watered down the original stock. People from other countries, who lived in lawless nations, who could be killed and dumped by any number of government goons, don’t understand a nation that relies on the rule of law, they only know how to comply and they’ve infected the American population and that’s influenced the American police force.

Real Americans are massively jealous of their freedom and real American cops respect the fact that the citizens have rights. Where that’s gone wrong is largely with the citizens themselves. When I’ve gotten a ticket for seat belts, or some imagined moving violation, I’ve taken the cops to court. Sometimes I win, sometimes I lose, but it’s the fight that matters. It’s the injustice that cannot be shrugged at and passed by. When the cops pull me over, I hand them the registration, proof of insurance and my driver’s license. I don’t talk, unless it’s to argue, but that argument is better done in court than the side of the road.


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tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

We march lock step to our death, the truth does not matter, the evidence is out on the kill shot and their agenda. Our country has been stolen; our children are being groomed and given hormone therapy and still we wait. It is easy to see just how far we have fallen, we are a weak and apathetic hedonistic society. Just what is a man today? There plan has succeeded and is almost complete, except for the few who still resist. We still after decades of the chem trails being sprayed upon us do not know what is raining down upon us. What about the flouride, it is a neurotoxin just read the warning label on that tube of toothpaste. The CDC is monitoring the waste water I assume for our benefit also. WHEN do we rise up and start killing every last one of them? Ask God for forgiveness and RISE up on our feet like men.

Irod Folsom
Irod Folsom
2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley


enn ess
enn ess
2 years ago

We are all looking for leaders. We are all busy running our lives, raising our families, working for our financial well being the best we can. We elect leaders to lead the country as a whole, individual sovereign States, Counties, and cities. Trusting that they will abide buy the rules and principles set down by the creators of this country and our way of life. Where are our leaders we can rally around and support. There have been none for well over 150 years worthy of our support. Instead we elect the least offensive criminal. There are leaders out there, but refer to the beginning to find out where they are.