T.L. Davis: The Miller Dilemma

christian mercenary

Jared and Amanda Miller finally gave the feds the excuse they were looking for to put all of us “domestic terrorists” on notice. It was bound to happen wasn’t it? And now the post I made only yesterday asks the question of today. Do we have the ability, as a movement, to stomach the sort of thing the Millers did and still stand by our previous statements? Who knows if they were white supremacists, how can anyone know for sure? They draped the cops body with a Swastika, does that say something about them, or the cops? Who are the Nazis in this scenario? 

See, how do we, as a community, deal with this act? We know who the cops are; what they are willing to do to innocent citizens. I don’t agree with white supremacy. I don’t agree with racism. I don’t agree with flash-banging a baby in his crib either. 


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