T.L. Davis: The Race

Right now, the liberal, traitorous government believes that it still has the power to purge and persecute at will and more importantly absolve at will. Their fellows in the media will cover for them, but that’s getting harder and harder to maintain. I saw the absolute horror on the face of a typical media personality when they realized, in talking to their “health expert,” that the PCR test didn’t work, that no one really knew who was indeed “positive” or reliably “negative” and something occurred to me that never had before: THEY even bought the spin. I had always considered it, if not a conspiracy, at least a wink and nod, go-along-to-get-along relationship while secretly taking Ivermectin all the while. The media nitwit, suddenly realized, on camera, that it was all a ruse. I suppose, I gave them too much credit for intelligence, overestimating their level of evil, but that is not to alleviate their guilt. Anyone who goes in front of hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions of people and declares anything that will lead people to make dangerous and even deadly decisions is guilty. Being a useless dupe doesn’t excuse the abuse of power and influence. It’s their obligation to be fully informed, before they open their collective mouths.

There are signs that the whole global governmental apparatus has stepped over the line. Brazil, in particular, is in almost total revolt. One mayor was beaten on the street for instituting the vaxx mandate. Also, in Brazil, a total of about six million protested on the streets of just three cities. There’s news that some protests, largely limited to weekends, are starting to be held every day. In the wake of this, one looks out at America and sees nothing that even closely resembles that level of activism. But that’s not a bad thing, either.

Right now, I’m looking for cracks, something that will allow the damn to break, the narrative to reverse, because I think there’s a race going on. They have to kill or convert many, many more millions before the truth comes out and it’s squeezing through the gaps right now. If those who’ve pushed this whole vaxx narrative and the actual article itself don’t accomplish their goals soon, it’s going to flip on them and the wrath of the silent majority will be unleashed. In fact, I don’t expect the patriots to be the ones to initiate the worst of it. That will be the libs that suddenly realize what idiots they’ve been, how gullible, when they finally have to look themselves in the mirror and recognize, after all their years of couching every evil they’ve done FOR the system, only to have that system used to decimate their own families, I expect a backlash. It’s hell to realize you’re one of the useful idiots instead of one of the privileged on the bus.


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Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
3 years ago

Ephesians 5:11
11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.

3 years ago

Once a few bureaucrats and news media personalities get punched in the nose -- the whole scam will fall apart. They will run like rabbits.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  Jane

Yea sooner or later our words will bring them to their knees.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Not sure why punching them in the nose isn’t good enough for you? Not sure you even read what Jane said. You just feel the need to cock off? Knee jerk reaction?
You want Blood, you want vengeance, by your own words?
Do you know how much power our tongues have? Is the pen or this key board not an extension of our tongues and our thoughts?
Have you ever heard the Pen is mightier than the sword?
i believe there are several reasons why there is Great Truth to this.
Our words carry meaning, our words carry Truth and or lies. Many go through this world blinded (by self and justification of self) or deaf, hearing and seeing exactly what they want to see and hear!
People repeat lies and mischaracterizations enough times and the sheep will follow. They will arm up and begin the slaughter based on what? words. Words spoken and or said, and repeated, out-loud. Sheep will not enquire, they will not do their own homework, they simply hear their proverbial masters (what they want to hear) and follow direction!
Once the Blood shed begins how much Truth will be getting spread and relayed? The Blood shed that you and some others hear are pining for.
And before anyone again says peace will not work or post a season for war etc.
Did i miss out on a season of peace? i turned 59 New years eve and have seen or heard of wars all of my life. i am a vet. i am aware of much i witnessed in the military. i would not trade those years for anything, i learned much and witnessed much, even though it was reasonably calm times.
But a season of peace on earth i have never been a part of. i believe there may be one on the horizon, but it does not come by voting, it does not come because i chose not to vote, Trump certainly is not here to usher in a peace. He may have been sent by God but he was not sent here for me to rely on nor worship nor to put my faith in!
Looking forward to the calm that will come after this great storm.
tom this was not all directed at you, but thanks for getting it started.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

I am not reacting to the cowardice of our nation or to your words, your 59 I am 70 what peace? I do not support Trump, he helped usher in the current communist regime. You think what, that blood shed accomplishes nothing. I am calling for what our founding Fathers had vision to see, peace at all costs, your in a delusional state of mind. As to repeating lies and mischaracterizations, as I said you are delusional. As to pining for violence, again in your delusional state you see the only way to peace is surrender, you have surrendered I will not. The only ones shedding blood are your current masters, you have already bowed to their will, get on with it then.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

You think alternatives and speaking out are surrendering?

daryl snowden
daryl snowden
3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

You are right Tom, the evil that is controlling our world right now doesn’t give a damn what we have to say about it, they laugh at our whining and complaining. To stop it you have to eliminate it by whatever means necessary.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  daryl snowden

Thank you for your comments, it may be a bad thing for you. We now have fact checkers as is being done on other platforms, for the common good. Just as in Viet Nam you had incidents that were never discussed or brought to light, about the killing of fellow soldiers by their own brothers in arms, due to racial tensions. We now have that same sniping going on.

3 years ago

Keep looking for the cracks in the traitors armor, that is a winning strategy. But understand, once enough time has gone by there can be no excuse for being a useful idiot. Sides will be established and the outcome will be determined. I don’t care where anyone stands, choose wisely using “all” the information available. I will support those choices only if they don’t threaten my life, liberty, and freedom of choice.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
3 years ago

TL and Ca,
“The madness behind the website.” no holds barred, free speech! chuckle.
Always enjoyed the site, and many of the characters. Showed us what to do what not to do.
 “How to act, how not to act.”
Always liked the calm on the somewhat hidden and ongoing thread (about us.) i miss the old site, and wish you all the best.
i hope we all learn Free speech is a gift and as such ‘all gifts’ come with responsibilities.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

You chuckle at free speech, yours is the only free speech that matters to you, everyone else’s free speech is violence according to you. Your no different than the communists that now occupy our government, surrender or be slandered into submission or ostracized from society.

Last edited 3 years ago by tom finley
a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

i chuckle because of how outlandish it became. i chuckle because i was there.
i chuckle because Nothing is free!
And you , you are not listening. Up above you begin harping, on things i did not say about you. i know full well you are not a trumpster. Yet you love to rave and rage like a lunatic.
Did you not see: “tom this was not all directed at you, but thanks for getting it started.”
You are listening to a liar, so you have made up your mind about me largely in part by a liar and someone who has mischaracterized me. You are a yes man, nothing more.
i could tell you more of myself but to what end, you believe what you are told, you believe the gossip, well is that not the easiest path?
You wanna fight, i will not back down.
And no i do not mean i will meat you in Kingsman. we will have or continue our war of words and see if words do matter.
God willing we will not show how childish we have become.

Last edited 3 years ago by a follower, working on it.
tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

Your again delusional, as to getting it started have at it, your little games of words do not work with me. You hide behind your peace at all costs, I do not care about what has been said, your feelings have been hurt by comments get to your safe space I am sure you have one.

just sayin'
just sayin'
3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

You guys going back and forth is like seeing the little devil on one side of the shoulder and the little angel on the other side of the shoulder, depicting the duality of conscience that we all have. It is a real and usually healthy debate and illustrates the struggle going on inside the minds and hearts of many Americans. Many are fed up and are afraid that if something isn’t done soon, it will be more difficult to take action later. Different people will be led to take different actions at different times, as this is a fluid situation, and there is no one size-fits-all solution to any of the problems we face today. Just remember…You are NOT each others enemy.

I do not believe that A follower says what he says to piss you off or even degrade your feelings. I think he cares about you and others who feel like you do. He does not want you to go out like a kamikaze with no effect on the outcome…He doesn’t want you to have rage and anger in your heart that draws you away from God, and he doesn’t want anyone who identifies with the feelings that you are feeling and listens to the words you write to do so either.

If we really are in “the end times” (and its increasingly looking that way), kingdoms WILL fall and there is nothing we are meant to do about it… because that is the least of our concerns. Jesus doesn’t say to take up arms for your country, if anything you are to take up arms for Him… and we aren’t there yet. If we really are in “the end times”, the battle within each of us against our fleshly desires and tendencies like anger and aggression is far more important than anything in the physical realm. We are to study the word like never before… Come together with other believers… pray that His will be done, even if it conflicts with the outcome that we want…When we put it our problems in God’s hands, we will take orders from him, not ourselves or other men. Peace during this time comes from knowing the outcome and it has absolutely nothing to do with a single country’s system of government. When tribes unite, their place of origin is inconsequential. We, as Christians, are sojourners in this land, and although we are comfortable, it is not our “home”. Americans have fallen so far from God, we do not deserve His mercy… and as Christians, we know we never did. If there is something to be done for our country, when we live “in the spirit” I think we will know what to do when the time comes, and those actions will be different for different people, in different circumstances.

A follower is likely concerned with your soul and the reality that your seething anger will not only harm your spirit, but also do harm to your physical and emotional being, so you will be less able to act accordingly when the time comes. He is NOT your enemy, he is your brother in Christ and he cares about you and others that are feeling like you are, or he would spend the time and energy to try to temper your steel. If steel is too hard, it will crack…flexural strength is just as, (if not more important than) compressive strength. Likewise, spiritual preparation is just as (if not more important than) physical preparation for the times ahead.

A follower,
Tom is expressing his frustration on the subject, and while his words could sway others on the fence, the reality is that they may also be a deterrent for those PTB who think they may be able to easily usurp the autonomy from this country’s citizens. I do not believe that this is the reality of the situation, and that is not necessarily a bad thing. Also, while you’ll not likely encounter Tom in real life, you will likely encounter others that think like him. Take these encounters as a learning lesson…How does he respond to your conversation? How do you respond to his? There may be a real life experience in your future that this conversation is preparing you for. Keep that in mind, and adjust your emotional response and words accordingly so that you may be more effective at swaying or informing an opposing view. As always, keep in mind, they are NOT your enemy.

Have a great day!

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  just sayin'

I am not filled with rage and anger as you have stated, I am in constant prayer, 24/7. I do not obey mans laws at this point, Gods laws are what guide me, as to follower working on it, looking out for my soul I think not. All your statements seem to be pointed at me, thinking my comments are emotional hyperbole. That is fine join in.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

By the way it is not hard to see who you think the little devil is, you have a great day.

just sayin'
just sayin'
3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Neither the angel or devil on the shoulder is good or bad…right or wrong… they are both necessary opposing forces used for resolving conflict in the human consciousness. I’m sure you are both great people. The point is…you are not enemies just because you have different points of view.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  just sayin'

I thought I resolved this problem with this same individual, but in my first comment he went bananas and stated all kinds of bizarre accusations I don’t have a problem he does.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
3 years ago
Reply to  just sayin'

Thank you and you are most correct in what you are saying.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

You have been vindicated, as long as no one else shows up with an opposing view. Your friends have come to your rescue.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

You stated in your comments you like the violence in Yellowstone and seals in your fictional world of make believe. As to meeting me in Kingman have at it, I do not think you will like the outcome of that decision. I gave up childish ways when I became a man. Your own words about gossip and rumor haunt you to no end. The person you talk about is yourself, you no nothing else, your own words condemn you to the facts.

Last edited 3 years ago by tom finley
a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Did i state i like the violence?
show me.

Last edited 3 years ago by a follower, working on it.
tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

You stated in the article for your consideration you payed to watch it, again your words quit whing, is that all you can do, I bet you jump for joy at all the violence.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Let us be reasonable, can i be a pacifist and also jump at joy at all the violence?
i will try harder in the future to reply more clearly.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

did i say i wish to meet you in Kingman?
show me.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

Again your words, veiled threats don’t work with me.

daryl snowden
daryl snowden
3 years ago

When it’s time to fight, and whether you like it or not that day is coming, when I look to my right or left I want to see a Tom Finley not a follower, working on it.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

Did the founding fathers rage and talk like lunatics? Your own words condemn them as well, all I am calling for is what in their wisdom they gave us in our founding documents, maybe the communist manifesto is more to your liking, have you read it, I have.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

The only ones shedding blood are the current regime, led by their demented puppet master biden, they are no different than the Pol Pots, Joseph Stalin, Fidel Castros and Adolph Hitlers. Peace at all cost as some have stated, wait it out let the vaxed die off. Our founding Fathers foresaw what has happened, our current religious leaders all call for peace at any cost. At what cost are you willing to pay, your childrens lives, the lives of family and friends? What choice do we have but to pick up ours arms and restore our Republic.