We don’t have a government, we have impromptu “authorities” running around claiming to have power that we have authorized, but we haven’t. Since that is true, and they feel no obligation to us, because some other system has given them the power and that’s where they see their allegiance, they injure us, abscond with our money, put us in mortal danger, have unleased criminals foreign and domestic on us without concern as their masters seek a crime-ridden, economically broken and spiritually broken society that will accept any manner of injustice and perversion they might choose to inflict. It’s a pretty good gig, if you’re a narcissistic, lawless pedophile, but it makes for an insane condition under which to conduct a reasonable and responsible life.
This is the atmosphere that’s ripe for the communist imposition of order. It matters not a whit that the communists created the disorder to begin with and if you’re not keeping score as to how it got that way, you might be uninformed enough to accept their final solution. But many of us have been keeping score, we do know who is responsible and we make it our daily chore to continue to publish the scorecard for everyone to see.
As the Biden crime family, at the behest of the Obama cabal ruled over and dictated to by the cartel of random globalists, continues to bleat on about who is responsible for the inflation that is driving millions of Democrats into the arms of the MAGA movement, they refuse to do the one thing that would ease it all and that’s drill for oil as hard and fast as possible. Oil production and the price attendant to it is the single act that can ease the suffering of millions at home and abroad. Oil is a fungible commodity, it doesn’t matter where it’s drilled, produced or shipped as long as it exists in abundance. Restricting the production of oil affects the psychological idea of it’s abundance, whether it does so physically, or not, that’s why increasing production has an immediate effect on the price and therefore all prices associated with producing goods, moving goods or powering the stores communities that sell and buy those goods.
Biden and his controllers, interested in the chaotic conditions required for a communist putsch to gain ultimate and complete control over the population, will intentionally ignore this one step that affects all other prices not only to maintain the chaos, but to remind the population that they, the globalist cabal, are in control. By ignoring the one possible safety valve to reduce prices immediately, they demonstrate how much they affect your everyday life. That’s power and that’s what they must exert over you to get your mind right for the putsch.
A year and half after the coup and there is no solution on the horizon. Many wait and think that 2022 will be the election that matters, that it will be where the general disgruntlement will be exposed, where the people who are being strangled by the oppression of free-roaming “authorities” creating chaos and division will be ousted, but the administrative state of government is where the problem lies; where these bills are concocted for puppets like Biden to present to the rest of us, while they remain anonymous and in ultimate control. You don’t get rid of the administrative state by elections, you get rid of it by identifying it as the culprit and going after it directly.
1. Stay away from pastors who do not support the Constitution. Recognize how they are enabling American enslavement. Do not sit in a friendly church with a false prophet. These pastors are sedating their flock by giving the impression that churches are not supposed to stand for Christian liberty. Pastors proudly state, “I will not get involved. I am going to facilitate all evil put upon you.”
Question your pastors. Church goers ask about social programs and are not interested in what pastors preach. Pastors are preaching lukewarm “nothings”today. They have aligned with wicked government.
2. Start listening to Pastor Chuck Baldwin -- Liberty Fellowship in Montana each Sunday and wake up. Liberty Fellowship is NOT a government controlled 5013c!
3. Any senator that supported gun control is a traitor, says Pastor Chuck Baldwin.
4. Escape left/ right paradigms. Do not vote for a party label. Will the person you vote for support the Constitution?
5. Give no support to those who enable the warfare state.
6. How much is Liberty worth to you?
7. Read 2nd treatise of government by John Locke.
8. In elementary schools back when, children were required to read our freedom documents and were tested in it. The true history has been hidden because it’s not taught anymore.
9. Immerse in constitutional biblical law: early American history. We are under increasing censorship. Early American history will be digitally removed. Early Americans wrote clearly their focus and desires.
10. 50 years of movies and public school propaganda, and evangelical traitors to Christianity has led to people who were not taught basic morality.
11. Zionists promote the sodomite lifestyle.
12. False prophets promote, protect, and expand Israel.
13. We are being herded into an inferior lifestyle to feed the elite. They want to lord over you with their dictatorship.
14. False prophets promote, protect, and expand the police state.
They need terrirists, mass shootings, radical vs Muslims. We have a border problem because our government wants it. The dark forces are not that of a lone gunman. There are dark forces in the background justifying the police state.
This sermo. Was given by a truthful pastor, Sunday, June 12,2022 by Pastor Chuck Baldwin. Go to Liberty Fellowship in Montana and see all the wonderful books and DVD’s available. Listen to a real pastor!s warning.
BOOM! Pastor Baldwin like the rest of us is not perfect but he is by far the best patriot out there in the clergy.
Wondering if my post is allowed? Why would it be censored or need to wait for approval? Pastor Chuck Baldwin’s sermon not allowed here?
There is no rhyme or reason why some post are not automatically approved. We get to them as fast as possible.
Thank you. I appreciate your response. I wanted to edit the misspells but could not because of the ‘wait for approval’ notation. I applaud this site for allowing free speech.
I truly relish TL Davis articles. Keep them coming!
Your doing a fantastic job Wes.
Inhale…… exhale…. inhale….exhale…. Excellent! Patience is a fruit of the spirit. Wes is giving up much to make this site available. Give him a little credit for being fair and balanced.
I was not angry or upset, Stan.
Point well taken. No offense meant.
They have been very effective, in what they have been told to do, they want a new world, we don’t! The question is what will we do?
Obamas dream of changing America is a reality happening in real time, and there has been no real resistance as of yet. When he was in office he pushed to have coal and oil slowed or stopped, he is still in control, his proxy obiden can barely put two words together. The whole of this illegal regime and a good majority of the corporations are with him 100%. It is a vile and putrid America they have created in record time, the globohomo agenda is pushed on the defenseless children. There is but one way to restore our liberty and freedom and that is to take it.
NEVER FORGET: Antifa-BLM Leader Who Was Filmed Inside US Capitol on Jan. 6, Broke a Window, and Organized Antifa Rally Near Capitol That Day -- ONLY SPENT ONE DAY IN JAIL
Throw the switch, lets get this party started. I’m not getting any younger and I want my children to not have to live in their “utopia”
They will accomplish this with food shortages and gasoline rationing, guaranteed.
Once again you are making comments that support Trump. He is every bit as evil as Biden. Red and Blue are two wings of the Same Ugly Bird. Trump is in on all of this. And by the way he was a life long democrat until 2016, since you don’t like democrats you should be aware you are being fooled. MAGA is the highest degree in the church of satan.
Why don’t you teach instead of venting? Show people with your research why you believe Trump is in on all of this. We are all at different levels of being awake. One good way is share Donald’s 9/11 history. I”ll get you started with a hint, “dancing Muslims.”
WEEKLY SITREP SUPPORT 6.10.22 — MonkeyWerx
Tom, thank you for Sitrep…thats good intel! Everyone’s waiting for a leader…not gonna happen. I travel for my job and I don’t see anyone with a “fighting” spirit, just allot of “hot air” waiting for normal. Between the Bio-weapon, meds or fluoride we have beaucoup neutered passive men! Hell the women have for Balls than the men!
Your welcome OPM, I try to pass on good intel sites.