“Attacking an enemy you cannot defeat comes from pride, not honor.”
We need to make the battle on our ground, in our time, on our terms. We cannot win anything nationally. We need to be thinking locally, in our communities is where we can make a difference, where we can fight and win.

The word “tactical” has been abused and misused but tactics are very important to understand. Likewise, strategy is required to move toward any goal.
The “community” of Liberty minded people has simply been either “going nowhere” or “thrashing” intermittently in fits and starts.
Strategy is what we desire to achieve.
Tactics is how we get there.

We could have all the perfect tactics but no strategy and what we end up with is a lot of energy expenditure with little gain.
On the other hand, we can have all of the strategy perfected but no tactics to make it happen and get nowhere.
We can talk and bloviate and bellyache but what we need is a strategy and skills to execute it… or we are simply a blowing wind.
Everything in life requires a strategic plan and the tactical knowledge to make it happen.

Another thing to consider is knowing when to act, when to release violence so extreme as to be 100% effective leaving nothing to chance. Hesitating gets people killed….gets loved ones killed. Once this is kinetic, you must use every advantage and skill with no holding back.

We are about to see the biggest paradigm shift ever in the history of men. Have a plan. Have the skills and knowledge you need and the will to use them without hesitation.
Tick. Tock.
Sort of. Actually, localized, tactical level events should be integrated into a “Theater- Level” plan (or Regional in this case) called the “Operational-Level” in military planning. This is the link between Tactics and Strategy. The strategic “end state” is achieved by coordinated, regional plans that include logistics, mutual assistance, communications, etc. These should be executed with proven and approved tactics, techniques and procedures. While not necessarily as rigid as it sounds, it gives everyone involved a way to work toward common ends with a chance to achieve desired results.
God bless you all,
The trouble is brother, we won’t get 20 people to agree on anything or even come to the aid of folks who they do not already know. The left will drive hundreds of miles to support folks who only have the same goal of destroying “whiteness” , the “right” sits back and condemns every group that puts azz on the line as idiots.
Local is the way it’ll go, TL has learned and proved there will be no coordinated effort. Leaderless resistance is the only way anything happens with this herd of cats, I hope it’s enough.
Its (small local groups or singles) the better option anyway. Faster and easier to mobilize, too numerous to target effectively, and less chance of infiltration.
Based on the criteria outlined by lawless, WNC and North Georgia is a very successful community. Credit the large amount of people who have taken Sam Culper’s intelligence classes and the centralized tactical courses taken by several hundred people. Building a community center helps but it does take a large amount of coordination to herd cats.
I am looking forward to being a part of a meeting with you folks soon.
Suggestion: Have someone go to the local leftist/Dem meetings. Smile and nod -- get to know them.
Identify the more radical ones among the group. Then go to their meetings. Such an operative can be very valuable. What would Michael Collins do?
Best regards to all in the coming ecitement,
Red in OleVirginny
Grassroots “Day Of Mourning” Sold Out, Spreads To Twenty More Cities And Rising!
February 19, 2019
“History has proven that societies which kill their children will not last long. We are not only killing our babies, we are celebrating their deaths. Therefore, we are ripe for a catastrophic judgment, the kind of fall that destroyed the seemingly undefeatable Roman Empire.”
Organizers are asking Americans to do four things:
1.Wear black
2.Don’t shop
3.Close your businesses
4.Repent for the sin of abortion
The Day Of Mourning organizer, Elizabeth Johnston, aka The Activist Mommy, says the response to the Day Of Mourning has been overwhelming and extremely encouraging and “evidence that Americans want to see an end to the bloodshed and child abuse called abortion.”
Remember, we also can and are to go to our prayer closets.