Take Out the Mother Ship, by Robert Gore

There has to be a return to first principles.

Imagine you are the leader of an extraterrestrial force sent to conquer planet earth. Your force orbits the earth in a gigantic starship. You do not know what defenses earth has, but back on your planet a strategy was devised to maximize your chances of conquest. Although your starship has powerful weapons, it will not attack the earth directly. That would give its position away, and if it goes down the mission is over. However, your ship will serve as a mother ship for thousands of smaller daughter ships. The daughter ships have surveillance and attack capabilities, but they are coordinated from the mother ship and are of little use if it’s destroyed. Remarkably, the daughter ships propagate, sending out their own daughter ships, who in turn can send out their own daughter ships, ceaselessly multiplying the earth’s attackers.

Earth’s defenders may recognize that the extraterrestrials are employing a swarm strategy—on steroids—similar to drone swarms that are transforming earth warfare. What’s not recognized is that an intellectual swarm strategy has been used for over a century with the same goal as the extraterrestrials: to conquer the earth. Earth’s intellectual defenders have been as effective as a man armed with a flyswatter would be in a house infested with flies.


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Silver Dolphins
Silver Dolphins
9 months ago

Excellent thought process. However, when it comes to bringing down the mothership, it kind of reminds me of Jay Couture telling me he had a 357 to shoot himself in case we were attacked by a bear while camping at Yellowstone. Can we shutdown the schools? Can we stop the income tax? Seems to be above my ability to comprehend how to make it happen.

9 months ago

Thanks for posting this article. It was excellent.
We will find the “mother ship,” or the true source of all the existential threats and dangers that humanity now faces, at the apex of our world’s power pyramid. It is the godless, Satan-worshiping globalist elites, of course.
Henry David Thoreau, over a hundred years ago, pointed out the solution to our present day problems with this quote: “There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.”

9 months ago

The question is who or what organization is the mother ship and how do we take it out? The strategy is sound but without intel and the tactics to make it work it is all bullshit! How are you gonna do it?

9 months ago
Reply to  X-BEAST

Glad you said this X-Beast. If I had massive fakebook down arrows would have blossomed.

The Powers that Be operate in the shadows, behind shell companies and paid for politicians and bureaucrats.

“There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.” ― Henry David Thoreau.

And the easy ones I’d treat as BAIT. Ask the Jan 6th folks about bait (let us give you a tour, sir) and traps. Ask them about the many “Helpful” folks directing traffic like Ray Epps (STILL NOT ARRESTED for Jan 6th, curious, eh?).

Think before you chatter on the internet. Be aware that the weakest link in your group is a problem. If you need meetings, I’d expect that Feds already are there, encouraging action for this latest outrage.

9 months ago

To “take out the mother ship” you must first know that such a ship exists. Then you must know where it is located. Only then can you make plans to actually deal with it. And all the while the other side is busy obfuscating and distracting you and your people from what’s important versus what they want you to concentrate on.