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Wherever two or three are gathered together in his name.
Truth. Real and legit training.
Excellent post:
“To much judging in this world.”
Yet, we are told to rebuke, refute, admonish, reproach, and reprove. Are we not?
So where have we and many like us (generationally) gone wrong? i am sure that many of us could do more and do better, and yet, are we not also forewarned about the direction of this world, and many of these things are not in our power nor place to stop? Yah willing, we can effect the ones close too us.
So there must be a difference between “Judging” and calling each other out, hopefully towards a new understanding and repentance? He knows our mind, and our hearts.
we do not deserve Him, we do nothing in works to grant our salvation, His Gift, His mercy is our access to everlasting life.
What does He see when He looks at us?
Getting out in the woods. Can not fathom not having this ability. Alone time. if you cannot get out in the woods, you should still be able to find ways for alone time. You do not have to go to the woods nor a church building (assembly) for quality one on one time with the Master above.
Many of us are living as Lot at the gates of Sodom, no place our gaze does not capture sin. Including our “Laodicean” churches.
Popo Medic: This Green Beret Went On A One Man Rampage… -- American Partisan May we look to this man’s courage and stand up.
What a great story.
Inspiring is it not realwesterner