Taxpayer Funds to Benefit the Evil Known as Rev. William Barber

william barber

A Goldsboro-based organization headed by the Rev. William Barber this year received nearly $350,000 of your tax dollars. Yes, that William Barber – the ringleader of highly partisan political protests against the General Assembly the past few years.

The protests were dubbed “Money Mondays” by the Civitas Institute after research exposed the fact that organizing groups received more than $100 million in direct state grants in recent years.

Many of those groups have had their taxpayer funds cut off by the legislature, but Barber’s group, “Rebuilding Broken Places Community Development Corporation (RBPCDC)” was awarded a $338,000 grant from the Department of Public Instruction this year.

The grant was part of a program entitled “21st Century Community Learning Center Program”, for which Barber’s group was awarded funds for its newly created after-school program: Project Y.E.S.S. (Youth Empowered for Success and Service).



Are you tired of your representatives pandering to special interests because it is easy? What are the consequences of wasting your tax dollars by submitting to blackmail?

David DeGerolamo

h/t Cousin John

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9 years ago

just another black lives matter Bolshevik marxist and he is a dangerous false anti christian with a collar on, he needs to go to jail when the civil war begins