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- Ackerman on Fedsurrection
- Noway2 on Looks Like a Disaster Movie
- Noway2 on What a Waste of Our Government
- Dennis Lyons on Remember the Real Zuckerberg
- Balanced Rock on Fedsurrection
Cruz has been a traitor for a long time now. Who believes this tribe this swine spews out of his mouth?
They are all traitorous POS, not one of them deserves to live.
Sadly I’m with you at this point.
The whole lot if them, all 525-some odd members of CONgress and taterhead.
Lock em all in the capital building, firebomb it, and cook marshmallows over their ashes while We The People hold hands outside singing God Bless America.
There is a saying that goes something like “one aww shit erases 10 atta boys”.
Cruz is toast. No amount of backpaddling is going to save his ass. He can go hug a hoagie too. Him and Trump.
The entire Congress speaks out both sides of their mouth.
January 6th was nothing thing more than a demonstration. Compare that to one year of the Left’s POSs destruction throughout the country. There shouldn’t be anyone in prison today. The murderer of Babbit should be held to account, and the Capitol PD should not have immunity.
If we don’t take back the House and Senate in 22 & 24 I don’t see a peaceful solution in the future.
Do you honestly think they will give up their power and control with a vote?
Speaking from a position of hope and reason.
I know what’s coming and I dread it.
When is violence justified? Legally for Citizens, “If they are in danger of Imminent Death or Great Bodily Injury” or words to that effect. Or to Protect another person from the same circumstances.
What “If” a government is placing Citizens in that circumstance? What “If” a Citizen’s Right to Ask these questions as written in the 1st Amendment by the Founders is being Declared Illegal by that government?
This is Not a Word Game. It is a Matter of Life and Death. It is a Matter of YOUR Life and Death. As You will Learn or on this site Already Know.
Your Personal Integrity is more important than Your Immediate Life.
May God Bless our Immortal Souls.
There are a mere handful of patriots in Con-gress. I honestly think they should go home and save their States.
The Feral Gov is going to collapse. This year? In 2024? by 2030? Doesn’t matter; It’s Over. Save what you can control.
everyone in those chambers speak a foreign language known as double speak, it occurs due to the forked tongue, which they all possess.