Tell Republican US House caucus to reject the Senate immigration bill

Immigration Reformers and Concerned Citizens,

Tomorrow afternoon—Wednesday, July 10—U.S. House Republicans will hold a special conference to debate immigration policy and whether they will support any or all of the provisions of S.744, the Senate immigration amnesty bill.

We can make a difference but we need to take action now…..the below is in part from an action request from our friends at FAIR.

Urge them to reject the Senate amnesty bill and adopt TRUE Immigration Reform.

See down below for talking points.

Let’s focus on the following members of the US House:

First from North Carolina…..

Congressman George Holding — call 202-225-3032 as he will only accept emails from his local district.

Congresswoman Renee Ellmers — call 202-225-4531 as she will only accept emails from her local district.

US House leadership…..

House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH)

House Immigration Reform Caucus Chairman Ted Poe (R-TX)

Call or email your U.S. House member by going to:     (at this link go to the top right of the page and type in your zipcode)

When you call these House members, tell them:

Amnesty is NOT immigration reform.
Amnesty undermines the rule of law and encourages more illegal immigration.  Do NOT consider the recent US Senate immigration bill.

We oppose increasing legal immigration and more guest workers.
20 million citizens are either unemployed or cannot find a full-time job, so we should be reducing legal immigration NOT increasing it.

• We need to enforce the laws already in place.

• E-Verify policies are needed to protect jobs for legal residents.
E-Verify must be MANDATORY and check new and existing workers and then punish businesses who knowingly hire illegal aliens.

• Congress should protect U.S. Taxpayers.American taxpayers are tired of paying the huge costs of illegal immigration.

House Republicans will meet tomorrow afternoon, so there is no time to waste!

Send this email to your friends and associates.  Thanks.


Ron Woodard

(919) 460-8156

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