Tell this to the next idiot who thinks you’re “unpatriotic


by Simon Black

I’ll never forget the Oath of Office I took when I was commissioned as an Army Intelligence Officer all those years ago.

The most important part is where you swear to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against ALL enemies, foreign and domestic.”

That was the part that kept ringing in my head as George W. Bush went on TV in the run-up to the Iraq war talking about weapons of mass destruction.

We had been on the ground in Kuwait since late 2002, months before the invasion of Iraq kicked off. And every time Bush told that lie, I thought about my oath.

I’m disappointed to admit that, back then, I didn’t have the courage to go up against the big Army machine… to march into my Battalion Commander’s office and say, “Sir, we must defend the Constitution against the President of the United States.”

I knew I would get crushed.


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