The car that hit the man on the sidewalk was driven by someone who was being attacked and trying to escape. The man on the sidewalk later died of his injuries. A picture is worth more than words but context is also important.
The point of the video is valid and the use of crime to instill fear and compliance in our country is real.
Both videos are the same. You can see what YouTube has done to suppress this video.
David DeGerolamo
When the law is not enforced, anarchy reins, this is exactly what they want, it helps keep the regular law-abiding citizen afraid to walk down the street. Authoritarians use anarchy to enforce their way at the end of a gun, the anarchy they created, will be solved by those that created it, at a loss of freedom and liberty. At the same time they solve that problem, it will be the maga people they say created the anarchy.
Chaos, not anarchy. We would be better off with an anarchy. You cannot have an “authoritarian” and an anarchy. You can have an “authoritarian” and chaos. Anarchy is merely “without a leader”. Most Americans live their lives in a state of anarchy. We do not need a daddy in government telling us how to live and what to do. We do not need the government for protection. The cops do not exist to protect us. They exist to protect the government and to keep the people from taking matters into our own hands.
Did you notice one thing about the ad? Over 90% of the criminals in the real footage shared one common trait. Of the fake mugshots, 100% of the “criminals” did not have this trait. America does not have a crime problem. America has a diversity problem.
Well, first they have to create the problem, which they did, now the authoritarians will solve it. The anarchists are one and the same with this communist government. That is how they sway public opinion, also using their propaganda arm, MSM. It is all theater.
Anarchy, synonym lawlessness.
That’s not so. Anarchy means an abscence of (human) rulers. If you think that equates to lawlessness, it says something about what you think of people.
I think it’s pretty clear that that view of people is accurate in most inner cities, but I’m not convinced that it’s accurate of all rural towns. Most extremely rural areas are already fairly free of rulers, and they don’t exhibit lawlessness.
To abstain and reject the constitution, and rule of law by this illegal regime has created anarchy, they have abandoned their duty, anything goes as far as lawlessness, if you are in line with their objective. As to what I think of people, there is good and there is evil, at this point your with them, evil or your for restoring the Republic and our freedom and liberty. I am talking about half the country that supports the communist government. By the way Fido, nitpicking my comments says a lot about you.
Anarchy A state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority or other controlling systems:
This unconstitutional regime has created tyranny. They are presently ruling, which means this is not anarchy. Laws include natural law, which people impose by their nature, or their values. You can have laws, which people enforce upon themselves, without human rulers: Anarchy, without lawlessness.
“nitpicking my comments says a lot about you”, yes it does, guilty as charged, even in this post, as I completly agree with your assesments and judgements, just not your words.
Words matter, when their meaning is not shared, they lose meaning, and we lose the ability to communicate, and eventually, even the ability to think and reason, as Orwell pointed out. By corrupting our words, they corrupt our thought. It is vital words have clear and consistent meaning, or our thoughts will not remain clear.
Anarchy *means* the absence of rulers, nothing more, nothing less. There are many historic examples, where this did not result in violence, chaos, or even “disorder”. As most folks are quite busy earning a living, what it usually *did* result in, is a power vacuum, which eventually led to *not* anarchy: people imposing their rule, with violence and often lawlessness.
I mean you no ill, see you as a strong ally. As a clear thinker, I value your views, and see you as a peer (a short list) through whom I might discover my own hypocrisy in reasoned dialog. There is nothing more important to me than this. However, I have no access to your views, save through words, so they are more important.
Thank you, I see where I error in choosing anarchy, as you stated chaos is what I should have used, I appreciate your response, I am not to old to take advice and see my error from people such as you, again thank you.
Thank *you*! For being sane, and sharing your thoughts!
On the subject of “anarchy” and of “voluntaryism” which the study of anarchy seems to lead me to, I find the works of Larken Rose of interest. I would be interested in your take:
one of his more extreme (therefore popular), yet deeply reasoned, is called (if I remember righty) “When should you shoot a cop?”
The xml file is corrupted.
OOps… my bad, I sent you an rss feed….
oops.. I sent you an RSS feed. I sent three youtube links, and that went to moderation… You can find his channel by searching youtube for his name.
Thanks Fido.
What keeps you from robbing, raping, and killing? The law or your own moral code? I have often said, I am not “law abiding”. I do not cause harm to others by force or fraud (will include theft under fraud). But I do not “obey the law”. Right is right and wrong is wrong. Doesn’t matter if a group of men of such low character and suspect morals that they work for the government pass a law allowing an action or prohibiting it.
As for the Constitution, give me the Articles of Confederation. The Constitution was the result of a coup to give more power to the Federal Government. The Anti-Federalists were right. The Leaders of the Confederate States of America were right. A nation held together by force is a moral evil.
I first seek guidance from my Lord Jesus Christ, mans law will always be corrupted, your right the federal leviathan has always been used as a weapon. They strayed from a constitutional Republic before the ink dried.
Tom, anarchy is not what we have been told (or rather indoctrinated). Our founding fathers wanted the least amount of government possible which meant they wanted anarchy with just a few federal dictates as outlined in the Constitution. If man was not flawed, we would be able to live without laws and “leaders”.
Thank you David.
I did see that the criminal acts were done by blacks in the video but the mugshots had no blacks. I was waiting to see if anyone else would catch this.
Jeezuz, you’ll give the whole schtick away!!
Yup, I picked up on that fast after watching the video. Rinos trying to redirect guilt from the black race onto the white race, to make other ignorant whites feel some sort of guilt since they were in the video as well., so what the dumb down pumpkin heads will remember whites being mugged shot at the precincts and no blacks. what a scam to say the least, nothing surprises me anymore.
Surely I can’t be the only one that noticed that the mass majority of the criminals in the video were black, while those they showed getting prosecuted were all white.
Bingo! Thanks to the Republicans who destroyed our Republic and will cut their own throats rather than admit this.
The majority of the crimes, shown in the video, were being committed by what appeared to be people who were totally immoral and Godless. They exhibited absolutely no compassion or mercy for their innocent victims or any unfortunate bystanders. They committed their crimes with utter brutality and a total disregard for the God-given rights of other human beings. They also seemed to show a kind of perverse and demonic pleasure in all that they were doing. Could what we just viewed be the RESULT of decades of leftist, atheistic, anti-christian, god-denying, god-hating, and god-defying policies and propaganda that have been relentlessly promoted? Policies that were promoted by America’s governmental, educational and corporate-news institutions? I sure as hell think it could. What do you think?
The least amount of government possible. At the beginning of our Republic, there was little contact with the government. People were mostly spread out. The cities were much smaller. As it should be. A great totalitarian wave is coming upon us now. Aided by big Tech. Nothing like anyone has ever seen. I expect a total collapse is our only chance to make things right. Great suffering is near.
“I expect a total collapse is our only chance to make things right. Great suffering is near.” I believe you are correct. I expect a disaster to occur very soon, possibly as soon as 9/25-27/22.