Ten New North Carolina Laws Passed in 2013 You Should Know About

Ten New Laws Passed in 2013 You Should Know About

The 2013 North Carolina state legislative session was a memorable one. The passage of historic and long-overdue reforms to state taxes, election laws and education made headlines throughout the year.

This article is not intended to recap those highly publicized laws, but rather is an opportunity to highlight ten new laws that received far less, if any, media attention.

Senate Bill 117 Lily’s Law

Senate Bill 117, called “Lily’s Law,” is named after Lillian, the daughter of Danna Fitzgerald of Mebane. Fitzgerald was 27 weeks pregnant when her then-estranged husband shot her in the abdomen with a .45-caliber handgun and the child was born early because of the injuries.

Fitzgerald survived the shooting. Lily ended up dying because of the injuries she sustained.

Lillian’s situation alerted legislators of a need in North Carolina.  There is a law that already protects unborn Children (Ethan’s Law) but Lilly’s law will provide protection for children who are born alive but later die because of injuries inflicted prior to birth.

House Bill 392 Drug Testing Benefits

House Bill 392 requires county Social Services employees to conduct background checks on all applicants for Work First benefits and food stamps to ensure they’re not parole/probation violators or have outstanding felony warrants.

Adult recipients whom the DHHS reasonably suspects are engaged in the illegal use of controlled substances will be required to do a drug test.  The cost of the initial drug test is absorbed by the State. If an individual fails the test and wishes to have a retest, the individual may submit additional test(s) at their own expense. If an adult applicant fails a drug test, their children will not be affected. If you have never undertaken a drug test before and would like to know everything about drug testing and how this might effect you then search online as there is a wealth of knowledge pertaining to drug screening tests, how they are carried out, what to expect whether they are supervised or unsupervised as well as what drugs are target by the drug screening test.


h/t Mark B via Facebook

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11 years ago

I wonder if Lilly’s law applies to infants who survive abortion procedures.