As political coexistence collapses across America due to the lawless, mentally ill Leftists who have abandoned every pillar of civil society, civil war is just one ignition event away.
America’s conservatives, fed up with being malicious labeled “Nazis” while being systematically censored and attacked in the streets by violent left-wing lunatics, have just about reached the point of taking active steps to defend their lives, their communities and their nation. What’s apparent to every thinking person now is that the radical Left only wants to tear down civil society, not participate in peaceful coexistence.
As we enter 2020, here are ten scenarios that could ignite an almost instant civil war at some level, most likely in certain states that I’ll cover in a follow-up article. Note that any of these scenarios could happen almost at any moment, without warning. That brings up the question: What supplies will you have at the ready when that day comes? What level of survival or self-defense training have you achieved? How long can you survive without new deliveries of food, water, fuel and medical supplies? (Read for dedicated news on this topic.)
These are all serious, practical issues to ponder as the radical Left seems intent on collapsing America into total chaos and psychopath-level violence on the streets.
#1) A “successful” assassination of President Trump
#2) A Senate conviction of Trump and his removal from office by the treasonous Republican party
#3) A large-scale false flag event gone bad, where conservatives are framed, but the conspirators get caught and exposed
#4) The attempted confiscation of guns in any state, especially Virginia
#5) UN troops entering American soil / occupying America
#6) Cheating by Dems in the 2020 election
#7) A large-scale financial collapse
#8) A left-wing violent uprising, likely following the 2020 election
#9) A grid-down event and loss of banking, food stamps and electronic transactions
#10) The death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Read the Whole Article Here…
While I fear any and, perhaps all of these scenarios are possible, I fear Trump’s assassination the most probable. Should this happen, it’ll be all-out civil war all over -- again…
“The attempted confiscation of guns in any state, especially Virginia”
Please ignore the actual ongoing confiscations of guns in several states (MD, FL, NY, WA, et al) in violation of the 2d, 4th, and 5th Amdt, via ERPO. Those aren’t “real” confiscations because those people are all crazy and should have their guns confiscated.
Molon Labe.
Well said, an incontestable indictment of our present (‘here and now’), the foreseeable future, and of the fedgov Uniparty, Cuckservative Inc., and it’s media arm of blogosphere PAYtriots, shilling podcasters, and the conmen, frauds, and grifters of ‘militia’ America.
#11. If any libtard looks at me wrong.