Ten Years Later

Bart Goswick posted this picture on his Facebook page today. I spoke at the above event in 2010 concerning the Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking Up Arms which was a Resolution adopted by the Second Continental Congress on July 6, 1775. I believe it was a little too radical for the time even for this crowd.

Memories are strange. This event was the turning point for me: I realized that there was no voting our way out of this situation which the country is in for several reasons. We collected several hundred dollars in donations from the attendees to fund the next 2nd Amendment Rally. The event organizer did not want the money and stuffed it in the park’s donation box. His decision.

I remember the hidden cameras in the tree filming “radicals”. I remember being told to get out as soon as our permit time had elapsed. I remember changing my focus from keeping the Constitution in place to restoring Liberty as the rule of law and voting had failed. I don’t remember seeing any people dressed in black with masks. I don’t remember anyone getting out of hand or any disturbances. I don’t remember accomplishing anything tangible for the future.

So ten years since founding NCFreedom in 2009 and I thank the Lord for the time to organize my life and prepare for this cold civil war that we are in. May God have mercy on all patriots who are doing His work.

David DeGerolamo

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Rabbi Will
Rabbi Will
5 years ago

That’s awesome David! It’s pretty sad to see what’s become of the patriot movement. They’ve all reduced themselves to trying to look like the smartest guy in the room on some comment board ! I hate it man but not many are interested in real dialogue, or real community, only winning the urinating contest! Pathetic! In a war right now we’d be wiped out like grass!

5 years ago

David -- -- You may feel that little has been accomplished in the past ten years, but that would overlook the publication of events, issues, facts and truths. IMHO these would have remained covered up or buried without you and other Patriots acting, speaking, organizing and accomplishing the small things that build up a mountain of camaraderie and awareness, one spoonful at a time.

5 years ago

Thanks for this post, David. It was a very memorable event for me as well.

When I saw the poorly hidden surveillance cameras in the trees, I walked around the site and took photos of the faces and badges of the various “gendarmes” in attendance. They wanted to know why. I pointed up into the trees and asked why they thought they needed photos of us.

I can speak to one tangible outcome. This was the first time I open carried a side-arm, a long-gun, and spare magazines in public around LEO. The nervous posture of LEO, coupled with the positive experience of the peaceful civilian assembly, reinforced my resolve and confidence to always be armed.

My thanks to you for making the transition from NCFreedom to NCRenegade, and for the many fine events you’ve hosted since.