Tens of thousands gather for pro-Palestinian protest

These are not the illegal aliens that Joe Biden was looking for.

David DeGerolamo

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1 year ago

Is this not an insurrection from the savages who probably have no permits to protest from the DC Amoral mayor whatsoever. They are scaling up the white house gates, destroying the monuments of the nation and spray painting them with filthy slogans. where is the FBI, DOJ, or anyone in the bureaucracy to stop this, nowhere to be found. you will only find these federal slug Leo agencies using operatives in conservative Protests to cause deceptions and lies brought about by them to put them into prison on trumped up charges. We are witnessing the destruction of our nation and laws by the same Democrats and bureaucracy who are all nazi communist party members. War is coming to our nation, and what will we do sit there and be dragged off by savages from 180 different savage nations who Obama, the Bushes and Obiden let in who hate this country. wake up now and pray for Gods protection because we are all going to need it. Every one of our leaders who have allowed and went along this lawlessness must be brought to justice and tried before a citizens militia handpicked by patriots, tried and hanged for what they have done.

1 year ago
Reply to  Phil

They don’t meet any of the criteria. https://ncrenegade.com/are-you-a-terrorist/

1 year ago
Reply to  Carpenter

Of course, they don’t, they are all savage communist nazi democratic party members and belong to the hive. There sodomite queen be is Michelle AKA Micheal Robinson, Hillary the Coven witch and many more of their ugly faces which are seen nightly on fake communist news shows.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

Good to know just how many terrorists are here in this country, need to buy more ammo.

Al Buckner
Al Buckner
1 year ago

These people are dooming their present and future blessings from God, not that they believe in God anyway.
But God said I will bless them the blessed israel I cursed them that curse israel.
We see how Great Britain is after they wouldn’t back Israel in the past wars, they are not mighty as they were once was.

1 year ago
Reply to  Al Buckner

Please, if I may, Israel are ARE a PEOPLE- 12 or 13 Tribes of fair-skinned, ability to blush, Adamic Race of People. (European people with Adamic Race features and also pristine blood lines not race mixed with Canaanites, Edomites, Hittite fallen blood-line people….)Israel is not a land-mass!!! Once upon a time, Rothschild Land under The Balfour Declaration of 1917, was The Land of Canaan.. Yahweh God in the name of Christ Jesus, Christ Yahoshua, Christ Yeshua wanted the Israelite People to go into Canaan and obediently clean up this filthy, vile, un-Holy, Detestable, Insulting abominable practices. NOT marry into these blood-lines NOR practice their un-Holy ways, beliefs, NOR adapt these practices, behaviors and beliefs as a religion.
The Ruling Class Families want to turn The Gaza Strip into their Uber elite playground -- a place to engage in their un-Holy filth.
Hamas is just “another arm” on the same Rothschild Family and other Pharisee, Saducees, Sanhedrin body.
It is all about the Energy Field over-all on planet earth which is a beautiful pristine Holy, Sacred Life Giving, life-Yielding environment, and One’s Holy, Sacred Energetic, Vibrational Life Force Energy and re-calibrating it to support, host, benefit, make-hospitable and harmonize with the Fallen-Angels-Fallen-Entities who hate Yahweh God and Christ Jesus, Christ Yahoshua, Christ Yeshua and hate the Kingdom of Heaven and want to overthrow The Kingdom of Heaven AND Yahweh God in the name of Christ Jesus, Christ Yahoshua and Christ Yeshua all of HIS CREATIONS that are Holy, pristine and Sacred and encoded with HIS Energetic Blue-print, characteristics and mannerisms.
Just as a tuning fork is akin to tuning the Energetic Vibrational Sound of Musical Instruments, so too, is what the Fallen-Angels-Fallen-Entities would like to do with Yahweh God in the name of Christ Jesus, Christ Yahoshua, Christ Yeshua Energetic Vibrational Frequency Blue-print- Pervert it, adulterate it, change it, destroy it, make it “un-known, unrecognizable” to Yahweh God.
The Adamic Race of People who are, many of them, were created and designed to clean up this un-Holy, filthy, vile, detestable practices, behaviors and false beliefs from Hades! The Canaanites, Edomites….
King Herod was a filthy, vile, detestable, un-Holy, greedy, insatiable Edomite.
Rabbid Mendel Schneerson met with Netanyahu in the early 1990’s ( or very late 1980’s) and gave him, Netanyahu, the instructed command to help facilitate, usher in and bring in The Political man-made Moshiac whom a group of people await and is also KNOWN as The Anti-Christ to Christ Jesus, Christ Yahoshua, Christ Yeshua.
Thank you, kindly, for your time and attention.

Al Buckner
Al Buckner
1 year ago
Reply to  Deborah

Rothschild at 37 years old purchased 80% of the desert land known as Palatine.

Al Buckner
Al Buckner
1 year ago

If I may be bold in my predictions about Israel war, it will not be long as some may think. Look at the targets Israel is taking out, the university in the Gaza, the Hamas leaders, fighting on three fronts. If I was Netanyahu I would give them 24-hrs to vacate hospital and then level it and the Hamas headquarters underneath it.
Look for a devastating attack on Iran, this gives them the go ahead reason they been planning anyway,. Others are on their radar and one wrong step and they will give them a missile also.
Just A Reminder To The United States….BACK ISRAEL or Be Cursed. We are cures enough with the administration we have and the Israel hates in the senate and house..

1 year ago
Reply to  Al Buckner

The only problem is the Obiden /Obama administrations, past and present detest the state of Israel and working behind the scenes with the Islamic terrorist nations to destroy it while pretending they are faithful friends of which they are truly not. God is going to destroy the U.S, with the enemies these two pro-Islamic terrorist clowns have allowed to enter our country freely. Remember Israel under the reign of its former Kings were carried away into Babylon because of their continual abominations and setting up high places which they never removed, only King Josiah removed all of the high places and grounded them to dust. So, we have a similar situation taken shape where God has allowed this very evil/ wicked party of the democrats to deceive the people of our nation while underpinning their own power by the same Islamic terrorists they have allowed in by illegally utilizing the UN resettlement programs, there by funding their own demise.as well as the entire nation. God will destroy this party with a vengeance, you wait and see I will be right on this. If there is one thing certain in life the Holy word of God does not lie, but all men are liars.

Al Buckner
Al Buckner
1 year ago
Reply to  Phil

USA is and for the most part has always been friends with Israel, Israel has not always been true to her word with the USA just like suppose to back Trump on the ISIS leader and then Netanyahu tried to take credit for it. BidenObama has continued to destroyed USA(even from the basement). But God is not done with USA and will not be destroyed. Can We Be Better, I Believe We Will. 11 Chronicle 7:14 is my prayer. Those who blessed Israel will be Blessed, God’s word doesn’t lie.
God has alway had his hand on Israel and will finally rescue them the final time during the battle of Armageddon, when after fleeing to Petra and crying for God’s help. Those who are left in the USA and the world in general after the rapture of the church will fill every church available to be saved. But only will if they don’t take the Mark of the Beast and suffer having their head cutting off.

1 year ago
Reply to  Al Buckner

You hold to a dispensational view of which has never been proved at least prior to 1850’s, the church prior to these years never held nor taught or believed in such a view. This does not make you a bad person only one who maybe has not studied enough on this eschatological subject, be that as it may The U.S. is slated for destruction due to the heinous sins of our leaders and people and this will not change. God will not be mocked like they have been doing. As for Israel being the apple of Gods eye in this present day and age is not incorrect , God divorced Israel at the cross and wrote a new covenant as outlined in Acts and Romans for his people, the Jews first then the gentiles, all one people now under his new covenant . God is no respector of any one group of peoples or races . No one, no not one goes to the Father but thru Christ first.
God Bless

Louis Jenkins
Louis Jenkins
1 year ago

FJB has allowed enough illegals to cross our southern border to begin raiding our homes, just like Israel on Oct 7th. They will take out any and all neighborhoods if possible, particularly those with few arms. Please, do not allow this to happen. Once the illegals start a ruckus, and we begin shooting back, FJB will declare martial law. Our only resort will be war. Blood, ours but most importantly theirs, will pool in the streets.

1 year ago


I cannot understand how Ukraine, Israel, Palestine, Jews, Moslims, etc., etc., etc., are of more importance than the acts of treason and sedition being committed against America and it’s Patriot Citizens via the communists biden, soetoro-obama, mayorkas, DHS, CONgress, the Border Patrol and massive amounts of federales endorsing, funding, inviting, welcoming 7,000,000+ foreign enemies/invaders across our once sovereign border(s) and into America !

Do you pro-Middle East emphasizing “citizens” have a clue as to what Amerikan domestic enemies (listed above) are doing to the former United States of America ? Evidently not.

Then again, those Amerikans supporting biden, CONgress, the worthless “Border Patrol”, Ukraine, Israel, Palestine, foreign Jews, foreign moslims and almost every fedgov leech drawing a paycheck courtesy of the Amerikan sheeple, are as much America’s enemies as the Axis powers were, who gave us World War II !

Where the hell are your PRIORITIES ? ? ?


1 year ago
Reply to  Delta3Two

Spot On sir.

1 year ago
Reply to  Delta3Two

All these federal agents still have to go home at the end of the day where they knowingly committed treason/sedition and obeyed illegal orders from there communist masters. The kicker here is, their wives, children and themselves know themselves they abetted thousands upon thousands to enter our country who are known terrorists and of military conscription age and there decisions will affect there own families very soon as well. There own families and themselves could be raped and sodomized , brutally murdered and there children murdered or kidnapped and sold off into sexual bondage or satanic rituals. The border patrol and the dhs agents will get what they deserve for ignoring the law and obeying satanic orders from the heads of the dhs, fema, etc. and the threats even to themselves . What useless filthy garbage we have working for the federal agencies, trash. plain and simple. God has a funny way of repaying them for there own greed and misguidance.

1 year ago

The is the Leviathan gas and oil field that located in Gaza. It is said to be worth hundreds of billions. Follow the money trail and see where it takes you.