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That was awesome.
I wonder how what the actual count of the people who subjugate us while pretending to protect and serve is… less than 20,000 people who really call the shots?
Controlling 330,000,000 people? Insane.
Freemasonry is the the structure system that carries out the masters of mayhem plans. It is a well kept secret. They walk among us, police, lawyers, doctors, judges, board of education members etc etc etc. The joo world order is a lot of things but stupid is not one of them.
Proverbs 4:16
“For they cannot rest until they do evil, they are robbed of sleep until they make someone stumble.”
They have organization and unlimited $$$. All we can do is match their fierce commitment to their cause to our cause of freedom.
….Bout all we can do is start shooting people in the face.
I think its reached that point.
Google might be useful here:
In 2020, federal agencies employed approximately 137,000 full-time personnel authorized to make arrests and/or carry firearms in the 50 states and the District of Columbia. Around half (49%) of the personnel worked for the Department of Homeland Security, and 30% worked for the Department of Justice.
Not including the new 87K of IRS Gun bunnies that the Repugs just authorized in their most recent surrender to the Biden meat puppet.
These are the easily known ones. Then there are the armed agents in over 70 different bureaus including the FDA and Post Office. Numbers unclear but in excess 100K.
Full time police officers 660,000 Some might give up their pensions, employment and health care to become outlaws with families. But as long as the Media gives them reasons to fight domestic terrorists maybe not so much?
Active-duty military (that will obey orders as proven many times) 1.3 million. As long as they think of the “domestic enemy” as terrorists THATS a Problem.
Reservists (who frankly are often easily train up to be as good as most non-elite units in my experience) see above notes about obedience. 778,000 or so.
General Benedict Arnold was a Hero of the French and Indian Wars, a TRUSTED Friend of Washington, TRUSTED to take command of an important fort but decided that he was on the wrong side of history.
If the British had won, He’d be a historical Hero, not Washington.
That same situation with current military. Who is the paycheck coming from and who is deemed the terrorists.
How many military age “Illegal Immigrants” willing to arm up for exchange (like the Roman Army did with their Barbarians) for citizenship and a bit of acreage (as most come from countries where owning land was treasured) Unknown but estimated in a million plus by some observers, like Michael Yon.
Numbers of UN Peacekeeper troops a China Joe “Leadership” would have shipped in in “Support of Operation Defend Democracy.”
Unknown but if China gets what they want, maybe higher than we want as the US Military would be “Working” with allied forces to defeat terrorists.
“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
Self-Honesty is important. How many patriots have family members that are liberals? How many of the population watches CNN and Co and thinks that “White Supremist” are REALLY not good or worse?
The British lost the revolutionary war BECAUSE of two main factors.
#1 they thought the little rebellion was a purely “military affair” and a whiff of grapeshot would put a stop to that. THEY DID NOT CONTROL THE MEDIA.
Thus, the rebels could post handbills in taverns and churches of the latest British “Atrocity” making folks think they were a real problem.
Remember the Boston “Massacre”? Handbills and such blasted that group of drunken rowdies throwing stones at a British Military sent to disperse the troublemakers.
You KNOW WHO Defended the British in American Courts?
John Adams. He won the case that the British were only defending themselves lawfully.
#2 often Ignored by “patriots” is that the French were using the American Rebellion as a Proxy War to weaken Britain. Some of the founding fathers most important work was getting the French to SUPPORT the Revolution with arms, gunpowder, some naval blockades -harassment of British supply shipping and TRAINING.
Remember “Lafayette, we are here?” Washington was very happy to have French Military trainers (much like our SF trainers in country overseas).
Do you think France is going to step up to support us again in overthrowing tyranny? I think we’ve pissed off just about everybody and they *might* just eat some popcorn while we get reduced to ashes.
As I’ve posted before we HAVE the Leadership best described in Isiaha Chapter 3 God’s JUDGEMENT AGAINST JUDAH.
Worth reading the whole chapter. Some good news for God’s people in there.
You know, just before the Babylonians enslaved them for a couple of generations before enough repentance and God restored them to the “Promised Lands” again.
How many Patriots have weaknesses that the Feds can use easily, like bragging-anger-pride issues and even substance abuse (booze and so on)? A little betrayal is hard on a rebellion.
How many are in shape enough to walk an afternoon in their battle rattle?
How many have over a years’ worth of stored food and safe water as not to have their families starved out in a month or so OR Dead from lack of water in a week or so?
Pray for wisdom and protect your family. Whole bloodlines disappeared defending Jerusalem from the Babylonians.
Someone paid attention in history class, well said!
Shheeeit, Putin would be our greatest ally in that situation.
I think one big difference today, is this conflict seems to be as much about people vs. government, than this government vs. that government? Its a global cabal pushing an agenda on everybody, who seems to be looking to Americans to light the first candle. The citizenry of France and Belgium (and look at what happened to the green party in Germany, too) are very close to joining in. Turdboy got shouted down and harassed off the streets at an appearance last week. Someones gonna do something…. soon. You can feel it!
I think they sense the moment (our enemy). I expect a move to seal the deal, or a pause to relieve some pressure.
Sad thing is, this is reality.
There was a prophecy about homelessness/street living not being tolerated in the future. They will all be rounded up and put in military-style barracks with no privacy and open showers for men and women. It leads one to think if this could happen with the next pandemic. Knowing that one of the features of the antichrist has to do with buying and selling (poverty for most), why didn’t/wouldn’t the people of a non-satanic persuasion implement an alternate economic system?
I believe many of us are? You hear ‘local local local’, parallel economy, have you heard of this thing called ‘Gab’? Its like Twitter, but in a non-satanic alternate economy sorta way.
No really, readers here are regularly admonished to exchange FRNs for precious metals like jacketed lead and brass, various types of silver (for BARTER and trade post-SHTF). Readers here have been told to find a local farmer for their beef, pork, and chicken instead of the grocery store… start a garden, learn a skill or trade while the lights (and internet) still turn on.
Gotta be either a bot or a foreigner. Seen their comments enough he ain’t a newbie here.
Yes, one hears “local, local, local” but many of the things you mentioned amount to individual prepping or another form of hyperindividualism. With America being such a fragmented society that’s not likely to be enough or in a timely manner for the larger expansion in terms of application. Besides, the reference was to an insulated and the widespread functioning of commerce as a matter of practicality, one that can interact with or be separate from the existing system of economics. The term ‘underground economy’, is being put forth as something for the future but that’s telling as to the inability to form a viable means of ‘trade and barter’ or as related to other aspects of innovation during relative peacetime, and this lack and its institutional underpinnings needs to be addressed in determining why this was not put forth sooner or inherent to their functioning.
Meh. That realtor lady wasn’t nearly vacuous, out of touch, ignorant and annoyingly cheerful as she should/could have been.