The homosexual agenda has won a significant victory. The Supreme Court Dictate against marriage and God was not the end of the war: it was the foundation for their attack on morality and virtue with the blessing of the state.
While we can only speculate what the next attack will be, the highest probability is to continue their attacks on the church. This will come in the form of requesting the priest, pastor or minister to perform a same sex marriage. They will target churches which they know will decline and then sue the congregation for violating their state given “right”. After a few victories, churches will have limited options:
1. Submission to the state.
2. Stop performing marriages.
3. Close their doors.
4. Stand up to terrorism and fight back.
If your church supports the Lord, has principles and little to no financial resources, it will be targeted. As will people who speak for Biblical truth.
David DeGerolamo
There is a fifth option. They could give up their 501c3 status and become a private membership only organization. Highly doubtful though.
Non-profit or not, they still have to perform same sex marriages.
Perhaps we should separate the state from the church concerning marriage like the constitution specifies. I’ve never read the word marriage in the constitution.
they do not need any exemptions they are already tax exempt under the constitution, it was that murderer Johnson who wrote and executive. order to the IRS instructing them to begin these C501C3 exemptions to silence the churches . this as an illegal E.O. and he knew it violated the Constitution , but the fraud had every one duped and got away with the illegal order.
Non Obedience to Torah has ALWAYS resulted in punishment and destruction by Elohim.
This country has sealed its fate with its unlawful usurpation of mans law over HIS LAW. For those who fear not of Him, have made their choice clear to both him and to those that do Shema!
Get on your knees and face, only to Pray for a hedge of protection for your families.