Although background checks on Black Friday were record-setting, SK Arms in Midland, TX, says sales the day after President Obama’s terrorism/gun control speech were even bigger.
In fact, SK Arms says Obama’s speech ushered in a surge of gun sales that lasted all week long.
The Midland Reporter-Telegram published an excerpt from Obama’s December 6 speech in which he called for expanding background checks and putting new regulations on “assault weapons.” He then said:
I know there are some who reject any gun safety measures. But the fact is that our intelligence and law enforcement agencies, no matter how effective they are, cannot identify every would-be mass-shooter, whether that individual is motivated by ISIL or some other hateful ideology. What we can and must do is make it harder for them to kill.
I was at a Gunshow Saturday and never saw such a high volume of sales before Saturday.
and the government wants to go door to door and do gun confiscation using swat and black operations military personal, well good luck to them because people with high military training and are retired will be waiting for them in the middle of the night to take them out. just remember they wont come during the day , only in the middle of the night . so you need a warning system before the scum treasonous vermin arrive to kill you and your family, and believe me these demon possessed people will murder your entire family.