Texas Lawsuit and Thoughts

People have stated that we have been born for this time. At this point, it does not matter: it only matters how we act in these times. Intangible nouns such as honor, morality and virtue have been marginalized in this country. Without these traits, our country would never have been founded. It is little wonder that they have been attacked and public virtue is not even a known concept. Without public virtue, the founding fathers would not have supported the Declaration of Independence. It was taught as the foundation of character in our schools and churches until its importance to the Republic was fully understood.

I swear to act with sacred Honor to restore the freedom of our children. I swear to hold those responsible for treason accountable for their actions. This means a fair trial and if found guilty, an execution to ensure that people will understand that actions have consequences.

Lord, I will not lean on my own understanding but trust in You with all of my heart.

David DeGerolamo

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4 years ago

YES! Inditements, fair trial, appropriate sentences carried out with extreme prejudice.

4 years ago

A good post,and I can agree with it all,and if we can have time for a fair trial that’s would be good,but I really don’t think a long drawn out legal trial will be necessary for the majority of the TRAITORS, just give them time to make peace with what ever god they serve,and then a rope or a bullet, now someone who has been on the perimeter of this Treasonous act and might deserve a trial,I’m for that,but for the main players I don’t think that they will qualify for any Mercy just quick JUSTICE.

4 years ago

Allen West: Seven States Will Join Texas in SCOTUS Lawsuit Against Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania