Texas Secession Looms As “Independence Resolution” Nears Vote

On Wednesday, the Platform Committee of the Texas Republican Party voted to put a Texas independence resolution up for a vote at this week’s GOP convention, according to a press release from the pro-secession Texas Nationalist Movement. The resolution calls for allowing voters to decide whether the Lone Star State should become an independent nation.

Texas was, in fact, its own country for nine years before joining the United States in 1845, and while the idea of returning to independence has never been taken seriously by most people, it remains popular as a romantic notion and marketing hook. Lone Star beer is the “national beer of Texas.” Texas Monthly is the “national magazine of Texas.” In a 2009 rally, then-Gov. Rick Perry hinted that the state could secede if “Washington continues to thumb their nose at the American people.” He later backed off the idea. (Representatives of the state GOP and Texas Nationalist Movement could not be reached for comment.)

The Texas Nationalist Movement, once considered a quixotic fringe group, has added hundreds of members in the years since the election of Barack Obama.According to the Houston Chronicle‘s Dylan Baddour, at least 10 county GOP chapters are coming to the convention supporting independence resolutions. But this will be the first time in the state’s 171-year history that they will actually vote on one. It’s very unlikely to win. Then again, that’s what people said about Donald Trump.


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8 years ago

So, can Ted Cruz be President of Texas … or will they only accept a natural born Texan?

Bruce A Wineman
Bruce A Wineman
8 years ago

I cannot disagree with the concept. However, why jump over the issue of Sovereignty? No one seems to want to push the Fed with the concept that was put into the Constitution for the States to be sovereign. There are several states that have “hinted” in that direction (TN, OK, WY, maybe MT, come to mind). Why will ALL Americans support the Original Document? As Sovereign States we all would be able to manage OUR money better instead of sending it to D.C. and begging them to send some back!

8 years ago

If this goes through, as much as I love Maine, I’ll be hard-pressed to sell and relocate. I can deal with rattlesnakes far easier than snow….

8 years ago

i suppose i could think of much worse places to be .i could also think of better places too . but id settle for anything right now

8 years ago

Texas is purple and turning blue due to hispanic immigration and Damn Yankees, if anything they might vote to become part of Mexico.

Average Joe
Average Joe
8 years ago

Hell ya! Establish and independent Texas and then invade and conquer the United States.

Once all the patriots move to Texas and leave the dregs behind how hard could it be? Most likely they will beg us in just a few years. We just need enough rope, cause a lot of those left need a long drop on a short rope.

8 years ago

Question: Didn’t “Yankees” come from the north?

As for the Latinos becoming “Yankees”, and voting Democrat, they don’t give a damn about politics; it’s the free stuff they want…not their policies.

“Gimmedats” would be a far more accurate term for them. Just like all the other parasites flowing in.