Texas teen who cop pulled gun on at pool party speaks

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Alfred Barnes
Alfred Barnes
9 years ago

I think it’s pretty clear the police were responding to an out of control situation. In view of the circumstances, the officers actions were reasonable. The kid had no reason to be getting anywhere near the officer. He’s got a job to do, like it or not, and these kids were completely out of control. They’re not in charge, the sworn officer was.

In a perfect world, the residents would have taken some bats to these punks. Their neighborhood has been vandalized, and the residents have been threatened since this event.

I’m disappointed Simon Black picked up the anti-cop thread and David G ran with it. The media is still trying to make a circus of it. The racist aspect of it is that no one is making a media circus of the Waco biker shoot out, just the opposite. Which God is working where?