Thank A Veteran on Memorial Day for Their Service

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Fed up
Fed up
8 years ago

I thank you, I thank my sons, brothers, sisters, brothers sons, my father, his father, his father’s father, my GGGF, my GGGGF, my GGGGGF, my uncles, aunts, cousins, and more than those. Even more that I couldn’t possibly have known about in my family and world. Those in my family that fought in their native lands before they immigrated to the United States. I thank the nameless patriots that have fought defending their homeland wherever in the world they are and were. I thank the millions that are serving currently, that have served, have been wounded, and died while serving their country. I thank you Armed Services Members. Thanks All, I’ll hoist a flag and respect it, cover my heart and say a prayer for you and those you left behind. Again, THANK YOU ALL !
(If I didn’t mention any persons it was purely by accident.)