Thanksgiving Exercise

Read (or reread) this article. Then read this article.

The first article asked readers to:

Take the information and turn it into intelligence. Consider the following points on how this will impact:

  1. The economy and stock market.
  2. All crypto currencies
  3. The conversion of the petrodollar to digital currency without having any faith or credit by other countries.
  4. The impact on the Deep State as this massive money laundering operation and its funding of voter fraud is released.
  5. The war in Ukraine.

That request was only three days ago. I ask people to take the initial request seriously because the dam is breaking.

David DeGerolamo

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2 years ago

The Deep State still OWNS the mass Media. The massive money laundering fraud will go as far as 2000 mules did. AKA nowhere aside from sites like this.

The stock market is a bigger bear problem, just how much fake money are they willing to throw into that maw via the FED? THAT maybe a problem beyond the Deep State, time will tell. Japan did it for decades.

Crypto Failures is an “Emergency” to get the sheeple to flee alternatives to the US Dollar. Who said, “Never let an emergency go to waste, if needed CREATE that emergency”? Obummer’s right hand man Rahm.

The whole point of busting Russia’s chops via the Ukraine proxy war is to keep the US Dollar on top. Not going to work as even Saudi Arabia and Turkey has told US to bugger off.

Going to get REAL, real soon.

Protect your families. Get a good relationship with your creator.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
2 years ago
Reply to  Michael

“Japan did it for decades.”

Winner winner chicken dinner!
And they are STILL doing it today. Still a functioning country over there last time I looked? Not 17th century cave dwellers.
Its monopoly money people, none of it matters. They can click as much of it into or out of existence as they need to achieve their goals. Your comments are spot-on, Sir.

2 years ago
Reply to  Joe Blow

Japan’s advantage is a far stronger sense of being Japanese.

They don’t have Feral’s running the streets and stealing from their version of Maceys.

William Cleveland
2 years ago
Reply to  Michael

Actually Winston Churchill first stated “Never let a good crisis go to waste” at the Yalta meetings, between Roosevelt, Stalin and Churchill, in the mid-1940’s near the end of WW 2. As usual the democrat/socialist Rahmmy had to steal from the past to make his point. Typical. Sorry to be a nit picker, I just hate to let Rahmmy, the Obummer slag, get credit for anything.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
2 years ago

Plus 1 for setting the facts straight!

2 years ago

The first article points to the fact that the sun is quickly setting on cryptos, which originally served the CIA and Mossad with the ability to bribe and pay for drugs and humans anonymously. They are now positioned to serve as springboard and segue into the central bank digital currency/cbdc/one world currency for the further enslavement of humanity. The collapse of cryptos is now a foregone conclusion since big banks are now testing cbdc for worldwide rollout. The effect on the stock market and other financial markets is almost irrelevant as those markets are clearly based on falsehoods/fiat currencies and the fiscal might of vanguard, blackrock and state street. Commodities will likely alternately spike extravagantly and collapse creating massive inflation and shortages and depression. Repeating comment already made on the second article, get out of markets, get liquid as possible, convert cash to assets, get networked in your community with Christians and patriots. Learn any and all skills possible. If you’re not stocked on food/water/survival goods you may be in a very critical spot. Eventually security and mobility as well as self reliance will be of utmost importance. If you’re already pretty prepped and self sustaining, then think of barter goods like extra manual tools, gardening implements, water/water storage/purification, alcohol, caffeine, first aid, fuel, ammo, building supplies, tobacco, medicine, pet supplies, first aid, fuel, ammo, first aid, fuel, ammo. Last but not least, know that you’re also prepping for people that you may not now know, and haven’t showed up yet. LASTLY-PT EVERY DAY, 1ST THING IN THE MORNING. Go keto if you can and you need to lose weight. We’re going to need all the fitness we can muster.

2 years ago
Reply to  realwesterner

Keep calm and identify local collaborators. Also, consider what gear you’ll need for to stand watch and do night time patrols when the temperature is consistently below 20 degrees.

2 years ago

“Let it fall down, let it fall down, let it all fall down.” H/T to James Taylor.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago

What are we to think? We all know it will break sooner or later. Are we to regurgitate what the have been wrong for a few years now people on the web say? If the dollar collapses, we all know this is Yugoslavia. We will kill each other until there is little will to fight left and some one or group will move in a control what is left. Our side has no real plan. The beast system will kick into full swing and we will give in or die.

So what is your idea?

2 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

Exactly, we have no plan and can’t control what’s going to happen. Best we can do is enjoy the time we have and prepare.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
2 years ago
Reply to  Rob

I agree with Mr. Angle’s comments, unfortunately have to agree with Rob, too. History as a guide tells me we are searching for a leader. Our “Grey Champion” has not come forward yet, and no its not orange Jesus. If you have not read “The 4th Turning” yet leave this discussion until you have.
The future is unknown, though like many here my fears tend to run my mind into one direction, which is not healthy. Worry is not helpful, but do not be ignorant. Things are interconnected and moving very quickly now. Just because you see something over there, doesn’t mean you can take your eyes off of over here -- it is all interconnected, just at a level you cannot see yet. None of this is coincidence, nor random, and it will get worse, too.
We HAVE entered the slippery slope, that part of the roller coaster where you are momentarily weightless and you realize from this point onward the ride will not stop until it gets to the end, no matter what happens during the rest of the ride.
We have crossed the point of no return. They have decided this is their Rubicon river. We are the patsies getting rolled over on the other side.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
2 years ago

I like you David, you’re one of the good guys. Not saisified with the initial response? I’m on a phone, forgive typos, here goes:
1. Burp. NEXT! Stock Market WILL melt up into year end. Trillions vs. billions.
2. The Birth of Schroedingers coin -- simultaneously exhibiting the characteristics of a freedom currency, and nefarious uses. It ultimately will be one of the levers they use to oust any un-regulated cryptos from the known world (aka all of ’em), and supplant the whole market with central bank coins. They have been telegraphing this outcome for years. YEARS! They will/have perpetrate the very fraud claimed as the reason they must regulate and control, to protect you from harm. Just like an fbi-op, they will create the reason for the law they need passed, then point and say ‘see, this is to protect you…’, what they don’t say is “from us”.
3. Has any of that blather stopped the petrodollar? True, you could argue the “full faith and credit” isn’t what it was 3 years ago, but.. lets go Brandon? The overall implosion was fixed (see #2 above), he just triggered it? The central banks control the countries they govern, if you are expecting the tail to wag the dog, your paradigm is misaligned.
4. Will be buried. Doubt it will truly see the light of day it needs. Fuckers out on a speaking tour right now, you think he’ll see the inside of a cell? You DO know how connected this dude and his caterpillar girlfriend are, you really think ‘justice’ will happen THIS time? OK Charlie Brown, that footballs all yours..
5. Will continue apace. It is just a piece of a much bigger puzzle.

Tom Finley nailed it in the comments he made in the first linked article. This is game on, all in, for the whole shebang, no holding back now. When Shillary made her famous hot-mic “we’ll all hang” it was confirmed. If found out, going back… a decade? there is a litany of treasonous acts. Hangable offenses! They cannot back down or reverse course short of total takeover of all the elements of power. Like a cheater caught cheating, they will not admit it until you catch them in the sack. And then they will say ‘its not what it looks like!’ (e.g. she had no ‘intent’ with the eMails, so no charges -- caught mid-dicking, we have it on video, not what it looks like, nothing to see here). Both sides are in on the con, we are AAAAALLLLLLLLLLL being played (rest in peace Saint Carlin).


tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Joe Blow

Great post Joe.

2 years ago

For the “masses”, this proverbial dam is literally going to have to break for a plan to be formulated. I’ve pretty much decided that somehow, someway, there is already mass mind manipulation, which I basically know nothing about.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

World Premiere: Died Suddenly If you do nothing else, watch this video.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

I said this in another post, crypto was created as a test run for the digital wallet they have been planning for. Total control of our lives.

2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley


William Cleveland
2 years ago

Ponzi Schemes, historically, have always been the easiest Con to pull off. That the .govs and the corruptocrat elitists took over “bitcoin” was inevitable. Stealing is what they do. The damage done to the world at large is not anything they are concerned with. Today is just “The King of England 1730 -- 1776” written large for our present times. The Plandemic and it’s ongoing “kill shot” was part & parcel of the “long Con” that is ongoing today. Remember, there’s another, better Plandemic in the pipeline, just wait for it. The PTB are OK with all of us dead, in truth they prefer that eventuality, as their end game. Communists by any other name, are still Communists. In the past, inoculation against the cancer of Communists, has required an antibiotic .30 to .50 calibre injection of truth and enlightenment. Historically speaking of course.
History doesn’t have to repeat itself in it’s exactness, it mereiy has to rhyme. Whether the present day Patriots and Citizens of the World have the stones to “rhyme” with the men and women of our Founding Fathers & Mothers, is yet to be seen. If not, the World as we know it is done. You and your children and grandchildren will be dead or relegated to serf/slave status. Fact is, the CDC, the hospital systems, the World Health Organization, the United Nations and all of our various .govs have schemed, colluded together and planned for our imminent demise. Throwing a wrench into that gearbox is a job for all of us, that don’t intend to go quietly into the night.
Harden your hearts. ask God to give you the strength and the fortitude to do what is right and to protect your family. Gun up, ammo up, prep your ass off and build your Tribe/Alliances. When things go to hell, those will be the difference between life and death, for you, your family and your Tribe & Alliances. Look to the North Vietnamese Army, the Taliban in Afghanistan, the Irish Republican army, and other such forces history, for tactics and strategies for survival.
Voting won’t fix anything, not ever again. Politicians lie -- always. Look at what Margery Taylor Green, Ga. District 14, has done in the past two weeks. Talks trash about the Freedom Caucus et al and then votes to put Kevin McCarthy in charge of the House. She traded a Committee seat for her integrity, betrayed her Constituency and thus became just another liar in Congress. Can’t trust anybody these days, can you?
Bid your time, make the bad guys force the next hand to be dealt, then cash out and leave the table on your own terms. Don’t start anything, but always be prepared, as best your can, not to lose anything either.
As for myself, as Captain Malcom Reynolds in the Serenity/Firefly series said, “I aim to misbehave”, as best I can -- if forced into an unacceptable situation.
What else you gonna do?


2 years ago

Intelligence is information useful for winning wars, not unnecessary additional evidence -- piled atop an already existing mountain of proof -- that your enemy is, in fact, your enemy.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
2 years ago
Reply to  FJQ

So true. Well said! I feel the same way.

citizen joe
citizen joe
2 years ago

Have a plan. Your plan. Local. Make it work. Might not be big enough to save the country, but big enough to save your immediate area. One at a time.