That Is A Lot of Money

People receive the government that they deserve. Apathy breeds tyranny and fraudulent elections. I cannot help but wonder where the money really went since the streets of Democrat cities are littered with homeless and addicts.

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9 hours ago

somebody needs to check how much the mayor of Ashville spent on illegals, a sanctuary city. Lots of unaccounted for money spent on the hurricane. Also Charlotte

8 hours ago

Was she chewing gum while asking those mayors questions? Not a good look.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
8 hours ago

Well yeah, of course, thats why they’re all protesting so loudly. While most likely personally benefiting from the grift, all their friends and family are part of the fraud-machine, too.
This IS existential for them. None of them will have (high paying cushy do nothing) jobs if Trump shuts it all down.

David Bovender
David Bovender
7 hours ago

Doge needs to come to State and County/City Gov. They are pissing away your State and property taxes too. It isn’t going to stop until these crooked Politicians start getting prison sentences.

5 hours ago

Hey, Justice Robert thinks this kind of spending is just great. Doesn’t he. Impeach him.

Randolph Scott
Randolph Scott
4 hours ago
Reply to  strider777

More like arrest him.

2 hours ago

For those $$$$ every homeless person in the U.S. could have been placed in a new condo, given title and mental health visits for life.

But noooooooooooooo! It’s all about The Feeeeeeelz!