The 2024 election cycle is producing a level of rhetoric not seen since the Civil War

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7 months ago

the polls are all lies, and it will get worse with the false polling as it draws closer to November, these clowns at the news media liars and cheaters in back rooms drawing graphs, charts, polling numbers and its all-false data which they are making in back rooms. If they do any polling, they poll mostly democrats so they can get the desired number they want, it’s truly criminal what they are doing. Here is the kicker, when they do lose in November, the Democrat party will state the election was stolen from Harris and they will get their illegal alien army along with BLM and antifa to begin burning and rioting in all their own blue cities. At that point Trump will need to remove the vermin by force and send them all to the fema camps they built for us to be used for them.

Last edited 7 months ago by Phil1350
7 months ago

Amicable separation or Civil War. There are no other choices. The side, that “just wants to be left alone“ will always lose to the side that wants to win, regardless of the means.

16 years military service with a combat deployment and 25 years as a public servant closing in on retirement. I was really looking forward to just being left alone. That is why the other side fills me with such rage. I was looking forward to having peace in my life and those godless heathens are going to deny me that.

ozark homesteader
ozark homesteader
7 months ago

Yes. They kill a MAGA and attempt to kill Trump on live tv and tell The Right to tone down the rhetoric. The hypocrisy, the projection, the gaslighting.

7 months ago

At the risk of being accused of shooting the messenger(s), the issue is beyond debate, analysis, or commentary. The forces of darkness in the Marxist-Infanticide Party are hell-bent on destroying liberty and private property. Plan accordingly. Bleib ubrig.

tom finley
tom finley
7 months ago

Yep, will not end in a peaceful way, weak men bring about hard times cuts to the chase. A nation of weak men we are, and we will not be able to stop what is coming, their shock troops are going to start CW2 off before the election, a hundred times worse than the 2020 riots. Have you got some teams in your area ready? I think at first small skirmishes will break against their globohomo shock troops and then all at once the real fighting will begin, don’t know about you, but I am going down fighting, TINVOWOOT X 100.

7 months ago

Or perhaps it’s all Kabuki Theater and the Democrats are going to Cheat to make sure Trump and MAGA are going to do the National Bankruptcy and Greater Depression.
Just like they did to the Republicans President Hoover.

To emplace the avowed Socialist FDR who BTW got 4 Terms as President.
Either way in about 100 days that answer will be shown.

Got trusted friends and trusted family to ride out the storm?

Steady Steve
Steady Steve
7 months ago

Turn it down? Hell no, turn it up to 11! The idiot normies will not wake up until reality slaps them across the face.