The 2nd Amendment is the Vaccine Against the Real Disease: Mandate THAT!

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tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

Covid- 19 is but a symptom of the problem, a fascist government intent on destroying our country. We need to answer the fascists with a hail of the only answer they deserve, a wall of 5.56 so thick there will be nothing left to bury.

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Amen brother. People need to stop making ScrewTube videos and start fixing the problem.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob

Yep snafu all the way around, situation normal all fucked up.

3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

They are not fascists: they are communists at worst and socialists at best. Now, might I point out what is going on in Kazakhstan: Mother Russia has activated their equivalent of our NATO to fight the up-rising. Does anyone not think NATO would not do in like form to protect one of their own? Plus, since we do have nukes (understatement I know), do you not think the UN would not send in troops to protect the nukes? What everyone talks of, is dancing on the cutting edge of a very sharp razor blade. The fore-fathers never envisioned a nation like we have today. And damn it all to hell, we are caught in a serious catch-22: damned if we do and damned if we don’t. I believe it was all designed this way to win in all scenarios, so “We the People”, would ultimately fall into their totalitarian control. I believe Kazakhstan is an example for talking rising up, to see what they are willing do to those that offer up resistance. Am I scared? NO! But, I know there are people who want their freedoms back, will rise up against the beast, but will shrink back when the beast grinds them and their children into dust. I have 26 years military service and training: I will fight, am willing to guide, and will die for this great nation. But, yes, a cancer has taken over and it looks like it will have to be cut out. I do not know of many who would be willing to get their hands bloody, after they see friends and family killed. Or, how many will be willing to fight back, when they start doing public executions on the streets, TV and the internet, for all to see and be terrified.

enn ess
enn ess
3 years ago
Reply to  Dennis

Short bit of historical note; The kaka have indeed been here before. They have been tormented by mother Russia since the beginning.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  Dennis

Fascist synonyms authoritarian, totalitarian, nazi they sure are fascist. As far as not being communist or fascist they support BLM and Antifa both communist front groups. I am a vet and will not shrink from killing every last POS that had anything to do with what has happened to our Republic. It has to be swift, no trials, no mercy and complete. They are dug in so deep, that every bureaucrat is guilty at this point.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  Dennis

By the way thank you for your service.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  Dennis

Also we the people should be the ones doing the public executions.

3 years ago

“Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed as they are in almost every kingdom in Europe. The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops that can be, on any pretense, raised in the United States.”
-Noah Webster
CITATION: “An Examination of the Leading Principles of the Federal Constitution.” P. Richard & Hall, (Philadelphia, 1787).

“Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are inevitably ruined.”
-Patrick Henry
CITATION: Virginia Convention on the ratification of the Constitution, June 5, 1788, in Debates in the Several State Conventions on the Adoption of the Federal Constitution, Jonathan Elliot, ed., v.3 p.45 (Philadelphia, 1836).

3 years ago
Reply to  Rifleman1775

Thank you for this

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
3 years ago


3 years ago

Lock and load and GO GET THE ENEMY! They are surely coming for you and me. Let’s not afford them that luxury.

3 years ago
Reply to  Paul

The evil ones will be right in
Your own neighborhoods as well as family members, they will sell
You out for a morsel of bread because they are no good, Jesus said in the last days a man’s enemies wii be of his own household, do not take any prisoners whom ever they be.

Not So Free
Not So Free
3 years ago

 “The beauty of the Second Amendment, is that you won’t need it until they try to take it away.”
Thomas Jefferson

3 years ago

Great talk here!!!!!

3 years ago

Lock and load patriots because the time is almost upon us when we all will have to make a fast decision to pull that trigger in the defense of ourselves and family against these demon entities that inhabit almost every worker and government leader at the federal and state level, if not then you will be carted off to never be seen again, I for one are going to take them down at there own game like our fathers did in Europe during ww2 and kick there stinking evil bodies into a ditch for the buzzards to eat there carcasses.
They are trying to starve us out along with our families and we will
Not tolerate this any longer, better to die a free man then a whore to there satanic one world system.

Dr Winchester
Dr Winchester
3 years ago

TRUST THE SCIENCE of ballistics to provide SAFE AND EFFECTIVE vaccine immunity.


3 years ago

Let me know when this pandemic(?) gets serious enough to close the southern border. Until then I’ll continue to live my life as usual.
Covid was nothing more than a trojan horse, the shot is the bio-weapon.

3 years ago

You lost me when you agreed with the controllers that there is a virus of SARS-Co V-2 that is making people sick. Fact: after over 130 FOIA’s from different countries there remains no proof of and isolated or purified covid virus. Furthermore, Koch’s postultes were never applied to prove this disease. Let alone the fraudulent testing with PCR. A Pandemic of cases. It’s all computer modelling. The germ theory is a fallacy, it’s all about the terrain. This planned covid fraud was merely the reason to inject the global population with the bioweapon clot shot. It’s about depopulation and tranny. Evil to the core on full display. The majority of the population has fallen for this delusional psychosis fear campaign. The people have been dumbed down where few can think clearly, and use critical thinking. You sir, have also displayed your lack of ability to think critically and buy into the controllers narrative that covid exists. You are a great spokesman to further their covid fraud and keep the fear going. Pathetic.

3 years ago
Reply to  Nicole

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3 years ago

If there was a pandemic of any kind, these self-righteous crooked politicians would have been the first underground. The sooner we realize this is a extermination, the better off we’ll be.

Mary Zebra
Mary Zebra
3 years ago

Thank you! Short, Concise and Awesome!

enn ess
enn ess
3 years ago

Here is an interesting tidbit. A group of 1000 individuals each firing a 55 grain 5.56 caliber bullet at a single point at the same exact time has an energy force of 917,000 pound at 100 yards. Attention getter? Let that sink in.

3 years ago

The facts DISPROVE what the ‘elite wants to be done on us. NO EXCUSE the logic and even the science disproves what they want.
This is an EXPERIMENTAL JAB and NEVER forge that!! And as above, it proves it DOES not work so this is about something else and it has a lot to do with ENSLAVING YOU and NO other purpose.