The 7 Most Interesting Minutes on Syria You’ll Watch Tonight

Senior Research Analyst for the Institute of the Study of War Elizabeth O’Bagy broke down the state of affairs in Syria Monday on FNC’s “Special Report.”

O’Bagy explained contrary to fears that Syrian rebels are predominantly extremist, many of the groups composing rebel forces have formed alliances and incorporated goals conducive to U.S. interests.

These allied groups with sympathies to U.S. interests, O’Bagy said, actually make up the majority of the Syrian rebels:

BRET BAIER: Let’s put that graphic back up there. The red are the extremist groups in that list. And you see the red blocks. The blue are what? Okay guys?

ELIZABETH O’BAGY: The blue is the Syrian Islamic front, and this front is actually a group of more Islamist and Salafist groups that have allied together and are pushing for an Islamic form of governance and have proven themselves at times willing to work with the more moderate opposition and other times unwilling to do so. So these are kind of the groups that are on the fence right now so to speak. But in many ways have shown that when the capacity is behind the more moderate groups are more than willing to submit themselves does a general chain of command under those moderate forces.


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11 years ago

I believe this is BS.

11 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Washington Free Beacon has become a tool for the government

🙂 I started to mention similar in my comment, so it’s just not me. Good.