The Abolition of Humanity

By J.R. Nyquist

…Now let us consider where we are today. Like Lenin, Gorbachev began a New Economic Policy back in the 1980s. The USSR gave up its empire for the sake of rebuilding itself, for the alleged sake of creation. Thirty years later, President Vladimir Putin has the largest nuclear arsenal in the world. In other words, creation was placed in the service of destruction.

Despite what people are saying, Putin has a potent military. And we have only seen a small part of it. Naturally, it is not perfect. As Viktor Suvorov has argued, Moscow’s army is paradoxically strong and weak, effective and ineffective. With every apparent defeat it will move forward. It will win hard-fought battles. This is the pattern. This is already the way Russian history works.

And in this current military scenario, Putin has aligned his country with China and the other communist countries. He has not done this because he is a Christian. Oh no. He is a fake Christian even as he was a fake democrat. Putin is a communist, and his goal has always been to paste the Soviet Union back together – which is why he invaded Ukraine.

Putin stated in his pre-war speech that the breakup of the Soviet Union was illegal. That means he is not actually the leader of Russia, but the leader of the Soviet Union. His objective, therefore, is to lead the communist bloc to victory over the imperialists and capitalists. Therefore, the war in Ukraine is part of a much larger project…

…President Zelensky, addressing the British Parliament, received a standing ovation when he said, “Ukraine has not wanted to become great, but we have become great in the course of this war. We are the country that is saving people despite having to fight one of the biggest armies in the world. We have to fight the helicopters, the rockets. The question for us now is, ‘To be or not to be.’ Oh no, for the last ten days this question could have been asked. But now I can give you a definitive answer. It is definitely ‘yes, to be.’ And I would like to remind you, and the world, what you have already heard, again: We will not give up. And we will not lose. We will fight to the end, at sea and in the air. We will continue fighting for our land whatever the cost. We will fight in the forests, in the fields, on the shores, in the streets…. We will fight on the banks of different rivers … and we are looking for your help, for the help of the civilized countries. We are thankful for this help, and I am very grateful to you, Boris [Johnson, Prime Minister of the U.K.]. Please increase the pressure of sanctions against this country. And please recognize this country [Russia] as a terrorist state. And please make sure that our Ukrainian skies are safe. Be sure that you do what needs to be done, and what is stipulated by the greatness of your country. Best of all to Ukraine and the United Kingdom.”

How can the West resist this plea? Can the civilized world stand by and merely watch? The alternative, of course, is to risk nuclear war. The Russian government has sternly warned the world to stay out. They have put their nuclear forces on alert. They are ready to launch their missiles. And here is a moral dilemma. Does the West remain comfortable and safe as it watches an entire nation destroyed?

I am afraid there is no happy answer here. If we do nothing, I must tell you my honest opinion. We will be bombed and attacked when our turn comes. This is something I came to understand long ago. Putin and his communist allies are destroyers, and they seek America’s destruction even more earnestly than they seek Ukraine’s.

Putin has shown that he is a destroyer, not a creator. The destruction we are now witnessing appears quite insane to us. Yet Putin is not a madman. Destruction is a choice open to all. It is the choice, I believe, of all the totalitarian countries. And we have refused to recognize this. War with these countries has always been in the cards. And if by some miracle we avoid a great war now, it will yet come.

And for that matter, we have communists right here in America, facilitating the work of destruction, aiding and abetting our enemies in Beijing and Moscow. Watch the death and destruction unleashed on Kiev. There are even more destructive Russian weapons aimed at New York and Washington. If the leaders in Moscow are willing to level the cities of their brother Slavs, do you think they will fail to level our cities?

We have no idea how much danger we are in right now. And we have no idea how much our own survival may depend on the survival of Ukraine.

This is an excellent article and should be read in its entirety.

As Martin Niemöller said:
“First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.”

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2 years ago

Nyquist probably checks under his bed for Russians every night. If Putin is trying to recreate the Soviet Union, he’s both running out of lifespan, and executing the plan poorly. If he were serious Kiev and Kharkov would look like downtown Aleppo right now.
Nyquist ignores the blood we have on our hands and our culpabilty in all this, and if Russia is aligning with China it’s because that’s the option we left them with.
If Europe wants to fight, let them fight. We should sit this one out entirely. Europe hasn’t exactly treated us like valued allies, just their own personal piggy bank.

2 years ago
Reply to  Steve

The question isn’t whether Putin wants to recreate the Soviet Union; the question is whether the U.S. (MIC) wants Putin to recreate the Soviet Union.
If the U.S. DID want that, what would we have done differently over the last 10 years? What provocations would we have engaged in that we, in fact, haven’t actually engaged in?

2 years ago

Jeff Nyquist carefully studies his history of China and Russia. I appreciate what he speaks and writes about. I also know this Ukraine/Russia issue is known and watched by those quite professionals. Remember the Horse Soldiers riding into Afghanistan long before any of the ‘arm chair’ warriors knew what was going on. There’s a great force in them that ‘watch’, ‘wait’, and ‘decide’ how best to deal with the evil forces overseas. They are up against much with a destructive lot from Bush to now the clown in charge. I give these quite professionals much credit having to sort through all types of issues, but they are highly intelligent, well crafted, a force to be reckoned with, make no mistake. So we can write and comment all we want about what is happening over there, but I’m positive we get it wrong most of the time. Still sitting on the fence watching it all play out as there’s not much we can do anyway.

Thomas Hanna
Thomas Hanna
2 years ago

Ezekiel 28

2 years ago

I guess they finally got to ol’ J.R. too….welp that guy just lost credibility in my eyes.

2 years ago

We have no idea how much danger we are in right now. And we have no idea how much our own survival may depend on the survival of Ukraine.”
I don’t see how our survival depends on Ukraine. We’ve already been conquered by some evil outside forces. The Biden administration is not working for the best interest of the United States nor representing the best interest of the American people. It is rapidly destroying our country and our way of life that we used to have. I think this is all part of the New World Order plan where we have a one world government that rules over all of us. Maybe the plan is a nuclear war that wipes out 75% of the population to get it to a manageable level that will accept the NWO and grow it with an indoctrinated society that accepts it as a normal way of life where you will own nothing and be happy.
George Soros and Klaus Schwab are both promoting protecting Ukraine and they aren’t saving Angels sent by God. Schools have been indoctrinating our children to accept these ideas as normal for years. Our judicial system has already been corrupted and our world is quickly being transformed into a giant ball of Sodom and Gomorrah.

Hammer's Thor
2 years ago
Reply to  Alan

I don’t see how our survival depends on Ukraine. We’ve already been conquered by some evil outside forces.”
It’s difficult to ascertain intent. Human nature, however, is very predictable. These people (Putin, and even China -- the CCP, which is an even greater enemy) have learned to have long-term strategy. While we just want to live our lives and be left alone, they have studied past victories, and most especially, failures, and do not intend to lose again. They can envision nothing but absolute power, and megalomaniacs will always do everything to achieve their goals, with no concern for the cost in lives or treasure of others. They plan for decades, we plan for days. Again, human nature… it’s difficult to believe that any entity can be so evil as Putin or Xi, since the vast majority of us alive did not live through WW1 or WW2. Therefore we choose not to believe it at our peril.
Millennia of human nature did not change in the last 80 years.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Hammer's Thor

Difficult to believe Putin and Xi are evil, I would say our own government is just as evil if not more so.

2 years ago

For those seeking to learn more, please watch this six part interview J.R Nyquist from 12 yrs ago. it is more relevant now than ever

“Jeff Nyquist interviews Victor and Marina Kalashnikov, two Moscow journalists blacklisted by the state. The Kalashnikovs have interviewed leading political, military and intelligence officials in Russia (especially former Soviet officials). A few years ago, when Gorbachev found what they were doing, he warned his former colleagues to stop talking to the Kalashnikov’s. According to Victor and Marina, the old Soviet structures remain in place, beneath the surface, reconstructing a new type of dictatorship in Russia. With new positions in Latin America and Africa, Russia is building a new anti-American bloc. Using oil and gas as economic weapons, Russia has combined with China to undermine the U.S. dollar.”

‘J R Nyquist talks to Kalashnikovs: Victor and Marina (part 1)

2 years ago
Reply to  Shipwreck

‘The So Called “Death of Communism” Anatoliy Golitsyn : The Perestroika Deception part 1’

2 years ago
Reply to  Shipwreck

Why isn’t he addressing the communist uni party in Washington ?

2 years ago
Reply to  Shipwreck

So aiding the communist uni party in Washington is going to help America ????

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago

Never cared much for Nyquist. Now I remember why. Ukrainian forces using artillery against Russian speaking civilians isn’t a provocation? Threatening NATO membership to a country that sits on the historical invasion route into Russia, isn’t a provocation? Threatening to put missiles on the Russian border isn’t a provocation? The only question I have about all of that is this, is it all theater? Are the Globalists playing all sides here? Prepare to live in the stone age, again.

Aime Hart
Aime Hart
2 years ago

It’s time for the United States of America to lead. Remember that phrase?? Well, what happened to it?
I agree if we don’t do something, we get bombed -- in our turn of course. Honestly no one wants WW3 so the best and brightest minds should be locked in a bunker coming up with something. They get paid handedly.

2 years ago

I honestly do not know as much as I would like to know. Based on Russia’s stated truce requirements, pre and post invasion, the answer seems pretty simple: If Putin is wrong, then so was JFK. Perhaps Putin is a faux Christian, but if so why is he the lone voice crying against the globo homo agenda? If Putin is wrong then why does his list of enemies (Soros, Biden, Obama, Hillary) so closely match ours?

Factual Jack
Factual Jack
2 years ago

He’s a Jew. During the Second World War, three of his Uncle’s were killed fighting against Nazi Germany. Moreover, the Nazi era Iron Cross has a swastika in the center. The Iron Cross decoration dates back to the Prussian Empire and was established in 1813. So yes, there was a time when some German Jews wore an Iron Cross, bur they they were veterans of the First World War, but the Iron Cross they were awarded was the original commissioned by King William III. That’s not a “NAZI” Iron Cross on his t-shirt.

2 years ago

I didn’t look to see who wrote this piece but as I read it my conclusion was it’s a neocon globalist . Well after having looked to see who wrote it the truth is revealed A NEOCON GLOBALIST.

Christopher Rasmus
Christopher Rasmus
2 years ago

When Soros is preaching against Russia (, it begs the question:
Is the enemy (Russia) of my enemy (Soros) actually my friend?
Or in other words, there is more here going on than meets the eye. Obviously. But when the same guy who has his hands up the butts of tons of world governments is complaining about two that he doesn’t have his hands on, what does that tell you? Whatever Soros wants can’t be good, whether Russia/China wants “good” things or not.
Or like someone said earlier, maybe it’s all just theater.
And all we can really do is go along for the ride while trying to share the Gospel and love our neighbor, all the while desperately trying to avoid the increasing levels of perversity/temptations/persecutions that keep coming our way.
Lord help us….

Last edited 2 years ago by Christopher Rasmus
Hammer's Thor
2 years ago

Is the enemy (Russia) of my enemy (Soros) actually my friend?”
No. The enemy of my enemy is just my enemy’s enemy.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago
Reply to  Hammer's Thor

Good vs evil
In search of, ambassadors of Truth.
“Living fountains of Waters.”