The Abolition of Man Amid the Consequences of Reality

by Doug “Uncola” Lynn:

Woke ideology is doomed to fail because its foundational premises are not grounded in reality. Or, more specifically, “wokeness” is rooted in human emotionalism as opposed to truth.  Such applied moral irrationality has also been identified as relativism or subjectivism.

In truth, the Woke Religion is merely one leg of the three-legged stool upon which the central planners behind The Great Reset are currently enthroning themselves.  The other two legs underpinning the proposed New World Order are economic and political. Although all three legs of world control are manifesting by means of relativism, or subjectivism, these manifestations are not occurring through random chance.  On the contrary, Hegelian / Marxist Luciferian dialectics are being strategically applied toward the consolidation of global power: solve et coagula vis-à-vis ordo ab chao.  Dissolution and coagulation are occurring now so that chaos concludes in the form of controlled order.

The negation of truth allows the Luciferian puppet-masters, and their puppets, to do as thou wilt – and by means of modern technology, they are operating beyond the construct of moral realism that has previously constrained, and ultimately conquered, various tyrants throughout history.  Hence, the Religion of Wokeness has been conjured to psychologically manipulate humanity into accepting the new economic and political system that is now manifesting through medical tyranny, war, and the Climate Agenda.

The “ideological subversion” (i.e. demoralization) of the West, as described by former Russian KGB defector turned whistleblower, Yuri Bezmenov, is near complete.  

Collectivist utopias derive from the mind of Man, but perhaps the original source is actually as U.S. Climate Envoy John Kerry has recently claimed: extraterrestrial.

There are those who claimed Karl Marx was a Satanist.  But, at the very least, Marx and his adherent’s appear to have wielded the Hidden Hand of Freemasonry.  What difference, at this point, does it make?

Read the Whole Article Here…

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tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

Mo’ PoPo | Eatgrueldog More of doing as they will.

1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

Man, they served and protected the heck out of that guy, huh?

1 year ago

Quite the dissertation! I just know I read the back of HIS book and we are heading to a one world government that will need its one world leader -- The Antichrist. Save Souls & Make sure you’re Saved!

1 year ago

The below linked article is representative of woke religion:

The medical personnel in question with regard to this woman being detained, strapped to a gurney and injected with psychotropic drugs because she displayed a gift of the spirit need be imprisoned, and lose their credentials to work in the medical field. The family member(s) that were inciting and calling for her to be detained and psychologically evaluated should be charged and the state troopers reprimanded. Where were her rights? How is it they are called rights, when her only recourse is to spend money on a lawyer, and is left dealing with the ramifications? Even if the results are in her favor, that’s not justice.

“Spirit Filled Christian Detained In Psych Ward For Testimony”

“In truth, the Woke Religion is merely one leg of the three-legged stool upon which the central planners behind The Great Reset are currently enthroning themselves. The other two legs underpinning the proposed New World Order are economic and political. Although all three legs of world control are manifesting by means of relativism, or subjectivism, these manifestations are not occurring through random chance.”

That’s a polite way of saying that these things are happening because only one side builds culture and engages on the cultural front. The corporate Christian church system is essentially putting the masses in an increasingly dangerous situation, because they fail to be the change agent, and utilize those mechanisms that would otherwise advocate for social reforms, leading to the implementing of a social contract. Therefore, the church system is to blame for this situation such as with the afore mentioned woman.