Here is the money quote from Brandon Smith’s article:
It needs to be understood that the US was NEVER going to “win” the war in Afghanistan. An orthodox military strategy is rarely going to succeed against a long term insurgency using asymmetric tactics. It does not matter how technologically advanced that military might be; it does not matter how many planes, tanks, and drones they might have. Eventually over time they WILL lose by pure attrition in the face of a guerrilla resistance.
Looks at the strategy that brought the US military to its knees. Or I should say, look at the government’s policies and woke military leadership that brought this historical debacle to Afghanistan. Never mind the image of the United States that our enemies now have. Never mind the conspiracy theories and Monday morning quarterbacks’ pontifications concerning this tragedy.
But do keep in mind that we can and will use this same strategy to bring down the Deep State. The only questions are when, how bloody and if we have the time before our country is attacked by a foreign power.
And here is his closing admonition:
I can’t predict what the exact event will be, but it seems obvious that the establishment is making preparations for another crisis in the near term. The abrupt end of the occupation of Afghanistan is a warning sign of more pressing threats ahead.
David DeGerolamo
“The war is not meant to be won, it is meant to be continuous.”
George Orwell
Biden’s incompetence does not matter.
He is not pulling the strings.
Neither is Harris.
It goes much, much deeper.
“The abrupt end of the occupation of Afghanistan is a warning sign of more pressing threats ahead.”
Indeed it is.
This bunch of yahoo’s can Never Project Strength Now.
Hell..I don’t care if they launch the Big Birds.
Thats like a Guy loosing a fist fight he started, so he goes full tard.
Egos are a Bitch.
And this Bunch are That Guy.
Prepare for Pain…
Uncle Sam’s on the way home, Drunk, Tweaking and the last Non-Binary in the bar laughed at him and told him to shove off freak.
The commie left are PAST MASTERS at deception, lies and underhanded politics. It’s HOW THEY STOLE THE ELECTION. But actions have consequences. And once you are IN CHARGE you must RUN THINGS… which is where the left is screwed. They have almost NOBODY on their side with any REAL skills, abilities or real world experience. Now that they are expected to actually run the government they are WAY in over their heads. And the debacle in the sandbox is just the latest and largest cock up that they are responsible for.