The Air of Despotism

T.L. Davis:

We saw it first in Australia, New Zealand and Austria, the sense that the state had a right, a duty, to go to war against some segment of their peaceful populations due to political differences. What I mean by “at war” is the imprisoning of those populations in place; the demand to take part in cynical medical experiments in order to regain freedom. To some degree this happened on January 6th, too. What is most noticeable, however, is the tendency for Western “democracies” to now act in violent, evil and vengeful ways against those who protest maltreatment. Never is there a consideration of ending the offending policies and it’s that recalcitrance that speaks to something bigger, more foundational than a mere disagreement between governments and their citizens.

In Canada, I’m sure that the Canadians thought that their government would not be as brutal or as openly hostile to them as the U.S. government is toward Americans, because, as the world has been taught by acolytes of George Soros, Americans who love freedom are evil, racist rednecks unworthy of respect or civil treatment. Canadians believed, until lately, that their government was above the sort of brutality that one might expect to be leveled on their redneck counterparts.

The world’s vision of American patriots is intentionally out of focus to aid and benefit the enemies of freedom worldwide. It’s how the media is able to sell that the January 6th protesters were engaged in a coup and the overthrow of “democracy” while those at the highest levels of government engaged in spying and election rigging to achieve an actual overthrow of “democracy” and that this is a typical tactic of communist principles, i.e., to accuse your enemies of the activities the communists are engaged in, or plan to soon employ. None of this is a surprise to those paying attention, but the ability of the media and those in government, including those in the Supreme Court, to cover it up, to aid and abet its implementation, is instructive. There is no civil recourse.

The idea here, is to expose that it isn’t just January 6th or the trucker convoy in Canada, but something taking place across all Western “democracies” at the same time with the same tools and the same recalcitrant attitudes. It has the air of despotism, the feel of something highly coordinated at the World Economic Forum (WEF). When one investigates the WEF, and it doesn’t take Sherlock Holmes to do so, they find that those involved in the election rigging, like Mark Zuckerberg financing drop boxes that can be filled with hundreds of thousands of untraceable ballots, spent a great deal of time with Klaus Schwab. World leaders like Justin Trudeau, Angela Merkle, Jacinda Ardern of New Zealand and a host of other authoritarian leaders went through the Young Global Leaders program at the WEF.

The hallmark of a Western democracy has always been a willingness of governments to engage in dialog with opponents of certain policies, round tables, forums where all might express their grievances and come to some equitable conclusion to the disagreement, but that’s now off the table where these disciples of Klaus Schwab are concerned. Opponents are shut down, defamed, ridiculed and imprisoned. Those are the actions of totalitarian and authoritarian governments, so one must logically conclude that, in the West, an era has ended. These leaders, these governments, have transitioned to authoritarian systems of governance, to which the freedom-loving citizens must succumb. They aren’t being demoralized and defeated so they can defeat a virus, they are being demoralized and defeated so they can accept slavery.

The truth no one wants to recognize is that it’s going to take more than mere protests, or protests on a scale that is so enormous that whole structures of government control begin to come apart.

Read the Whole Article Here…

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Edgar Hopkins
Edgar Hopkins
2 years ago

truth !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2 years ago

“The truth no one wants to recognize is that it’s going to take more than mere protests, or protests on a scale that is so enormous that whole structures of government control begin to come apart.”

The even greater truth that far fewer want to hear is that mere violence or sitting out will never topple or destroy this government. Our governments have done far more economic damage to our countries than we could ever do, and they did it as part of a plan to make us compliant. Doing a bit more damage isn’t going to faze them.

Political organization in flyover states isn’t sexy, it doesn’t sell works of fiction, give excuses to pound your chest on the internet, or drive gun sales. But it is still necessary. This government isn’t going to give up or go away. It might offer up some ‘leaders’ as fodder for the crowd, but those who are really in charge will remain in the shadows to once again exert control after the peasants have calmed down.

I can’t think of a single instance in history where the government of a complex society simply disappeared, leaving people wandering around going, “well, what kind of society do you want?”

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

” Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear.” Harry S. Truman, he got this right.

2 years ago

Why does America deserve to stay a country? It doesn’t. All of the peacetime was used to wreck it (in terms of governmental and civic responsibility). How is it that a country that purports itself to be a republic or a democracy can’t find it within themselves to teach it’s form of goverment over many decades? But those guns and that second amendment feature largely. It’s odd that they think they can have one without the other. Pretty soon, so few will have heard about the latter, it will likely be dismissed as historical lore, creating yet another disconnect. It was a seamless (in a manner of speaking) ‘divide and conquer’ strategy, while people went to vote for more of the same, as all aspects of society disintegrated, essentially rendering voting no different than attending a church service. Neither could lead the way out. Many of those who did notice, were among those who lacked a social or political voice, not having any venues for advocacy due to the systemic stratification in all sectors. The institutions weren’t there for them, as the nation was already conquered from within. This leaves those who did notice and had the means, bringing to the point that everyone was exceptionally ineffectual in many respects, except the elites. How exactly does this describe a republic or democracy?

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

Communists do what communists do best, steal your freedom and liberty and enslave society. The time for action has arrived no more BS, of I need to keep prepping until when? You cannot hide behind that wall of denial any longer, A CALL to MUSTER is what is needed. You will get nothing but a boot in the face from this regime, praying for mercy will only accomplish one thing, your bowing to your master. God the one true God is a fierce and awesome God fear inspiring and a God of army’s not just spiritual army’s but flesh and blood also. I pledge my life all my worldly possessions in obedience to God to defeat this enemy, so help me God.

Last edited 2 years ago by tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Another point of consideration is that the cancel culture methodology has been in effect over a period of decades; every time one hears a preacber say ‘ the arts are evil” for instance, while in general that may currently be accurate, it actually serves to stigmatize and steer away from, any individuals so inclined to the arts; dance, painting, singing, as there’s no encouragement towards taking creative authority or influence. In the time of Constantine, pagans sought out Christians for artistic expertise, woodworking and such. It’s interesting to read about. Today it is the reverse. It got there over a long period of time and raises the question as to how. If people don’t create, and don’t know how to, this positions them for subservience. Teaching by only rote memorization is cancel culture, and a complete disregard for critical thinking. That people went to vote mostly knowing that this was going on was cancel culture. They were indifferent, as most Americans are to each other. It didn’t start with the communists, but maybe it was the satanists?

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Z-La

Communists are part of Satan’s army, how many countless millions have they murdered. That is what the communists do, they destroy everything, history, arts etc.

enn ess
enn ess
2 years ago

Gommermints only course of action against their populace is Fear, Intimidation, Guilt, and as a last resort, Force. Other than that they have absolutely nothing.
I am free, no matter what rules surround me; If they are tolerable, I tolerate them, If they are to obnoxious, I break them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do. An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life. Robert A. Heinlen
Rattle Rattle. Be The Cat.