We are, again, isolated homesteads on the frontier of a new kind of war, one our government is complicit in waging against the people with command and control in foreign lands. Leaving in place any of those in the FBI and CIA would be the same as to tolerate rebellious generals in command of insurgents on domestic soil. Some in the actual military fit into this category as well, other Mark Milleys and no one knows how numerous they are.
The hell unleashed by leftist terrorist attacks is the chaos the left needs to engulf the people. Be wise, be calm and vigilant. Be ready to shrug off the racist epithets, that’s a transparent ploy that no longer holds the weight it once did. Focus on that which can be achieved and let internal arguments take place as they naturally should. Neither Trump nor any of the others can succeed where the people turn against them and they’re starting to feel that pressure already. It will work itself out.
The threat is closer to home than Washington D.C. It will be in neighborhoods, shopping centers and anywhere Americans gather. Good guys with guns will be more important than ever. In fact, this is the purpose of training and understanding rules of engagement in one’s area. I hate to say it, but as these attacks become more frequent, their style and mode will become more familiar and easier to detect before they come to the last, most dangerous phase. Had someone been in position to stop the New Orleans shooter before he got out of the pickup, a lot of lives would have been saved.
Your world is now a warzone, don’t forget who brought it to you.
Avoid crowds. Carry everywhere. Drink your Ovaltine.
Someone pointed out that the white pickup used in the New Orleans attack was being filmed before the attack. By a camera that was following it as it approached Bourbon Street. By whom?
Behavioral Assessment Unit
This was obviously a statement against Donald Trump AND Elon Musk!
You can’t believe a damn thing that’s going on right now. How is it that the body is so badly burned it’s unrecognizable, the Desert Eagle is almost melted, but two paper I.D.s survive. Never seen the fibbies so talkative.
The Mohammed Atta passport trick!
a 10 group team sgt, and his bomb is a batch of fireworks, what? really? who’s trying to kid whom?
Pay attention. The narrative is -- military veterans are the real terrorists.