The American Embassy Is Under Attack by “Friendlies”

Does CNN have any credibility left? I doubt that there has ever been a worse report than the tweet above.

David DeGerolamo

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Elder Son
3 years ago

The entire U.S. trained Afghan Army folded and abandoned U.S. Military hardware to the Taliban. Thousands of Afghan men run without taking up arms.
That is all.

Sumora Yabizness
Sumora Yabizness
3 years ago

Old boy behind her trying to decide if she’s going to get raped on camera or not.

3 years ago

Chanting “Death to America” But they Seem Friendly? That’s Right up there with “peaceful Protest” While standing in front of a burning Building…. CNN Sucks and it will never be capable of doing anything else

3 years ago

A military that is woke is little more than just a joke…….and the whole world snickers. We are being seen as harmless to our enemies and treacherous to our friends (to paraphrase Bernard Lewis).

Now here is the real issue that we should focus on: Will the USA beat the USSR’s record of lasting a mere 35 months from departure from Absurdistan to its economic and political meltdown?

Anybody want to set up a pool? 

I’ll go Fifty smackers on 30 months…..

3 years ago

We never should have engaged in nation-building in that area. Islam and democracy don’t mix! If a lowly Pvt E-1 could see that in A-stan, why couldn’t the morons in the think tanks who came up with this bullshit? The blood is on their hands. When I was in Vietnam many moons ago, it didn’t take long for me to realize that war was just a fucking business, nothing else.

3 years ago
Reply to  X-Beast

I agree 100%
Now what the hell do we do with the masses of radical we already have here? This 9/11 be wise brother’s and sister’s. God bless

3 years ago

“WNU Editor: This B-52 attack was not approved at the last moment. This means that at-least six to seven A-29B Super Tucano attack aircraft are now in the hands of the Taliban! 
My biggest fear is that the Taliban may have in their possession an arsenal of anti-aircraft missiles. If they give these weapons to their Al Qaeda allies …. WOW!!!!! …. nothing but worse case scenarios come to my mind.”

3 years ago

The U.S. has reached a deal with the Taliban to ensure that evacuations from Kabul’s airport can take place without interference from the group, according to a report by The Associated Press.
The deal was reached in talks in Doha, Qatar, between senior Taliban officials and Gen. Frank McKenzie. 
The two sides apparently agreed to a “deconfliction mechanism” in which operations at the airport in Kabul are permitted to continue without interference from the Taliban.

gail jansen
gail jansen
3 years ago

CNN is a perversion of almost everything. Haven’t watched since 9/11.
I, as many of us, had troops who were called up hastily, that I have a close affinity for.
I firmly believe that Biden signed a deal with the Chinese and that is why he and his mouth pieces ran away quickly. The 82nd & 101st were called up and are in Afghanistan now which is not being mentioned. From my sources, ALL (how many tens of thousands is that?) of these troops are there. Hmmm. Could these troops have been sent into an impossible situation to die? Perhaps eliminating the most CCP-resistant and American loyal fighters in Miley’s Army? Wouldn’t that leave the US relatively defenseless if the Homeland is attacked in quick succession? Wouldn’t that make the US fearful & humiliated, especially if China takes credit for having fought with the Taliban (which they did and are) and claim this as their military superiority over the US?
Some analysts say this entirely over the poppy fields which are now Chinese booty. But I am suggesting this was the means to hurry the destruction of the US because the resistance to the vax & lack of gun confiscation by Biden has not happened fast enough. If the 82nd & 101st are decimated in the kill box that has been created, this will be bigger that Viet Nam. This will also be the blood that feeds what is left of the Tree of Liberty.
I am mortified for our men & women and I beg you to pray for them.

3 years ago

Who believes that our weapons were left in Afghanistan by “accident.” I do not. I think Obama has a huge hand in this and he is a Muslim and supports their cause. This could be another Crusade for an Islamic Caliphate.