The Argument Over the Greatness of America

NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo says America “was never that great”. A typical Deep State response to divide and conquer the country. Is America great? Not after the Bush/Clinton/Bush/Obama reign of destruction. Was America great? Ask the world’s greatest heroes returning from WWII. Meghan McCain’s attack on the President is not based in fact and is a petty attempt to raise up her father’s image. As I wrote earlier, this is a tactic used by the Deep State to destroy our country. But my opinion does not matter. The people who voted Donald Trump for President felt that its greatness could be restored. And he has done an incredible job in a very short time frame.

As 48% of the country support the President’s plan to make America great again, I suggest you keep track of the people who do not want to restore our country’s image, power and economy. The Deep State took root after Ronald Reagan. It is a testimony to the Constitution that we did not collapse after Obamanation. Taxing a nation’s people to increase political power only leads to one end: tyranny.

David DeGerolamo

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