The Arkancide Will Continue…

stilton’s place, stilton, political, humor, conservative, cartoons, jokes, hope n’ change, 2020, candidates, Hillary
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6 years ago

One of motivations behind the media’s turn against men, as in the Me Too push, is to condition the Sheeple into choosing female candidates over males.

I see that as a way to indirectly attack Billary to keep her from running because of Slick Willie’s sexual assaults. Me Too! Movement preaching that women must be believed hurts Billary because she is now tarred with Bill’s peccadillos.

Then the turning against white men arises or appears more strongly than ever before….. so I ask myself why now & who is to benefit????

The ulterior motive IMHO is to set the foundation for running Moochelle The Tranny as Demo candidate for Prez….

Just watch and see how things work out.

Doesnt everyone hope my ideas are totally wrong???

Well, I certainly do !