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- TakeAHardLook on Hamas Deadline
- GenEarly on Armed Checkpoints in Ohio
- Mike harris on Armed Checkpoints in Ohio
- GenEarly on Armed Checkpoints in Ohio
- 173dVietVet on Armed Checkpoints in Ohio
There is no rule of law at this point, it is at the end of a barrel of the gun, it is what they say it is. The color revolution that took place in 2020 has solidified their power, there is only one option left to us and it is not a peaceful option.
The Constitution the everyone loves to talk about is DEAD folks period, the end.
Guy should have been selling Fentanyl to kids. He would’ve been hailed a hero by the left and invited to the White House.
Mr. Finley is correct. Check out the quote from a recent Tri-Lateral Commission celebration:
Reserve Bank Launches Phase One of CBDC This July
The pilot started the first week of 04/2023. If we don’t stop FEDNOW, the US Treasury will be replaced by the parasitic not “federal” central bank cartel calling itself the Federal Reserve… on all payments from the US government to the citizens.
Insanely ignorant congressional staffers think that this is a payment system upgrade to blockchain technology. They have no idea that the promise of block chain tech is being massively co-opted by the satanic global central banking financial elite.
If you don’t understand blockchain, watch:
The BlockChain Psyop by James Corbett on
Mr. Corbett’s documentary about the ‘fed’: A Century of Enslavement was google search suppressed immediately.
We need everyone in NC to start carrying their own water and call these bought off, mind-controlled political reps and educate them and their staffers as to what is really going on here.
Anybody watching Mayor of Kingstown? The star Jeremy Renner was almost taken out for exposing the level of blackmail in the federal justice departments and FBI.
Thank you 60GigaHertz, How far we have fallen, eyes to see and ears to hear. They are the offspring of their father, the father of the lie, there is only one way to reconcile our differences now in my opinion.
“Show me the man, I’ll show you the crime.”-Lavrentiy Beria
There is no rule of law any longer so why abide federal and state dictates when they are the biggest law breakers. Don’t adhere to anything and don’t be fearful of them just get rid of them when you need to. They count on you being fearful of them that is called slavery to there fake laws that are made up in there fake court system where all the true laws are changed with lies and deceptions
At a minimum, there’s been been no “rule of law” since the Articles of Confederation were done away with, and most certainly since (s)Election Day 1859 & April 1861. None at all.
They did that guy so, so wrong!! He was always dissing the ATF and they got his a$$ big time. Our govt and our country is a hot mess joke anymore. Shameful.