The Barnhardt Axiom

The Barnhardt Axiom:

The fact that a given person is holding or even seeking high-level public office is, in and of itself, proof that said person is morally and/or psychologically UNFIT to hold public office.


So, who said the following? I’ll give you forty-seven guesses:

1) “I probably identify more as Democrat.”

2) “I’ve been around for a long time. And it just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats than the Republicans.”

3) “Nancy — you’re the best. Congrats. [signature]”
—Handwritten note to Speaker Nancy Pelosi

4) “Bush is probably the worst president in the history of the United States.”

5) “I’m totally pro-choice.”

6) “I want to see the abortion issue removed from politics. I believe it is a personal decision that should be left to the women and their doctors.”

7) “I’m very liberal when it comes to health care. I believe in universal health care.”



h/t WRSA

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9 years ago

TRUMP the “OUTSTANDING” -- illegal aliens you want to give a “Merit System” have…

Before an illegal alien receives his/her first paycheck or cash payment, they have committed some 26 Federal, State and Local laws.
1. They conspire to cross the border illegally. (1 count)
2. They hire a coyote or are provided passage by a Drug Cartel in exchange for guided passage into the USA. (1 count)
3. They cross the Border with a coyote and in many cases smuggle drugs. (1 count)
4. They travel, illegally, to their destination or to a destination determined by their “smuggler.” (1 count)
5. They obtain fraudulent documents via identity theft, or via manufactured documents….driver license, green card, social security card, birth certificate (each count a felony). (4 counts)
6. They look for work using these documents. (1 count)
7. They fill out work documents falsely, i.e., Federal and State IRS forms, SSN forms, Immigration forms, Workers comp. forms (each a separate felony. (6 counts)
8. They drive on our roads without a legal license, registration, insurance. (3 counts)
9. They get paid via check or under the table, thus conspiring with the employer to defraud the government(s) via the use of false documents. (2 counts)
10. They open bank accounts via the use of false documents in violation of Federal Law and the Patriot Act. (2 counts)
11. They obtain housing via the use of false documents. (1 count)
12. They obtain a car or truck via the use of false documents. (1 count)
13. They obtain healthcare via the use of false documents. (1 count)
14. They secure public service benefits via the use of false documents – food, housing, healthcare, etc. (3 + counts)

At a minimum this list shows that they commit at least 28 crimes of identity theft, conspiracy, obtaining false documents making false statements, fraud, violation of Federal and State and Local laws, etc.


The above list correctly demonstrates that they are not simply in violation of our laws just for crossing the Border, they are in violation for multiple misdemeanor and criminal acts in just a very short period of time and they continue to compound their violations via the passage of time, via falsification of documents, false statements, perjury and the list goes on.