The Barrel Will Be Hot – T.L. Davis

TLDavisEvidence mounts that the federal government is corrupt and is operating outside the Constitution. I might write about it. Others might write about it. But when Sheriffs across the land increasingly vocalize their resistance to unconstitutional laws; when states pass legislation to refuse to comply with federal restrictions on guns, we are not just a bunch of nuts whining about gun laws.

The federal government, particularly Barack Obama and Eric Holder might want to pay attention here. They are losing the PR battle when it comes to the Second Amendment. Instead of making the supporters of the Second Amendment look like nuts who just want to kill people, they are convincing the other half of the nation that the government is full of nuts who just want to kill people.

It wasn’t so long ago when those of us in the patriot/liberty community spoke about resistance we were shrugged off. When we spoke of unconstitutional laws we were ignored. When we called out the President and the Attorney General as Marxists who wanted to disarm the American people to force their collectivist policies on people we were shouted down as unreasonable and delusional.


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